
23 - Saving the Day

At four thirty Maisey climbed in her truck with an overnight bag and followed Anna home. Brett had recognized the signs, the group of rowdy, drunk cowboys--and yes, by four thirty they were drunk--was overwhelming for her. Anna would stay with her for a while and get her settled at the house she shared with Andy.

So far there were fourteen potential buyers, and more than half that number had never been to Blindloss before, the rest were local cowboys who had come by to check out the stock and were treating this like a retirement party for Ned. Ned was strutting like a peacock, introducing Brett to the men as the new owner and telling them that he was retiring and leaving everything to his nephew. Each man had brought at least one person with him. There were 5th wheels and campers parked in front of the barns and the local motel was full. More than once Brett heard himself respond to comments of "well now son, your uncle speaks highly of you, are you going to give us a run for our money and turn this place into a major player?"

He felt like he was walking on a cloud, but even he found it overwhelming. It was the ranch hands and owners that he was meeting: he was shaking hands with some of the biggest ranch owners in the province. Getting advice and hearing stories. One thing he learned quickly: every ranch in the province had started small, he was just lucky that he had the financial ability to do what he needed to do.

Adelaine had been told to prepare for ten plus guests and seeing the crowd and the vehicles pulling in she was glad to have over prepared. She was worried about the next day and went into the house to make phone calls.

"You want how much chicken salad? Addie, that's insane!" Maisey heard Anna on the phone in the living room, "Are you kidding? I don't even know if I have enough supplies for that." she was quiet, "I thought Brett said they only invited about 8 people? Ned's a sweetheart, I can't believe he did that! I'll make up as much as I can and I'll put Maisey to work too. Do you have anything put up at home you want me to go pick up?...Sure...okay." She hung up the phone. "Apparently we left just in time." She told her friend. "Addie says that Ned called up the Ranching Association president and told him he was retiring, the president just turned up and told Ned that half the association was coming to wish him well and to meet Brett." Maisey paled, "You'll be fine here, but Addie doesn't think there's going to be enough food. She said they're already into the meat they'd put up for lunch tomorrow."

Maisey cursed and pulled herself together, "What does she need us to do?"

"Gallons of my chicken salad for sure, and any breads or buns we can make. She's calling some of the other ladies in town."

"Will the store still be open?" Maisey started to ask and then realized Anna was already on the phone. "Great, we'll be there shortly." She hung up, "Good news, there was still someone at the store, they're going to let us come in and help get the food we need."

Maisey shook her head, "That's inefficient, give me a list, I'll go to the store, you get started on cooking chicken and setting dough to rise." She put her hands on her hips, when it looked like Anna was going to argue, "Annabelle Tucker if you think I'm going to cower in a corner and play possum when my friends need help you've got another thing coming. I've got a lot of crap going on and keeping busy helps." Anna laughed and found a pen and paper to start writing. List in hand Maisey left for the store while she was pulling frozen chicken of any type out of the freezer.

Maisey hadn't been to the store since she got back so she hadn't seen the damage. Driving around to the loading area in the early evening she was still able to see piles of rubble and debris. Inside wasn't much better. The owner of the shop looked exhausted and was sitting on an over turned bucket outside when she got there.

"I'm Maisey," she introduced herself, "Anna sent me."

"Lois," the other woman got up, "I couldn't believe when she told me what was happening, I already pulled out the rotisserie chicken I was going to use up tomorrow, it'll be good for her to use up, but I'm afraid I don't have many other chickens left."

"No problem," Maisey calculated, she'd been making a mental list on her way over. It was common for Luke to show up at home and declare there was a party coming to feed. She found ways then and she'd find ways to help her new family. "I'll start filling the cart, with other items since you've got that already." She moved through the isles picking up bags of pepperoni and blocks of cheese, all the presliced meats she could find and a couple chubs of ham, jars of salsa made by one of the local women and bags of tortilla chips. Next she grabbed loaves of bread and flour wraps, romaine lettuce, croutons, mayonaise and other condiments, multiple containers of cream cheese, garlic, brown sugar and boxes of crackers. Adding disposable platters and plates to the cart Maisey decided she was done.

It took three carts to get everything she needed. She helped scan and pack the items into boxes so they could be loaded into her truck and paid the woman using the ranch bank card that Brett had insisted she carry. The exhausted grocer waved from the back door before locking up for the night.

Anna came out as soon as Maisey pulled in and started pulling boxes from the truck. In the house Maisey saw that Anna had cleared counters and table and found another table somewhere to set up. Lucas was there with her as well and when he finished rigging up sawhorses with a board on it he shoed Maisey out of the way to get the last of the boxes. "My mom's baking squares and cookies up," he told them, "I'm headed from here to Medicine Hat for more beer, but I thought I'd come see if there was anything else you need in case I find a grocery store open."

"Yes," Maisey said, "If you do then get 14 bottles of gingerale, 3 bottles of grenadine--you'll find that in the drink mix isle--12 cans of frozen orange juice and 3 cartons of pineapple juice. I've got a recipe for a non-alcoholic punch I'll put together." She started sorting groceries, "Has anyone thought to call the diner to see if we can use their fridges and to see if they can put ice in barrels for us tomorrow?"

Anna rounded on her, confused, "For what?"

Maisey smiled, "Lucas is on his way to get beer, but last I heard cowboys don't like their beer warm. If you layer the ice and the beer it will keep it cold--like putting fish on ice. The fridge would be so that we can keep all this food cold until tomorrow." Anna continued to gape at her while Lucas laughed, Maisey shrugged, "Last minute parties were kind of a thing with my ex, I learned to adapt and where to get what I needed in short order."

"You're hired," Lucas chuckled, "Just call me if you need anything else ladies," he kissed Anna on the cheek and headed out the door.

"Alright Miss Caterer," Anna chuckled, "What is all this?"

"You worry about the chicken salad and the buns, Lois gave you all the pre-cooked chicken they had as well so you should be able to get started, I'll get to work on all of this. When we're done we should have a ton of finger food, salads, plus whatever else Adelaine has pulled together with the other women.

Anna wasn't sure what to think but nodded and watched her friend get to work organizing platters and ingredients and the set to work preparing the chicken for the oven.

Maisey started with the garlic and cream cheese. She pressed garlic and mixed it with the cream cheese into a bowl, covered it and put it in the fridge to set. Next Anna saw her flatten and lay out rows of bread. She took a rolling pin from one of Anna's drawers and rolled it flatter. She layered cream cheese with cucumber, sliced meats and cheeses and rolled them tight. Once she was done rolling she lined them up and sliced them, artfully arranging them on platters.

It was three in the morning when Maisey and Anna placed the last platter in the fridge at Linda's diner.

Maisey was too tired to dream. She slept easy for the first time without Brett nearby. A phone ringing woke her, she picked it up without looking at it, "How are you," Brett's voice came through the phone.

"Sleepy," Maisey muttered at him, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing," he said, "I just wanted to check on you." He didn't want to tell her that he was awake because he couldn't sleep anymore because he was worried about her.

"What time is it?"

"Four thirty," he told her, "I have to make my own breakfast this morning, you're not here and Addie is passed out on the couch, she was making noise out here until about an hour ago."

"Anna and I just got home an hour ago," she told him, "We were helping Addie rescue your food situation."

"What food situation?" He paused. "What's wrong with the food?"

"Nothing," Maisey chuckled sleepily, realizing Addie hadn't told him, "There just isn't enough with all the extra people, we've been cooking up a storm."

"She didn't say anything to me."

Maisey yawned, "Lucas drove all the way to Medicine Hat for more beer." She closed her eyes, "Have a good morning Brett, sleepy time now."