

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

S1eepless · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 4

The boy had blond hair and green eyes as he whipped about the stone structures. Using his vertical maneuvering gear, he shot hooks into the pillars that held up the large building. There were many of these stone pillars, big and small in circumference, that surround this large place. They called it a warehouse yet it did not store anything. Its only purpose was to be used as a field for training with the 3D maneuver gear.

"Found you~"

The boy gave a curse as he brought up his swords to defend wherever the attack came from, only to be too slow as a bang was heard and the boy felt pressure on his head.

Hooks still embedded into one of the many stone pillars, he flopped down onto the side of it and rested there as he felt the red liquid flow down his face and towards the floor.

"So~ how does defeat taste?" The person who was chasing him revealed herself to be a brown hair, gray-eyed girl who seemed very carefree.

The boy observed her gear. It was different than his. He had the standard military approved gear that was given to everyone in the training crops. Hers, however, was a new model that the Rommel engineers designed themselves. It was smaller, making it faster. It held the same amount of gas that standard gear had, making it more desirable than the bigger version.

But what struck out was that there was only one handle to control the gear. This made it bigger, taking up space and weight that was needed for a sword. Expect this design wasn't meant to be used with a sword. It left the other hand free and in that hand was a gun.

A revolver loaded with six bullets. One of which that was fired at the boy.

"Cherry." The boy said as he licked the fake blood they used for their training.

"Well done Starr." Scott said as he walked over to the boy and the now identified girl. "You can get down whenever you're ready, Theodore."

Theodore gave a sigh. Righting himself, he released the hook within the stone and stumbled to the floor. Cursing the red substance for getting in his eyes, he wiped it off as he stood up to speak to their instructor.

"How is this fair at all Scott?" He spoke up. "The new gear is faster and lighter, how do you really expect the hunted to win against the hunters when we have to use the old gear?"

Scott gave Theodore a mild look. He sighed and looked at the four other students who had walked up behind him.

"Does anyone wish to explain to Theodore why I am having you play this game, 'hunter and hunted' with the hunted at a clear disadvantage?" When no one responded, he looked at the two females.

"Helen, Racheal?" With no response to them, he turned to the males.

"Titus, Jeremiah?"

After some time when no one responded, Titus, a boy with brown hair and green eyes, gave a sigh.

"I was waiting to see if anyone would say it themselves, but am I the only one who knows the true purpose?"

"Oh?" Helen, a dark haired beauty with blue eyes, rose to the jab. "Of course I know. I was just graciously letting you guys have a chance to raise your scores."

"Umm," Jeremiah, a boy with black hair and gray eyes, raised a question. "I thought we weren't keeping scores."

"Sorry instructor Scott." Racheal, the blond with freckles and greens eyes, who was the only one who didn't get caught up in the bickering, spoke up to Scott. "I know it can improve our dynamics and reaction speed when fighting against an opponent, but I don't see the purpose as to why the hunted should have a disadvantage."

"It's obvious." Titus said. "It is only natural for hunters to hold the advantage. That is why the hunted become prey."

As Helen began to disagree with Titus on his points, a loud booming voice cut them off.


Surprised, they all turned to Scott, only to see that he was still stoic and actually looking in another direction.

Another boy who had just walked it had been the one to yell. He had red hair and blue eyes that were narrowed at the group of bickering teens.

"I just got in here and I heard enough." He turned to Scott. "They want to know the purpose of this exercise, right?"

Scott nodded at the redhead.

"Well, the purpose is for you to learn how to adapt and bring down a bigger foe than you. The reason why the hunted use the standard gear is to train them to become more reliable with it when up against a faster opponent."

"Thank you, Wilfred." Scott said to the blue eyed redhead. "I trust your mission went well?"

"Yes sir. I was able to obtain the material some of our researchers requested."

"Good, now let me elaborate on Wilfred's explanation. The purpose is for you to get better at the standard gear. Because, currently, this is the only gear we can use against Titans. The newer model is specifically designed for human to human combat. However, there may come a time when you fight against Titans. This whole purpose was to train you into using the gear to excel even the newer model."

"It's impossible." Theodore said. "How can a clumsy gear like this beat the newer model?"

"Wilfred manage to beat you all as the hunted with the standard gear, while you guys used the newer model."

"The only way to win as the hunted is to run around for five minutes without getting shot at." Theodore began to exclaim. "All he is good at is running!"

"...He managed to also beat you all as the hunter…" Scott trailed off as he gave Theodore a deadpan stare.

"Just let it go." Jeremiah came up behind Theodore and gave him a pat on the back. "Wilfred has been an ace at this thing since we started training. That's why we elected him as squad leader. Don't let it get you down, I think we're all good compared to the average human."

Theodore gave a defeated sigh as he looked anywhere but in Wilfred's direction.

"Sorry…" He apologized. "For insulting you like that."

"All's well friend." Wilfred gave a nod toward Theodore. "We all have the same purpose and goal. What matters is that we help each other get to it."

"Sure, sure, sure." Titus waved off as he sat against one of the pillars. "To overthrow the corrupt government and replace it with one for the people. Except for one thing. All we've done is be errand boys and girls and not done anything to help society."

"Do you dislike the assignments I have given you over the course of these two months?" Scott walked up to Titus.

"N-No…" Titus began to sweat. Even if Scott remained stoic, he still was an opposing figure to go against. "I… I was just saying was that all the missions we've done have been escorts and pickups. We haven't really done anything that would suggest we are a special ops group."

"Really?" Scott said with a frown. "I thought it was obvious I was preparing you all for your first large scale operation."

At that statement, everyone lit up.


"Oh! What are we doing?"

"Ahh~ I hope it will be fun~"


"Oh~ I'll finally get to show off?"

"...About time…"

"Sir, what is the mission?"

Scott waited a moment for the shouts to calm down until it was finally quiet. He then pointed upwards toward the ceiling.

"Fifty laps around the forest."

Everyone gave a groan at that. The Training forest they used was on Rommel land, near most of the facilities that were designed for the sole purpose of advancing The Führer's plan. While not large it was of decent size, allowing those of the elite squad practiced unhindered.

Still, fifty laps was a large toll, and by the end of it most were gasping for breath.

"God… That… Was painful…" Titus said in between breaths as he hunched over, trying to catch his breath.

"Don't lean like that." Wilfred, while still winded was still in better shape, said. "Hands above your head, it allows oxygen to circulate easier."

"They also say not to waste your breath while speaking." Helen imputed her two cents.

"Umm, where's Theodore?" Jeremiah spoke up as he looked around for the blond hair boy.

"Think we lost him around lap forty-seven." Starr said as she laid on the ground, arms covering her eyes.

"It was forty-eight." The voice of their instructor, Scott, was heard. "And I am impressed. Nearly all of you managed to finish the laps. All before sunset."

"Considering we started in the morning…" Titus trailed off.

"In any case, Theodore is resting from passing out. Clean up and eat. After that, we will talk about your mission."

Scott left with an air of tension.

The elite squad, who had been training rigorously for the past month, would finally get their first important mission.

All the so-called "errands" they had been running had been to prepare them for this.

As they got ready for their first official briefing, they couldn't help but get a little nervous.

Eren was having second thoughts on his choice.

"I can't help but think you are trying to hard in overthrowing the government." The woman with violet hair and glasses spoke in a condescending tone.

"I mean, you have all this evidence, this research that, if made public, you could overthrow them with the common people."

Eren gave a sigh as he rubbed the bridges of his nose. His commoner clothing was a stark contrast to the amount of decor that was within the room. Sitting in a chair lined with fine leather and drinking tea of exotic leaves, Eren couldn't help but think of the starving masses that were the refugees.

"Normally I don't indulge in such self pleasantries." The woman, as if sensing what he was thinking, spoke up about the matter.

"It disgusts me so how we, the people who are to keep the peace, may indulge in such frivolous activities, whereas the common people are starving and working their skin to the bone just to get a meager meal for a day. Truly, I wish you would just get this coup done with already."

She had a point. The people were starving. There was not enough land to grow food. Each day, throngs of people would till the land just to see if something could be cultivated there.

It was all a necessary sacrifice.

"Miss Valdare, I understand you wish to overthrow the government as soon as possible. However, there are many variables we have yet to account for. Many of our technological advancements have yet to be finished. If we were to go to war, it could turn out to be a Pyrrhic victory. A victory with so many losses on both sides.

"I have a plan, one that will lead to almost zero bloodshed on our part. However, it has to be followed."

"I understand." Valdare took a sip of her tea. "I just can't help but be angered at being able to do something about the current situation, but not act on it. We have all this power, so what are we waiting for."

"Patience is one of the greatest virtues."

"I thought that was honesty?"

"Regarding war? Honesty has to be the least. It may seem cruel, but the manipulation of knowledge is everything. It is why this government is in control in the first place."

"I don't see how that could be..." Valdare said skeptically.

Eren only nodded as Valdare trailed off. It was to be expected, she didn't know much concerning just what the royal government knows and doesn't know.

"Regardless, I trust you will not disappoint me with this new assignment."

"Of course, my Führer." Valdare said in teasing voice as she smirked.

"Führer?" Eren raised an eyebrow. "I see. I meant it as a joke, but Rommel must have taken a liking to it. I suppose everyone is now referring to me like that now…"

"Indeed. When I met with the informant he always called you 'The Führer', as opposed to the boss. Now we have a mysterious leader who seems equal to our supposed leader Rommel. Honestly, you have quite the complicated setup."

"Indeed." Eren got up and headed for the door. "The elite squad will complete their mission in the following days. You will know if it succeeded if you are reappointed to the Industrial City."

As the door closed behind her, Valdare couldn't help but think of what would happen. From what she has learned from their informants and Eren himself, the Industrial City had all the resources needed to make the vertical maneuvering gear as well as the gas itself.

"If we were to gain the only city that could produce the Titan killing weapons…" Valdare gave a slight shiver of excitement. "Ah, Eren… I can understand why now you wanted to wait. You just don't want to defeat the Fritz royal family, you want to gain complete and utter control over the people of these walls."

She gave a smile as she got up to leave. Eren had most likely snuck out a back way. Although they had some insiders in the Military Police, not all of them within these headquarters were of the same ideology. Although she was honored Eren would come see her herself, it wouldn't do well if people saw a young commoner come and go as he pleased.

"Regardless, my Führer, if you depart on a path of weakness, I'll end you myself."

"Are you nervous?" The redhead that was their leader, Wilfred, asked the six other members.

"This is what we've been preparing for, I'll be damned if I let the jitters get to me." Jeremiah narrowed his gray eyes at the obstacle before them. A wall surrounded by a mote of water. Only three entrances could be seen in and out of the city, guarded with gates and men.

"Rumor has it that there was no mote until after a group took over the city for a short period. After that, they really went all in with their defenses." Helen said as she gave a flick of her black hair."

"You would be correct." A voice spoke up from the treeline. Everyone brought their weapons to bare, only to realize the voice belonged to Scott.

"At ease." He said as he emerged from the treeline. He observed their surroundings. On a cliff near the Industrial city. All members were equipped with the gear specifically designed to combat humans. Faster, smaller, and able to use a gun, this gear would allow them to surpass others in the standard gear, as well as dodge gunfire. Although, if one were good enough, they could dodge bullets even with the standard gear Scott mused.

"Yes, I believe it was called the Dissidence Movement. Regardless, not much has changed."

Scott once again did a look over the members. They didn't seem too nervous. They had been preparing for this time. If anything it should be a walk in the park for them.

"I'll go over your mission one more time." Scott spoke up as the seven members listen diligently.

"Wilfred, you'll take Helen, Titus, and Racheal and form group A. Jeremiah, Theodore, and Starr will form Group B. There are two priorities. Both are important and of equal standing. If one priority is not met then the whole mission is a failure. Group A, you will lead in the assassination of the current head MP official. His death is to look like an accident if possible. It is a city of innovation, so regarding incidents, anything could happen. Use that to your advantage.

"Group B will infiltrate the headquarters of the MP official. You will search his office for any information. The main goal is to find the man's will. It will be there that you replace it with our own fabricated will. As I told you before, this will well speak highly of a certain individual. It will all but claim that they would be an excellent successor for the head of the Military Police in the Industrial City. Considering the individual our Führer chose, I believe they will be accepted as the new official."

Scott gave a sigh as he wrapped up his briefing of the mission.

"This is to prove that you are all worth our time, The Führer's time. I have faith in you, but you still need to prove yourselves to our leader. Complete the mission and all priorities and I can guarantee that The Führer will put more trust and faith in your abilities."

Wilfred stepped up.

"We will not disappoint you." He raised his right arm, placing it over his heart as his hand clenched into a fist. With a sharp snap of his boots and his left hand behind his back, he gave off a proper salute. Soon the others in the group that made up the elite squad followed suit.

With hands over their hearts, they had nothing but determination in their eyes.

Helen, with her black hair and blue eyes.

Titus, with his brown hair and green eyes.

Starr, with her brown hair and gray eyes.

Theodore, with his blond hair and green eyes.

Racheal, with her blond hair and green eyes

Jeremiah, with his black hair and gray eyes.

Wilfred, with red hair and blue eyes.

All of them stood together. Putting differences aside to fulfill a common goal.

"Elite Squad… Move out." Scott gave the order. It was all they needed before they jumped off the cliff, using their new vertical maneuvering gear to rocket off toward and up the wall that surrounded the city.

"... We really need a more official name than just the 'Elite Squad'..."

The man tapped his cigarette lose of ashes outside the carriage. Giving one last drag of the item, he blew the smoke outside the window, closing it after he threw out the cigarette to stave off the cold.

"How's production rate going?" The man asked the person sitting beside him.

"Head official…" the man seemed nervous at first glance. Sweating with his head bowed. "Our production rate… Is a few percentages less than what it was last time…"

The man gave a jump as the head official of the Industrial City slammed his hand against the carriage.

"Don't toy with me. I am the Head Military Police official that was here by his royal majesty. If you wish to give me 'a few percentages less' as the answer than so be it. Your successor will hopefully be more direct when I am referring to numbers."

"Y-Yes sir!" the man began to sweat even more. "T-The exact numbers are 2.8% decrease in productivity!"

"And can you tell me as to why the number is decreasing and not increasing?"

The man gave a gulp as he pulled on his collar.

"T-The men have just been slow, is all. I promise we can get the iron bamboo harvested faster. The burst ice will also be vamped up in manpower. I-I assure you, we will get the materials to the engineers so they may produce more equipment for the crown!"

The head official gave a sigh as he took a glance outside. It was late and he was tired.

"Very well, I'll accept that answer for now. Driver, take us to the headquarters."

The order was confirmed as the drivers muffled voice gave an 'affirmative' from outside.

The head official couldn't help but think that this was all a drag. He had been appointed as the head MP for the Industrial City. A secret city where all the weapons were massed produced. It mainly consisted of vertical maneuvering gear, cannons, and guns, but they would get an odd… request every now and then.

The MP couldn't help but give a slight smile at what awaited at him back at HQ. He had finally married the girl he loved, proposing to his childhood friend. It had taken some convincing, but he was finally allowed to bring his wife to the Industrial City to live with him.

His last thoughts were of her as he heard a loud noise of steel clanking together before everything went dark.

"That seemed… to easy…" Helen trailed off as she looked at the wreckage of what used to be the Military Police's carriage.

Steel beams protruded from the ground and carriage alike. The fall having completely obliterated the wagon, and consequently everyone inside.

"Really?" Titus spoke up. "I thought the easiest part was finding him. Who would have guessed he would be in a carriage so late at night. Maybe God does exist. Probably just luck though."

"He's… definitely dead…" Racheal spoke up with a grimace. "I can see… the blood and smashed up… body parts…"

"Don't worry." Wilfred put in arm on Racheal's shoulder. "I assure you, this is for the greater good. Also, his death is my burden to bear. I ordered you all to move the crane of steel bars over the carriage, and it was I that ordered you to cut the wire holding said bars."

"Don't get all patriotic on us." Titus scoffed. "Anyways, let's head to the rendezvous point we agreed upon. I hope that the others are faring just as well as we are."

"He… He had a wife." Theodore said as he held the piece of paper within his hands.

"Hmm? That's a shame. Hey! Do you think I could get a comfy chair like this one day?" Starr, ever so carefree, blew off the statement as she swiveled around in the comfy leather chair.

"Wait." Jeremiah said. "I thought the reports said that he was single?"

"Must of just kept it secret." Star said. "I mean, so people couldn't threaten them, y'know?

"Yeah..." Jeremiah spoke up. "Anyways, I finished copying any information that seemed important, just in case the higher up clean it up before our guy moves in. Now, all we need to do is forge his will. Starr, think you can handle it?"

"Yup!" She gave a little fist bump as she got out a piece of paper and pen and ink.

"Let'me see, let'me see." She waved her hand over hat Theodore, motioning him to give her the real will.

"Hmm," She gave it a critical eye as she observed the handwriting. "Nice penmanship. I'll keep most of it the same so nothing looks off, but add in the detail Instructor Scott told us to. Umm… What was the person's name again?"

"Valdare." Jeremiah immediately responded. "The person who is taking his place will be Valdare. If everything goes as plan, that is."

"Oh, quit being a downer!" Starr said as she placed the ink and pen back in their proper place. "There, all done! Now let's blow this stand and meet up with the others! I haven't eaten since lunch and the sun has already gone down."

"Alright." Jeremiah said as Theodore took the 'will' and placed it back in the cabinet file he found the original in. "Go on ahead, I'll clean up any trace of us being here."

"Alright, we'll wait on the roof." Theodore said as he jumped out the window, the only indication he was safe was the sound of a wire being slung and the whip of a gas that followed afterwords.

" 'ight, see you in a few." Starr gave a two finger salute as she followed after Theodore.

Jeremiah gave a sigh as he began making sure everything was as they left it. Although this was the official's office, he didn't know who else came in here. And if they were in here as he left, then they could notice a change. A risk they didn't need to take.

After clearing up any markings they left and placing things where they belong, Jeremiah hopped out the window, returning only briefly to close it once again.

Scott was in the middle of eating his piece of bread as he stared down the group that had just entered his field of view.

"You're… done already?" Scott couldn't help but express his disbelief at the seven individuals sat down near him.

"Yeah." Titus spoke up. "If you ask me, personally, I think it was too easy."

"It's only been a few hours…" Scott still seemed in disbelief. "I was prepared to wait at least a few days… Did you guys get the right guy, make sure he was definitely the official?"

"Why, of course." Helen spoke this time. "We knew from the informants what his personal carriage was. Even after the 'accident' we confirmed it was him by the belongings he carried. Well, it was hard to identify them with all his innards and-"

"Could we not!" Racheal spoke up in an uncharacteristic burst. "Sorry… It's just the first time I've seen such a… gruel site."

"Really?" Theodore said. "I thought we were all from the underground. I would have expected us all to see at least some disturbing things down there."

"Quiet man." Jeremiah said in a whisper to Theodore. "Not all of us played the street rat down there."

"Oh, she was a prostitute?" Starr spoke up.

Everyone just stared at her with a deadpan expression for being so blunt.

"Enough of this." Scott said as he rose from the ground. "Let's head back to the base, you'll brief me on the way."

The Elite Squad and Scott took a horse-drawn wagon back to base, along the way Wilfred and Jeremiah told their stories of what had happened.

"I see." Scott said as they rounded a corner on the road. "You guys really did get lucky with the official. Also, good job in documenting anything that caught your interest in there, Jeremiah. Who knows what the MPs might have cleaned out before Valdare gets appointed.

"In any case, I will report your mission straight to my superiors. You guys did well. If it means anything, I am proud of you."

Everyone gave a smile at that.

Soon they would be back at the Rommel's faculties. Some would get a snack, others would sleep, and a few would meditate on what had happened on their very first mission.

However, they all shared one line of thought.

They had proven themselves to be worthy of being called the Elite Squad.

"Finished already?" Eren was a bit surprised. "I will admit, I didn't expect them to fulfill it so easily. I thought they would at least have to stay a few days and confirm the head official's movements. Well, regardless, I am glad you called me in. Now we may begin with our next phase."

"That is if Valdare does get selected to be the new head official. How can you be so confident?"

"Rommel, have you forgotten who I am?"

"No… but I would still prefer an explanation."

Eren gave a sigh.

"Valdare is an esteem charter in the Military Police. She has a record of getting her job done. She is dependable, in fact, I bet she would be considered as a candidate for the head official even if we didn't play a role. However, I hate to leave things to luck. By leaving a will that praises Valdare and claiming she would be an excellent successor all but guarantees she will be appointed."

"...If you say so." Rommel gave a shrug at Eren's explanation. "Oh, by the way, Scott mentioned something about giving a proper name to the Elite Squad. I would have to agree, Elite Squad is nice and all but seems a little cliche."

Eren paused as he thought about it.

"I don't see why we need to refer to them as anything but that. Well, I guess there is no harm."

Silence dominated the office as the child looked upon the teenager.

"So… got any suggestions?"

"Seriously? Why do I have to be the one to come up with a name?"

"I don't know… maybe because it has something to do with you being The Führer."

"...Fine. If I could give a suggestion than it would have to be…

"... The Kräfte"

Rommel just stared at Eren after mentioning the name of what the call the special ops group.


"Seriously… Where do you come up with these names?"

Besondere #3

Armin's journey to prove his manliness

It was the dead of night when the boys of the 104th began there spooky stories. It was October 31st, the universally accepted date of utter horror. While Halloween did not exist in this world, a similar account did. People would gather around, telling stories, stating dares, or doing stupid stuff in general. Such was the night that some boys sat around in their cabin, a lantern keeping the room barely lit.

"My turn to tell the story." Jean spoke up with a wicked grin. The boys who were telling their oh-so-called 'horror' stories were doing nothing but humiliating themselves.

Jean, on the other hand, had a story that was truly horrifying.

"Do you know that these very training grounds were once a Nursey?" He began his story with ease, telling it like he knew it by heart.

In reality, he had just made it up on the fly, but he had thought it out long enough to know that this would really get people rolling.

"Women of all ages would come here to deliver their child who they had carried for around nine months. Afterward, they would lie and rest as the children were carted off to a separate room.

"However, the military had had their sights on this land, wishing to make it their own. To do that, they had to shut the nursery down. So they had one of their agents sneak in and steal a baby away. It was soon found out that the nursery had misplaced a baby, and shut down due to their incompetence.

"Despite this, the mother of the child who was stolen grieved, believing her child is still alive. So she searched, a fruitless endeavor as the military had already disposed of the kid.

"In a mocking way to honor the woman, they hung up a photo picture of her in the warehouse, remembering her oh-so-called sacrifice she made to give them the training grounds.

"Soon, the mother died. But, on this very night, the anniversary of her baby disappearing, she roams the training grounds. If she comes across you, she will believe you responsible for taking her child and kill you. In order to avoid this, you must cry like a baby, 'Waah, Waah' in order to throw her off, making her believe you are nothing more than a child."

Silence dominated the boys as some of them were genuinely freaked out.

"That's impossible." Armin broke the silence. "Ghost don't exist, and even if they did, they are spiritual right? How could it kill you?"

"Oh?" Jean rose an eyebrow mockingly. "If that is true, why don't you wander around the training grounds? Better yet, why don't you go to that very warehouse her portrait is stowed and sign it with this pen."

Jean held up a red pen to Armin, prompting him to take it.

Armin realized that if he chickened out the boys would never give him respect. So he took the pen. Grabbing a lantern and lighting it, he headed out with a determined face.

The sky was overcast, hiding the moon and consequently any light. Although they were sparse, a few lighting bolts streaked across the sky, giving a brief look at his surrounds.

Armin soon approached the warehouse, however, upon opening the door, a sudden wind blew out his only light.

Swearing to himself in an act of nervousness, he trudged on, believing in the statement that ghost weren't real.

The frame was said to be somewhere in the back, but with it being so dark it was almost impossible to see where it really was. No matter, he just had to go forward until he saw the outline of the frame.

It didn't take long, and it helped that his eyes adjusted to the darkness, albeit only slightly.

He made out the corner of the frame. Giving a sigh of relief, he brought his pen up to bare, intending to sign the lowest right corner of the frame.

That was when a lightning flash from outside struck, illuminating the picture inside the frame.

The face that met his was a woman. However, she had a pale, triangular face with a jeering smile that stretched her mouth to improbable proportions. Her eyes were wide open, bloodshot red as she made direct eye contact with Armin. She seemed to be staring at Armin specifically, despite him being near the corner of the frame.

It was for a mere second, but it was all it took for Armin to began flailing about. However, despite this, he managed to raise his arm and quickly write his name on the frame.

As soon as he finished, he broke off into an all out sprint to leave the warehouse.

Although he didn't believe it, he still raised his voice up and shouted 'Waah, Waah' over and over again.

Better safe than sorry.

He was out of breath when he made it to the dorms where the rest of everyone was. Upon going in, he claimed the feat he had accomplished.

"Wow, you actually did it?" Jean spoke with some surprise, believing the timid boy to chicken out. "Then let's go see it."

However, it was at that moment another crack of lightning streaked across the sky, and a sudden downpour was brought forth.

"Huh, really don't want to go out in that weather." Reiner spoke up. "Why not see it tomorrow?"

No one disagreed with this logic. So the boys decided to wrap up what they were doing and head to bed.

The next day the boys got up early before role-call was to take place. They made their way towards the warehouse, opening the door and heading for the straight back.

It was there they made contact with the large framed photo. However, this photo was vastly different from the one Armin saw last night, confusing him.

It was the same woman, no doubt, but her face wasn't twisted into a wicked grin, but in a gentle smile as she sat with closed eyes.

Wait, closed eyes? Armin swore the eyes were open.

It was at that moment that someone claimed that the photo hadn't been signed.

"Man dude, you totally wussed out on us!" Jean exclaimed. "You even said you signed it and all!"

The boys began making jeers and taunts at Armin for claiming something he didn't do, however, it was Eren's voice that broke the insults.

"Armin, isn't that your signature?" Upon his prompting, the group looked towards where he said Armin's signature was.

It was there, in the rightmost corner of a window.

The boys began stating how Armin had just gone in and signed anywhere, but he wasn't listening to them.

Time seemed to freeze for him.

That meant if it was the window he signed… It wasn't a picture. It met that there was something on the other side of the window. And if it was the woman that meant if he hadn't cried like a baby, he could very well be dead, killed for believing he had taken her child away.

These thoughts ran through his head until he promptly passed out.

To this day, Armin wondered if it was his fear that made him imagine the thing, or if the ghost of the woman truly existed.

Regardless, he never went close to the warehouse ever again.

'Besondere', German for 'Special'.

These don't hold much significance in regards to the plot. I mainly just typed them from my muse