

A young man in his mid-twenties dies and is reborn as Tienshinhan. He has not watched Dragon Ball Z and Super. He doesn’t even know that they exist. Constructive criticism only please. Do point out grammatical error and spelling mistakes. English is not my 1st language. So, it would be big help.

IamTienshinhan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Three eyed clan

Eyes are one of the most fascinating organ in human body. I only found this about after I was reborn as a baby. Two eyes would send same data to the brain and the brain would recognize it as one.

Unsurprisingly, even with my three eyes, it was the same case. However, the range of vision was wider.

This realization came to me when I was suddenly reborn as Tienshinhan.

Yes, He was my favorite character.

No, I didn't want to be born as him.

I had worked so hard to become an engineer. My job was good. So was my pay. I was living in my brothers home. So, all of my money went to savings. I was getting pussy. I just could not give up on so many things. I could have all those in this life too but there were few problems.

The biggest problem was that I had watched dragon ball when I was a toddler. I didn't know much about the show. Recently, I was forced to watch the show with my niece again because she would cry in front my elder brother if I touched the remote. I was not ready to confront my elder brother over this.

Yes, I loved her but she could be considered very manipulative for a child. I had missed many episodes because I had fallen asleep on couch but I had knowledge of major events.

Above all, I was gonna miss my perfect parents. I hoped that my elder brother took good care of them. I knew he would. He was the responsible one among two of us. Knowing that relieved me somehow. I was ready for dragon ball world.

I was a 3 month old baby now. I was crawling all day across the village. I was using my investigative skills to extract information from tribesmen. I had thought that people would find it weird that a 3 month baby was crawling but apparently, it was not uncommon for 3 month old babies from our tribe to be able to crawl on four limbs because we were supposedly much stronger than average humans. Our tribe was called 'Three-eyed tribe'. It had 134 members only. We lived deep inside the mountains and relied on farming.

Tribesmen didn't care about me crawling around the village because they had assumed that I was being supervised. But my mother was not impressed with me when she found me crawling around the village. She was a tall women with large musculoskeletal frame. She had a strict gaze. I could tell from her look that she was a strict but loving kind of person.

Next day, mother tied me to her back and carried me to our field. She placed me under a tree and ordered me to not move around too much. What I saw next horrified me. All the claims that I had heard about our tribe being stronger than normal humans seemed to be true. My mother casually tossed a boulder aside. It was at least a 50 kilograms stone from the looks of it.

That day my father arrived late to the farm because he had been leading the tribes hunting squad and he came to the farm carrying 150-200 kgs boar.

'No wonder Tienshinhan was so strong. He even won against Goku once. That's because his genes were extraordinary. Now that I am Tien Shinhan, I can fulfill my dream of becoming the strongest in the world. I can fulfill most of my dreams that I had in previous life.' I smirked.

My current life's father was a burly man standing at 7 feet. His name was Teintohidara. He was the strongest person in tribe and also captain of the hunting squad. I was relieved to find this information out because it would guarantee me steady food supply and the best genes possible from the tribe.

My first objective was to walk. To do that, I had to master 'The supreme art of crawling'. I crawled around our field. I estimated that I had crawled 1km on the 1st day at field. For a baby, 1 km was a large distance. I could have probably tried walking the very next day but I didn't. My short term mission was crawling 3 km in a day before trying to walk.

It was not difficult for me to estimate distance because I had been a engineer in my last life.

My mother always brought me along after the day I had been found out roaming the tribe. My skin color had become bronze due crawling in sun for whole day. I took take rests in between and drank milk from my cute looking nursing bottle. The nipple of the nursing bottle was probably made from animal skin because it was not transparent.

My appetite had grown because of constantly trying master the supreme art. So, My parents brought more milk. A child's body was rather adaptive because I didn't feel sore after tiring myself everyday.

I didn't force myself much. I only increased 100 meters per day. Therefore, I was able to reach my goal relative ease.

Unlike crawling, Walking was struggle. It was difficult to balance the centre of gravity. Although, I knew how to walk mentally, my body had to create muscle memory of walking. It took a lot for me to just stand up and balance myself. I slowly started taking baby steps. During my walking practice, I didn't fall down much because I carefully balanced my centre of gravity before taking another step.

I had expected that due to my adult mind, My learning phase of walking would be much shorter but boy was I wrong. It long a whole month for me to completely able to walk.

I decided to go through the 3 km challenge again and I slowly increased the distance by 100 meters per day.

One month later, I was done with my first objective in this life. I had mastered 'The divine art of walking'.

This was just the start of the journey.

One day, I was going to defeat Piccolo Jr - The last villain in this world.