
Till' Death Do As Apart

Kurzed · Fantasia
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3 Chs

2 Chapter 1-My Existence?

It's dark....and cold, It feels like winter.

Wait! What is winter?...

Never mind!

Where am I?...

When I woke up, I was lying on the floor with a torn black hood with a long bladed scythe.

I was roaming around on this unknown world,

then I suddenly felt the strong breeze passes through me.

I saw a bridge nearby as soon as I take a single step on the bridge, a voice whisper to my ears.

"Its dangerous you need to fall back!"

Who's there?! My instincts kicked in swinging my scythe in different directions. Who's there? show your self!

"Dont be afraid. Im here to help you."

Then the ghost appears besides me saying,

you can't walk here, find another way.

Ahhhhhhh! don't suddenly appear like that without notice!

Im sorry, im sorry. the ghost said while laughing.

My name's Ad. How about you? won't you mind telling me your name?

Ohhh Im sorry, My name is...my name is....

"my mind is in state of vagueness. I can't remember."

Oh you must be in a state of vagueness. 'Ad said.'

Won't you mind a little walk?

I followed Ad, as I notice that Ad is only staying on the shade of the walls, I was curious and suddenly ask.


'Yeah.' Ad replied

Why are you lurking in the shades? come out there is more plenty room in here.

I pass. The sun rays wont let me be HAHAHA!

My mind filled with more curiosity when Ad replied.

What! the sun's ray wont let you? stop kidding and move your butt over here!

I will show you. Ad said with pale looking face.

As Ad about to walk near me, the sunshines touches his skin.

Ad was burning and suddenly falls back driven into a corner like a child.

I felt my chest tighten for the first time, that was the first time i felt guilted. I force Ad to walk besides me and I ended up hurting him.

Ad are you ok? " I said "

Im....ok just a little sunburn, I be fine.

Wait! I will find some medicinal herbs, it should be around here somewhere.

I said im fine because, Im a ghost you know, physical affection won't do anything. Ad said while smiling.

I know but I will tr...y, you're a ghost! I shouted.

Yeah, that's why i only walks on shady area. " " " Ad replied "

How did you go in that state? I said with curiosity.

Im a villager once in this city, but after the Escelipe invasion, the house was burning, me and my family tried to escape but it was to....too late, my two sweet little daughters was caught on fire, my wife was being raped! In front of me and killed on the spot when they finished, I...I was there! I was there but I can't do anything, I tried to resist but it was too late. My family died in front of me, I was hopeless at that time. The next day they publicly tortured me until I collapse and die.

So here am I now just a ghost with lingering regrets. Ad said with an angry face while crying.

As I listen to his story. I feel the pain that Ad experience, it was rough and full of regrets,

it feels like i was Ad, that i am the one who is in that state.

But thanks for listening to my story, I felt better now.

Then a voice suddenly said.

[ You have Acquired an Unique Skill: Pain Split ] CONGRATULATIONS!

I was furious and frustrated at the same time hearing that voice, it sound so lovely.

Why are you shocked? Ad questioned while sobering.

I hear some angelic voice clear and loudly. I replied.

It must be the voice of god.

The voice of what?

The voice of god! It will give you really important things to achieve greater heights.

Try to appraise your skill, and you can see what is the skill is all about.

I try to appraise my skill, and word by word suddenly popping out in my eyes.

" It said that the [ Unique Skill: Pain Split ] you can experience the tragedy of the sharer when you listen to his darkest moments of his/her life. You will lift some burdens he/she carries, but the sharer will feel the opposite. It will felt at ease when you listen to his/her stories."

Now I see why I felt the pain in Ad's experiences.

So, what is it? Ad said curiously.

Nahhhh its nothing, It said that everytime i listen I feel curious. " I replied "

I lied on Ad, I want it to be hidden for the time being.

I suddenly changed the subject, asking.

What are you gonna do now?

I dont know. " Ad replied"

Waiting for revenge, peace, roaming in this state, I-I don't know.

The night came, When Ad visit the grave of his family. I watched Ad from the distance as he cried, Shouting what did I do to deserve this, Ad came to me saying.

Let's go. We will find a way for you to escape this city.

Morning arrives, As I woke up Ad was burning.

Ad what are you doing! why did you go out?

" I said furiously"

" Ad replied with a smile " Don't you worry, I said I be fine right. A little sunbath won't hurt.

No! you must get out there, Please.

Oh I remember, you dont have a name right.

I shall name you hehehe.

My friend, Is Ad gonna be okay for you.

No! " I said "

As I about to reach Ad, Ad said to me.

Remember me Ad! Don't you ever forget about me, I will gonna visit my family now, I was happy to be with you, Live you're life Ad you will know when we meet again.

Suddenly Ad was turned into ashes. The wind blow the ashes as its flying through the sun,

Obviously I cried.

I traveled all alone. I stumbled upon a pack of elven wolves, As soon I walk near it, It suddenly attack me from nowhere.

They have rune's in there foreheads, Quick as a wind, And have a green fur.

I drew my scythe and aiming through his heart.

The scythe pierced through the wolf's body, and slowly dying. The wolf suddenly howls, one by one the wolves baby appeared approaching the wolf I stabbed, they were howling and trying to wake up the wolf that I killed.

That elven wolf was there mother, the baby wolves crying on despair because they knew that there mother was dead.

I simply ignored it, and passed through the wolf's body, suddenly I was thinking that, Ad was actually felt despair on his life, like just those baby elven wolves.

Life was unfair I know that, You can't control fate by your own will, the pain will help you grew right? My mind is confused because of curiosity, I questioned my self some rhetorical questions. Why pain exist, why suffer, if you can end you're life quickly as possible.

As I was thinking, the night approaches. I stumbled upon a city, it was large.

I came to the entrance and ask some questions to the guard on duty.

What is this place?

Huh? you don't know the great city of Porcina

aren't you.

Go to the guild it will tell you everything you need. " The guard said. "

I go to the guild as the guard said. As soon I open the door I felt malicious aura in the air, As i stumbled upon a girl covering his face with some black mask.

Hey³! What do we have here?

A little adventure wearing some torn clothes.

Suddenly she stare's at me like he was looking for something.

Oyyyy! It's pretty valuable. Little boy won't you mind if I borrow your clothes?

I nod my head saying. " I refuse. "

Ohhh. What a stubborn little child. " She replied. "

I was refused, me the great Elize. You're a quite naughty, aren't you?

As I walk pass by her he suddenly drew his fence. You got nerve brat, lets have some fun shall we.