
Chapter 03

"Where do you wanna go first, Bones?"

"Look, kid. I feel as if we got off on the wrong foot back there. Do you have a vendetta against me or something? If so, then I am truly sorry for whatever I may have…."

"Bones, if you're looking for forgiveness then keep searching. You're not the first too come here, and you'll not be the last. Until you prove your words, then I'll always look down.

Here you go, Mars. Home sweet home.

Wait, where is the….."

"Pin? It came loose and dropped. You know, you should really look into new pens. If your animals were at my tent then they would….."

"I don't want to hear it."

"But I wasn't going to…"

" I said no. Now keep up."

"Wait. Slow down. I'm not as young as you. Hold up."


"This is the giraffe cage. This is the goat cage. This is the lion cage. Over there is where we keep the small animals like dogs and cats. That is where we keep the sea creatures, and then over here is the..."

"Hezekiah, what do I have to do to prove my words?

Oof. Why'd you hand me a bucket? Smells funky."

"It's fish. Go feed the bears."


"Bears eat this stuff? It's not even cooked!!!"

"You don't feed your animals?"

"Not exactly. I'm the ringleader, not the lunchlady. My assistants do that part."

"You want to learn, right? Well, the first thing you need to know in building a friendship is what the other likes. If you don't, then you'll find yourself scaring them off for no reason."


Listen kid, I know that to build trust, one has to make the first step, even if it be the one who was not in the wrong."


"Sorry….I…let me rephrase. To show that I'm not bad, if your tent ever burned down then I would kindly give you money to build a new one."

"That's good, because it's true when I say I'd go through the fire with my animals. You'd have to…..pull one of us out of the ashes before thinking of taking any of us!!!!!!!!!"