
Humanity's Greatest Mind

It was now afternoon and Alvin was on the edge of the school soccer field, looking around at the completely different world that he was in. Even though he had been here for over 48 hours, he still gets shocked whenever he sees these tall skyscrapers littered everywhere. It really looked like a scene from a futuristic Sci-Fi movie but this time, he was experiencing it for himself.

The visual impact was too great!

On the soccer field, everyone from the school, as long as they were fifteen years or older were here. For this game, the age cap is 15-25! Even though Alvin and most of the people here did not know the reason why the developers of this technology had limited the age to such a range, they were happy nonetheless.

If those old monsters in the Noble and aristocratic families were allowed to also play this game, they would have no chance at all!

At this time, on the school soccer field, both teachers and students had gathered waiting patiently. There was a hubbub of voices floating around expressing excitement about the promotion video that they had just watched. Alvin was just an insignificant figure among this crowd at this time.

He was still thinking about the message delivered by the great grandson of Ares and the man who looked like Kisuke Urahara! Even though he didn't want to believe it, from the similarities, it was evident that that man was indeed Kisuke Urahara!

After that speech, he confirmed it when he asked the instructor about the person who delivered the last speech. He was informed that that man was the current head and lead scientist of Ares Corporation. Most of humanity do not know his true origin but only know that he appeared on the scene at the same time when 'God of War' Ares returned from his first disappearance.

Ares trusted him so much that he handed the initial technology of the VR game world to Kisuke Urahara for further development before his second disappearance.

This man was the brain behind most of mankind's technology today including the Awakening potion. Apart from being mankind's current greatest mind, he is rumored to also have very fearful strength but this hasn't been confirmed!

From the information he had gathered at this point, even though there were a lot of things he didn't understand, he knew that this Kisuke Urahara was the same Kisuke Urahara from the Bleach' world!

This world is very strange indeed. First a One Piece VR world with a synchronization setting and now a real life character from Bleach!

But with his current strength, Alvin knew that he wasn't qualified to know more than he knew currently. From the memories that he had fused with, he knew that this world had very strong powerhouses; enhancers possessing over 1000 pounds of fist force and enhancers that could move faster than the speed of sound! There were also the more mysterious Evolvers who were stronger than their enhancer counterparts of the same level.

So he was very affected by the speech of Urahara Kisuke in the promotional video and was eager to strengthen himself so as to survive in this world! Only with strength could he be a master of himself and his own destiny!

In his past life, as one of the strongest Special Forces agents of his country, he had still allowed himself to be controlled by the officials of his country and when he finally had enough ability to rid himself of such control, he encountered that accident on the plane. Currently, He even suspected that the accident was a setup by greedy officials in his country who didn't want to let go of him. So now he was more determined to control his own destiny!  

Thinking of these, Alvin's mood begun to calm down and listen to the discussions among the students.  

"'No one stood in heaven at the beginning. Whether it is you or me, we all now have the chance to stand at the top!' My God, when I heard that, I felt the blood flowing in my veins seething with excitement!" One Student exclaimed excitedly!  

"Those magical powers, the flames, the thunder and lightning, and the Ice, are those abilities that we as humans can have? The evolvers and enhancers that I have seen are not so strong!" another student said.

"I couldn't even awaken. I thought I would live as an ordinary person in this life. I didn't expect this new evolutionary approach to appear. Ha ha, I will not give up anymore. I must become a strong person and slap the faces all those arrogant pricks at senior class one and two who made fun at us." A fellow student of senior class nine also said with excitement.

"Do you know more about this one piece world? There isn't much about it on the internet!" a student asked

"I checked the official website of the Ares Corporation. It said that success in this world doesn't require any special talent. Anyway, as long as we work hard, you will certainly be able to become a strong person and beautiful women, money and superior status would be at our fingertips."

"Ha ha, I must be the strongest person." One student suddenly shouted. He could no longer contain the excitement he felt.

The students in the entire school, whether they are the superior students who have already become enhancers or the rejects of senior class nine, were all exited at the prospect of entering this world. 

But from these discussions, Alvin suddenly realized an essential issue, "These people don't seem to have heard of One Piece. That shouldn't be! It was very hot then."

Quickly searching for answers from the memories he had fused with, he realized that the development direction of this world was different from his old world therefore nothing like anime or manga was invented.

In other words, in this world, he is the only one who knows One Piece!

"No wonder no one seemed to question Kisuke Urahara's appearance earlier! They haven't even heard of Bleach before!" Alvin thought excitedly!

Just a day ago, he was worrying about how he was going of make it in this world. This body's talent was very bad, failing twice to awaken as an enhancer. After the recent awakening failure which led to the death of the previous Alvin, his genotype had further reduced to D! Which means without this innovation, he basically has no hope of ever awakening.

But now he had another chance in this One Piece VR world even if the synchronization rate is only 10% -30 %. With his knowledge about characters, the plot, the strength system like various body technique users, swordsmanship as well as various devil fruit abilities, he would have a very big head start ahead of people of this world. This was an opportunity that he had to utilize well.

Soon, the principal of Atlantis High school came out and arranged for the students to receive the VR game set sent to them by the government, which of course was the cheapest kind with a synchronization rate of 10%. Of course this cheap VR set still cost around £100,000 which was still very expensive. In this age, the concept of VR gaming had been in use for quite a while with a couple of games that uses Virtual Reality system already available but none of them had the synchronization system that this new system had.

This VR set was made up of VR helmet and a synchronization bracelet which was powered by the core of Demonic beast. This technology allowed gamers to have perfect and immediate control over the body in the virtual world. This setting would favor those who had a lot of practical combat experience since they would be able to control their bodies better even if they had weak attributes.

Every underage student could receive a VR helmet and synchronization bracelet but would have to provide for their own energy core but adults above the age of 18 would have to bear the cost of everything.

This is also an idea suggested by Humanity's greatest scientist, Kisuke Urahara to support the younger generation!