
Ticket to Mars

A dying world, Earth. A corrupt hierarchy amongst the rich and poor, using people to entertain themselves while living a luxurious safe life upon Mars. "Be the killer or be killed." Left with no choice, Dohyun, 17 years old, enraged with hatred towards the system and plotting to seek revenge. Murder. Betrayal. And the loss of loved ones... The rich did this to themeselves and now they'll pay.

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[ 0 ] oh no climate change!!!

Lively families, students going to school, conversations being exchanged with one another...

Simple things like that make up humanity, obviously. Maybe there's even hierarchy amongst the rich and the poor. And people who have power, use it to their full extent right? I mean, based on my 19 years of expirience, which I guess, to many of you isn't a very reliable source. Ah- let's ignore that then.

Anyways, my name is Jih-Yeon Dohyun. I'm 23, my looks are what I'd deem "handsome". I mean look at me! Taller than the average korean man, 6'1, slim body, and mixture of Eunwoo's face with my mother's, who had won many beauty pageants when she was younger. I guess the gods have given me eye candy privelege... Shit. Sorry guys, I get a bit distracted when it comes to my looks.

As I meant to say. Hierarchy. The one term to describe what had ruined my world.

It all began 7 years ago...

"Dad! I'm off to school!" I yell as I shove my feet into my school shoes.

"Y'know maybe you wouldn't be such a hurry if you just woke up earlier-"

My dad says, but I couldn't stay, I was already late for school! AND WORSE I HAVE TO WALK THERE!

I close the door behind me and sprint out to the main street only to see Jihwan, my childhood friend, my wing man, and my most loyal friend of all! Funny enough, Jihwan takes notice of me and starts to run too.

"IDIOT! THIS IS YOUR FAULT WHY I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" He yells with a frantic expression.

I laugh as we both cause a ruckus within the early morning walkers and workers. With all the dodging and apologizing, we manage not to ram anyone over unlike, other days... But of course when incidents like that happen, Jihwan and I try our best to make it up to the person. For example, the time when Jihwan tripped on the sidewalk (when there was nothing there to even trip on...), he stumbled on a table full of flower pots causing them to all break. We spent a month glueing them back together and often did favors for the old lady who owned them. We still do now.

Jihwan and I finally make it to the gate and expectedly see an angry administrator.

We both sigh and look at each other.

"This is definitely your fault..." Jihwan whisers.

I laugh, "And yet you always seem to wait for me."

Jihwan rolls his eyes in response as we both make our way to receive the same scolding for the nth time. Periods went by quick and before I knew it, it was already lunchtime. I waited for my friends to enter my classroom but I only saw a group of annoying girls... Bora and her "slaves".


'Shit. I'm cringing...'

I put on a smile, "Hey Bora, what'cha here for?"

Bora giggles and playfully hits my arm, Ew.

"Awh you already know Dohyun~ I want to eat with you.."

God. I swear her voice gets higher by the day, is she reverting back to a baby?

"Sorry Bora but my friends and I already planned on eating together. Like how it is everyday. Just us. So uh-"

The classroom door slams open, I smile to see my delinquent looking friends entering the room. I couldn't help but burst out a laugh.

Jihwan eyes Bora up and down and clicks his tounge in annoyance. My other friends sneer at her. In shock, Bora turns to see what I will do. This may seem rude to the public eye but really she deserves it. You see, I've known Bora ever since elementary and to be honest she's had a knack for bullying peers in order to get what she wants. There was one time in middle school, I befriended one of her friends, Yuenxi. In the end Bora ended up bullying her behind my back. Yuenxi never told me and made convincing excuses for her wounds, she moved schools a few months later...

So in conclusion, we aren't a bunch of scary guys who decided to gang up on this girl. I hate it when people make assumptions about us but even so, as long as we know the truth, we really couldn'nt care about what anybody had to say.

I avoid Bora's gaze and decide to ignore her. Looking up at my friends, I excuse ourselves. "Let's go see what they have at the canteen."

As my group of friends walk by my side I can feel Jihwan's face deliberatley burning a hole on my skull. I turn to him with a disguted expression. "Jihwan, what."

Jihwan sighs, "Just tell her to fuck off will you? Her voice, I swear if it keeps getting higher I'll have permanent damage on my ears! I'LL GO DEAF DOHYUN!"

Laughter amongst my friends fill the gloomy hallways.

"Oh yeah," Minho perps, another friend of ours, "Did you guys hear that people in U.S are flying to Mars!?"

Jun-seo, the last friend you'll hear about, replies, "Seriously Minho, what's up with you and watching the news? While Bora is turning into a baby, your'e turning into an old man..."

Minho lightly shoves him, "Whatever, it's intresting though, they said people there will start moving to Mars due to the world dying. In the future, I'll be rich and buy my way to Mars. You guys can come with I guess."

'Ah, even if we all move to Mars, wouldn't we be killing another planet? That strategy's stupid ain't it?'

...Is what I wanted to say but Minho seemed to admire the idea of going to Mars so I change my statement.

"Well then, let's all become rich together and move to Mars, there's no way I'm going there alone filled with more Bora-brats."

Laughter again bursts. I think it was about time we let Bora breathe easier, bad-mouthing her won't get us anywhere.

We finally get our lunches and continue our day and just like that, our school day was over. I wait for Jihwan by the school gate, spotting his recognizable dyed hair, I wave to guide him where I am.

As we both walk to the main neighborhood road, I observe how the weather seems to get warmer by the day. It was scary, climate change had gotten so much worse. And while we finally have the technology to fly to Mars, we can't even heal what we damaged. Holy shit, the worlds' about to end. To catch my attention, Jihwan suddenly stops walking.

"Hey, what the hell's wrong with you. Youv'e been gloomy ever since lunch."

"Huh? Oh, well I don't know..."

"Of course you know idiot. Is it about what Minho said? Geez why is everyone's brain turning into mush. Dohyun, listen kay?"

A light hum came out in acknowledgement.

Jihwan sighs at my gloomy face and continues to talk, "Wer'e young, we've got time to do what the hell we ever gotta do to make it. Stop acting so sappy and depressed. Your'e probably thinking the worlds gonna end huh? Maybe even everyone dying came into your mind?"

I roll my eyes and couldn't help but smile. "Kay' your'e right but not the part where everyone died! I would never let something like that happen. Well at least I'd try to..."

"Pfft, Haha~ What are you some Webtoon protaganist? Anyways Dohyun, don't think about it too much alright? Let's slow down time for a bit."

A relieved sigh escapes my lungs. "Yeah, and also. Your'e the sappy one."

"You seriously-"

I turn around laughing, "C'ya tomorrow Jihwan."

Jihwan heads the opposite direction, "DON'T BE LATE THIS TIME!"


I open the front door to my family's apartment and greet my father. "Dohyun, your uncle from the U.S called."

"Oh really, what'd he say?"

"He talked about how people in America are-"

"Let me guess, moving to Mars?"

My father's face lights up, "So you know? Ahh, we should go to. I'll save up our money haha~ I can't let my son conttinue living here in this wreck of a place."

It was weird, when has the idea of just moving to Mars sound so normal all of the sudden. It's not like everyone is going to have the opportunity to move there in the first place.

                                                                                [And~ I was right. ] ; future self

I sigh to myself as my dad continues to praise the idea of moving to whole different planet.

"Uh- Dad, I'll be studying now, I've already done all my homework during school."

"Alright, dinner will be left for you as I'll be gone for work." My dad pauses and strikes a heroic pose before leaving, "Makin' monay~  to go to Mars~" He sings as he exits.


Studying. An everyday four hour routine I manage to do everyday. The main reason why I'm able to be assigned to adavanced classes in our school and stay on top of the placement charts. I figured it was one of the main thingd that stick out to colleges. smarter you are the further you'll make it. Why am I doing this? Like everyone, being able to live a well life on a dying planet meant "no need to try so hard when were all about to die anyway", I guess I'd agree with them to some extent... and maybe Jihwan was right, what if I WAS a protaganist in some other-wordly universe. Might as well give it my all to my audience. Don't worry guys, I'll do my best to keep you entertained.

Couple of hours pass by and the unbearable heat starts to rise. Shit. I keep myself from turning the house temperature down and putting the AC on high. My father had already reached an old age where aches come and never leave. I don't want to put a strain on him anymore. That'd be another reason why I'm studying so hard...

Guess I'll be sleeping naked tonight.


*BEEP*   *BEEP     *BEEP*