

A young man in his mid-twenties dies and is reborn as Tienshinhan. He has not watched Dragon Ball Z and Super. He doesn’t even know that they exist. Constructive criticism only please. Do point out grammatical error and spelling mistakes. English is not my 1st language. So, it would be big help.

IamTienshinhan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Going hunting for the first time.

I was a 2 years old kid who looked like a 3 years old from my tribe. It was partly because of my voracious calorie consumption and partly because I was actively exercising. My exercises were not much but it was enough for 2 years old child. It was mostly running till I could not anymore and wall-push-ups. I could not actually do wall pushups properly but I tried.

One day, I saw trucks parked in the vicinity of the village. I saw that animal corpses were being loaded into the truck. It was strange for normal humans to come to our tribe.

'They must have come for a trade.' I guessed.

Later that evening, I was in my bed with my mother.

I made an adorable face and asked "Mommy, Why did the people who came today have only 2 eyes?"

My mother smiled at my innocent question and replied "Not all humans have three eyes honey. Most people around the world have only 2 eyes."

I gasped in surprise and my mouth was hung open.

When she saw this, she laughed a bit and explained "When you grow up and go to the city, you will see a lot of people with only two eyes."

I pretended to be in deep thought and asked "Why do we have three eyes?"

Now she was in a deep thought and replied "It's a gift from god. It has magical abilities."

"Really mommy?" I asked in excitement. This time I was not pretending.

"Yes. It help us see many things that normal eyes can't see." She sated half of my curiosity in a sentence and continued "But bad people can't use it. If you become a bad person, god will take back the abilities from you. So, be a good boy. Okay?"

I nodded in agreement. I didn't have any plan on turning evil anyways. At best, I would remove some thorns plaguing society.

We slept after the little conversation.

'Tien didn't show any ocular abilities in the show. Not that I remember.' I thought.

I also found out from the conversation with mother that our tribe was located at 5 days walking distance of North capital.

Suddenly another thought came it my mind 'I actually like being a child.'

One month later, I did my first proper wall push-up. After that day, I started keeping record of my improvement. I was running 2 kilometers and 1 wall push-ups per day.

Time flew, I was 4 years old. I was helping my parents in the farm now. I looked like a 6-7 year old child. I knew for a fact that Muten Roshis method of teaching was basically making his student physically better.

However, there was a flaw in Muten Roshi's method. The flaw was that making children wear a weight vest would compress the spine and limit the growth plates. That would inevitably cause loss in height growth of a person. That is why Kuririn never grew in length. Therefore, I was not going to do weighted squads before I reached 5 feet. There were myriad other ways to make my body stronger.

'Goku grew despite that. He was a freak.' I thought.

At 4 years of age, I was 3.8 feet tall and did exercise that a normal adult would do. I did routine of 50 push ups,squats and pull ups. Other than that, I helped in farm but it was nothing heavyweight as my parents would not allow it. I was probably as strong as a human adult now. It would have been impossible in my last world but perks of being born in dragon ball world were beginning to sprout.

'Let's consider power of one human as 1 unit. That way I can keep track of my power better.' I thought.

When I was 5 years old, my father asked me to come see them hunt. They used to go hunting once a week. As I grew up, I realized that hunting was more of entertainment than survival. But still it entailed some level of danger. Therefore, only older kids were usually taken for the hunt.

The day of the hunt.

I was standing at the gate of my village.

"Yo Tien. Ready for the hunt?" said uncle Grogoro. He was right hand man to my father and equally tall as him. I had known him since infancy because he was one of the closet to my dad and often visited us.

I was little surprised by the fact that he knew I would be going hunting with them but then again I remembered that he was my dad's buddy.

I didn't know what to reply to his question. I just nodded signifying that I was ready.

15 minutes later everyone was gathered. There were 7 people in total, including me. They were surprised to see me but none of them was close enough to me to ask questions. So, no one bothered me.

It was a exhausting journey for me as I had to match adults speed. While they didn't deliberately walk faster, they were much faster compared to a kid who was around 4.2 feet. I had to push myself to catch up to them. We travelled for 3-4 kilometers. The atmosphere was getting a bit humid and there were tropical vegetation. I was surprised to see change in environment within range of 5 kilometers.

'Dragon ball is truly different from my previous world.' I mused.

Suddenly, my father stopped and announced "We are here. Be careful from now on. No one strays far from the group."

He gave me a stern look at the end of the sentence.

"Gregoro, Can you look out for the silverback?" He shot a glance toward Gregoro and winked.

Gregoro made a grumpy face after hearing this sentence but he obliged.

'What's a silverback?'? I thought.

Soon the group started opening up the backpack of food and started eating.

'Should we hunt first?' I was confused.