
Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

A man is reincarnated in the Mass Effect Universe. At first, he was kinda scared about the possibility of dying to the Reapers, or other dangers across the huge galaxy. But, he persevered and, after making friends with Shepard and the crew, won the final battle. He was happy and thrilled about the possibilities of his new life after the war. But, on the day he turned 28 years old, he returned back in time, to when he was a baby. He was confused and mortified by the weird situation, but, our MC didn't let that shake his confidence. So, he tackled the plot of the game once more. But, again, after he turned 28, he returned in time. He finally had to admit to himself he was trapped in some sort of time loop but decided to continue ahead with his life(s). The problem was, this didn't happen just once. 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, 5 times... 9 times. It slowly changed him, to the point he lost the will to try after a few cycles. He realized what he was doing was meaningless, because no matter what he did, the changes he made, nothing mattered, as he would be thrown back in time anyway. So, he deviated from the plot and started to study a variety of things and he didn't care about the fate of the galaxy anymore. In those subsequent loops, he managed to become a master/expert in a lot of things, but the time loop never changed, and the MC started to lose hope of living a normal life. But, after the 9 loop, he felt something different from the other cycles! Perhaps this is his final one? Follow along and watch our MC conquer the whole galaxy, fighting the dangers inside it, and possibly getting a few girls along the way! --- Release schedule: 3 chapters a week (Monday, Wednesday and Saturday), as long as I have enough chapters in stock. Otherwise, 2 chapters per week (Wednesday and Saturday) Minimum of 1,500 words per chapter --- I do not own any of the characters I found the Image on the internet Also posted on RR and SH --- This is a fanfic written by a newbie, so there will be various grammar errors scattered across it. So please, bear with me!

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98 Chs

52 – A Broken Shadow (3)

By the time the Yagh and Samael returned to the Shadow Broker's main room, things were a little bit tense. Tali and Liara were still looking at the huge computer and all the information the Shadow Broker had collected over the years, both frowning as the documents were read.


The small army was also still on standby, and the tortured people - now liberated, were also waiting. Clare was doing her best to help those in critical condition.


It was a mess.


' Let's sort this out right now.'


Samael coughed out loud, gathering everyone's attention, '' Those tortured will be sent to the Citadel and the soldiers ... we already discussed this earlier, and now it's time to make a decision. Those who still want to work with the Shadow Broker are allowed to stay as the pay will increase. Those who want to leave can do so too. But, I'm sure you know what will happen if you told others about what happened here...''


While not explicitly saying, those present knew that Samael and his crew were from LD, as they spoke about it in front of the small army. Meaning they knew the Shadow Broker now was under LD. 


They also knew the consequences of telling the galaxy about this. Anyone could notice the hidden threat. 


'' Now. Choose.'' As soon as Samael said that, about 70% of the small army came forward. One person, who looked like their representative came even closer.


'' ... Are you really from LD?'' The representative asked just in case, but he was 90% sure it was. No one was crazy enough to impersonate LD... or attack the Shadow Broker's main base and kill the figure.


'' Yes.'' Samael didn't deny nor he tried to hide it.


'' Can you guarantee our protection? How much is the pay increase?''


The representative and Samael then started to speak business. 10 minutes later, both parts were satisfied.


'' It was a pleasure to be working with you!'' The representative was more than happy now. The small army now had increased pay, no chance of being killed just because the Shadow Broker was bored, and those who had family could also bring them here.

But the representative didn't recommend the last part, as they literally work for the Shadow Broker, a figure in danger most of the time. Of course, no one attacked them until now, as the ship was hidden, but LD just proved to them how easy it was to infiltrate the ship.

If their families were here, things would get more complicated for them.


'' Likewise.'' Samael didn't need those people, but he made sure to buy their loyalty.


While 70% of the army decided to stay, the rest didn't. Samael said while looking at them, '' You will be given a ride with the injured. Again, if I were to know anyone said anything about what happened here..''


Some gulped but stay still. They had gone through some dark times working for the Shadow Broker and while this new one might seem okay at the beginning, who could say he wasn't like the old one.


Since no one moved, it meant that their decision was final.


So, Samael moved the injured and those who chose not to work for him to another place. In the main room, only those from SSV Phoenix and the small army were there.


Samael nodded at them and started speaking, '' I killed your old employer and now, I will replace it. '' He pointed at the Yagh, '' I have no idea what his name is, but this is the new Shadow Broker.''


Murmurs started among those who stayed, and a few were regretting it.


'' We already negotiated the terms. the pay will be good and there will be more personnel arriving to protect the Shadow Broker and in proxy, you.'' Samael wasn't dumb and knew that money wasn't something absolute in this line of work. So, he would bring 30 people from LD, incorporate them into the small army then protect the ship.


Anyway, no one who accepted to stay left after learning who the new Shadow Broker was. The pay was too good.


After a few more words, the small army was dismissed and the Shadow Broker, Samael, and the crew were the only ones remaining in the room.


Liara and Tali were still fixed on the computer, learning everything they could. The things they saw there weren't nice but they were doing their best to learn. Samael didn't interrupt both because he knew they should see what the galaxy really looked like. 


RR and EDI had almost finished downloading all the information the Shadow BRoker had. Miranda had followed Clare and the others, as she had no way of helping her.


Also, only 30 minutes have passed since Samael killed Tela and the Shadow Broker and took over the ship, but the call waiting information didn't stop. It was time to put the new figure on the spot, otherwise, things might get complicated.


Samael then approached the Shadow Broker, '' Do you have any question for me?''


'' Why me?'' The Yagh was confused. His species was aggressive, even he is, so it made no sense this puny person put him in charge of such a big network.


'' ... Call it fate. Just don't mess with me and you're good.''


For the next 5 minutes or so, and with the call still coming, Samael explained how things would go to the Yagh and the status of the galaxy. He explained about the Reapers, the Protheans, what they did, etc.


When the info dump ended, he continued.


'' First things first, if anyone wants information about LD, you have to say to us first. We don't mind selling information, but ask for more money.''



Before the Yagh could say anything, Samael continued. '' Information about the Reapers, Protheans, Leviathan, and forgotten species is very important. You can put special attention on those.''


'' I don't really care to who you sell things, but I want information about slaver and evil organizations when they enter in contact with you.''


'' Besides that, you are free to do whatever you want. Do you understand?''


The Yagh nodded.


'' Good. One last thing.'' Samael came closer to the Yagh, and the difference in height became apparent. Still, it was the Yagh who was intimidated, '' Do not betray me. I will kill you if you do so. Do you got it?''


'' Yes.''


Samael nodded at the Shadow Broker, '' You can now live your life. Other than what I said, you're free to do whatever you want.''


The Yagh eyes shone. It now had an opportunity to grow. Of course, he was still a subordinate but he was also a large figure within the galaxy scheme.


The Shadow Broker then turned on the diffuse program the old one had and started accepting calls. It now had all the information it needed to do its job.


Tali and Liara finally got out of the computer as the figure was now working, but their eyes were dark. They saw the ugly side of the galaxy and discovered a lot of nasty things.


Samael approached both, '' ... How about a drink after we returned to the ship?''


'' I would appreciate that.''


'' Me too.''


Both need a drink to process the information.


'' Good. Let's leave this place.'' He had already done everything he came to do.

Killed the old Shadow Broker, put a new one in its place, took all information it had, and made sure RR was infiltrated deeply into the network so that the new Shadow Broker could not even begin to think of rebelling.

He really didn't like the place so he wanted to leave as soon as possible.


Samael went to the other room, grabbed Miranda, Clare, RR, and EDI drone and android forms, and returned to the SSV Phoenix. An LD ship will arrive shortly to take the injured and those who wanted to leave, to the Citadel.


It was the least Samael could do to them.


After entering the SSV Phoenix, Samael immediately called Jason, as he needed to push things forward right now. He had made a promise to go against the slavers and evil organization and he mentioned a new LD headquarters, away from Earth.


It was time to build it.


'' Hello?'' Jason's voice comes through.


'' Jason, my friend. How are you? Are you still on the planet I sent you?''


'' Boss! I'm good thanks for asking. And yes, me and my boys are still here, why do you ask?''


'' It's like this ... I need you to stay there a bit longer.''


Jason's face dropped in the call, '' How long?''


'' Until you finish the construction of this.'' Samael sent Jason the blueprint of all the facilities he wanted to build on that planet. As it was to be a new HQ for LD, it was safe to say the magnitude of the Project was huge. It was a thing for half a year to 2 years.


Jason looked at the project and almost fainted. It would take a long time to be built and he wasn't sure if he was up for the job. So, he tried to plead with Samael, '' Boss, please! Me and my boys were traumatized by the experience! We can't be here for that much longer.''


'' LD already dealt with the Thresher Maw nest, so don't worry. Do you need anything more to make you stay?''


Jason knew he was losing, so he tried more, '' Me and my boys miss our families, so if you could send others....''


'' Oh, is that the problem? Simple, we will send your family to you guys. LD will provide the children with education, you guys already made the housing, so just choose the ones you like the most, and we will provide a lot more funds to you. Also, we can send more workers too''


The money talk made Jason light up, '' ... How much are we talking here?''


Samael smiled. Money is one of the best ways to solve things, '' 10.000.000 Credits to be divided among your men if you complete the project in a half year. 5.000.000 if you complete it in one year.''


Jason's hesitation was gone. He also knew his men would be the same. Think about it, it was almost like a vacation. Sure they had to work, but with their families here, things were doable.


So, as being the boss of his men, Jason nodded at Samael, '' When do you want us to start?''


This was a huge project, not the magnitude of Andromeda but close. Besides, Samael wanted it to be the best, so sending the material would take some time.


'' Rest for a week then you can start when the material arrives. Also, communicate with the LD personnel there, talking about your families and explaining it was under my orders. They will settle things for you guys.''


'' Sure, boss! See you later.''


'' Bye, Jason.''


The call ended and Samael officially dealt with another problem. Before heading to the bar, to talk with Liara and Tali, he sent a few files to some people he knew.


Samael knew that to win against those in power, like the government, he needed the public's help. If he wanted to go after those evil organizations, he also needed to make sure the public knew LD was on the good side.


So, he sent some own personal files he had, the ones about dirty politicians, and some he gathered from the Shadow Broker computer, to 3 reporters. He sent them anonymously, but he mentioned LD was going after those evil people.


What they would do with that information was on them, but he was sure they would publish it. And when they did, LD would have the population on its side and things would get easier for them to act.




Samael then headed to the bar, to talk with Tali and Liara.


When he arrived there, both were already drinking, with Tali always using the compartment in her suit to drink.


Samael didn't like that, but the quarian pill was 'almost' made. He was thinking of just making a prototype for her but pushed the thought aside for now.


He sat down, and both noticed, but no one said anything. The girls were lost in their own thoughts.


Tali was raised in the Migrant Fleet, a place where she literally lived with only Quarians. Her perception of life was a little bit broken by that and what she saw wasn't nice.


Most of those slaves were humans or Batarians, but there were some Quarians too. And, as they were already a weak species, Tali saw a lot of death in her people. Preventable death.


So, she was sad and angry at her own weakness, but there was nothing much she could do to change what was happening. She could only hope LD would keep its promise.


Liara was the same. She was raised by her mother, a Matriarch, being sheltered too much. That was one of the reasons she chose to become a prothean expert because it gave her the excuse to be traveling across the galaxy, see new things, and hopefully, catch Prothean Relics.


Too much changed in too little time Liara, and after seeing what she saw, she was mad at herself. She knew she could do better if she focused, but she chose to go away, chasing ghosts.


But, her mentality was slowly but surely changing. For better or for worse, only time will tell.

Again, just like with Veronica, John and Miranda earlier, Samael saw himself in them. They wanted to be better but had no idea how to start. Luck for them, he knew how.


'' ... Ladies, do you want power?'' 


Tali and Liara looked at him, '' What do you mean?''


'' Believe it or not, one day I was in the same situation as you both. Desperate, I realized my own weakness. Do you know how I got out of that situation?''


Both girls looked at him, waiting for his response.


'' I fought back against my own self. In the end, I won and I became the better version of myself. If you allow me, let me help you both to become the best version of yourself.''


Samael was going to personally train both, just like he was doing with Veronica and John. He also knew Liara learned a bit from Javik on how to use her biotic powers, and if she really wanted more, she could ask Miranda and Jack, as both were Javik's oldest students.


'' Let me show you how you can face the galaxy and smile at the danger it throws at you.''


No hesitation was seen on the girl's face. 


'' I'm in.''


'' Me too.''


Samael smiled at them, '' Even though you are both cute, I will not go easy on both. Prepare yourself for hell.''


Tali reacted a bit weirdly to that statement, '' How can you call me cute when you didn't even see my face?''


Samael knew Tali had a complex with her appearance, thanks to her being in a suit her entire life. He also knew she loved being praised. '' I don't really care about your appearance, I only care about you. You can be a Yagh behind the mask, and I still would find you cute.''


Tali snorted remembering the Yagh face. '' Yeah, yeah.''


'' I have no reason to lie to you.'' Samael was honest.


Liara just smiled seeing both interactions. She felt a little attracted to Samael, but for now, that was the extent of what she felt.


The trio continued talking until sleep came for them.



When Samael woke the next day, he decided it was time for a member of his family to be 'made'.


Using his new 'employee' network, Samael got the number of a very specific Krogan and called him.


'' Hello? Who is this? How did you get my number?'' A grumpy voice started a barrage of questions.


Samael was accustomed to the Krogan way of speaking, so he didn't mind it one bit. '' Hello, Okeer. We never met but I know you and what you're doing as of now. Cure and Genophage ring a bell to you?''


Warlord Okeer was, just like LD, working to find a cure for the Genophage. Only, his research would lead him to an unexpected path and he would end up creating Grunt in the future. Right now, the Krogan should be at the beginning of his research, so it was 'easy' to approach the subject.


Of course, as working on a genophage cure was a secret, no one should know.


So it made sense to Okeer respond with a violence-toned voice, '' ...Who are you?''


'' A friend. And I have an offer you can't refuse.''


Okeer was silent for a few seconds, '' Say it.''


Samael smirked, as he knew he got the Krogan.


'' Have you ever thought of working for LD....''

We didn't hit 300 stones, but here's the extra chapter anyway!

Thanks for the support!

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