

Alvin's heart was beating faster in anticipation when he heard this voice.

[Ding! Hello Mr. Alvin Taylor, there is still 10 minutes left for the initialization of 'The Pirate King' world. Please wait patiently. ]

[This is your first time using the gaming console, would you want to create a character or base your character on your real life identity?]

When Alvin heard this question, he chose to create a new character without hesitation. Considering his knowledge and advantage that it would give him in this world, if he creates any waves, a lot of players would know of him. If he used his real life identity, it would bring him unnecessary trouble!

[Please confirm your choice again! Would you like to create a new character?]

The voice asked again and Alvin answered 'Yes'!

[Please select a name for this character!]

"Name?" He began to think about the name he should use. In his previous world, when he was younger, Alvin had quite a lot of favorite names in this world. His criteria for a name would be a name he likes that would not draw any attention to him in the real world. After thinking a lot about the names of a couple of famous characters in this world, he finally settled on a name.

"Monkey D. Arnold!"

A combination of the names of his favorite One Piece character and his favorite movie star from his previous world!

[Ding! Naming was a success! Player 'Monkey D. Arnold', the adjustment scope of appearance is at most 60%, is it ok to adjust at 60%?]

After thinking about it for a second, he answered, "No, adjust it to about 15% at most!"

After this answer, there was a few seconds break and then the prompt came again.

[Ding! Appearance adjustment successful. Player should note that name and appearance are permanent. Therefore, once these are set, they can never be changed. ]

[Choose 'Ok' to confirm name and current appearance!]

After that, a 3D projection of his appearance appeared in front of him. After checking his current appearance and making sure that no one would recognize him based on his appearance, he clicked 'Ok' to confirm.

[Ding! Name and appearance confirmed! Please view your stats. Please note these stats are constant for everyone entering this world for the first time!]


Name: Monkey D. Arnold

Age: 16

Level: 0 (0/100)

Unallocated Attribute Points: 0

Talent: D+ [Talent levels: D, C, B, A, S, SS]

Strength: 10 [influences striking power]

Agility: 10 [influences Dodge Rate, Speed and reflexes]

Vitality: 10 [influences HP, HP Recovery as well as Physical Defense]

Soul (Spirit): 10 [influences Intelligence and Comprehension of Skills. Also influences Stamina and Stamina Recovery]

Stamina: 100 ([Soul*10]/2) + ([Vitality*10]/2)

Health: 100 (Vitality*10)


Gathering Skill: Helps gather materials and drops from kills of player.

Investigate: collects information about opponents who are not five levels higher than player.

Exploding Force Fist (Uninitiated) – Effects (None)

[Skill Levels: Initial, Intermediate, Advanced, Peak]

System Backpack- Wooden Sword, Adjustable weights (4)


Looking at his stats, Alvin signed in relief. According to the forums, 1 point in strength is equivalent to 20 kg (44 lb) of fist force in reality.

After his last failure in awakening, apart from his genotype dropping to D, his strength also dropped to 150 kg (330 lb). So there wasn't much of a difference in the base attributes and his real life body's attributes but what made him uncomfortable was that his talent was as low as D. He didn't know whether it was coincidence that both his talent and genotype were both D. What comforted him was that everyone started on the same level, so whether one was a normal person or a Level 9 Enhancer, they all had the same base attributes.

Unlike other games, there were no skill points that could raise the level of skills. That means players would have to manually practice in the skills that they use in the game. That also means that the experience gained in sing the skill in the game can be transmitted to real life. That is why a high soul (spirit) point is also necessary.

[Ding! Scanning VR bracelet for power source configuration....]

[Ding! Unknown power source detected....]

[Ding! Unknown procedure interrupting system function…..implementing emergency procedure….]

[Ding! Implementation of emergency procedure failed….System shutting down….3, 2, and 1]

[Ding! Shutdown failed...System rebooting…]

[Ding! Rebooting failed...Forced Update Procedure Initiated…]

What Alvin didn't see was that, when the system started scanning the bracelet where he had inserted the demonic beast core that he had received earlier today. It was now releasing a glowing blue light which was shining over Alvin's body. After a few seconds, Alvin's body absorbed all the blue light. Then monster core then returned to normal.

Alvin was shocked when he heard these alarm sounds in his VR helmet. It seemed that that something was interfering with the normal operations of his system.

When Alvin was thinking of taking off the VR helmet to prevent himself from being affected by this malfunction, he heard the system's prompt again.

[Ding! System update completed! Player Attributes updated. New Skills and attributes discovered. Please check your attributes]

Then his attributes was projected to him again.


Name: Monkey D. Arnold

Age: 16

Level: 0 (0/100)

Unallocated Attribute Points: 0

Sword Talent: SS+

Fate Energy: 0/100

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Vitality: 10

Soul (Spirit): 20

Stamina: 150 ([20*10]/2) + ([10*10]/2)

Health: 100 (10*10)


Gathering Skill: Helps gather materials and drops from kills of player.

Investigate: collects information about opponents who are not five levels higher than player.

Battle Skills:

Force Fist (Initial) – Effects (exerts 5 % extra explosive fist force)

Basic Sword Arts (Uninitiated) – Effects (None)

[Skill Levels: Initial, Intermediate, Advanced, Peak]

System Backpack- Steel Sword, Adjustable weights (4)


Alvin's was simply dumbstruck when he saw his new attributes. His talent attribute had changed to sword talent and it had increased to an unimaginable SS+. Even though he didn't know how high his talent would be with such a figure, he knew that it will mean faster training speeding as well as comprehension speed in the game. Meaning the feedback he gets to his real body would also be bigger.

Apart from that there was a new attribute; Fate energy, which he didn't know the function. So he asked the system.

[Ding! Unidentified attribute. System cannot determine the exact function of this attribute. Player will have to investigate it on your own….]

"What?" Alvin was now confused. An attribute that the system couldn't determine?

What he wanted to do the most now was log off and check the forums of Ares Corporation to see whether anyone else experienced this strange event. But at this time, the system's notification came again.

[All players should prepare, 10 second to the opening of 'The Pirate King'!]

[Calibrating Synchronization rate and pain reception rate of player Monkey D. Arnold]

[10%, 20%... 80%, 90%, 100%]

['One Piece' world officially opened, do you wish to enter now]

A black vortex appeared in front of Alvin.

The excitement Alvin felt right now prevented him from comprehending the meaning behind his unique 100% synchronization rate!

He immediately answered, "Yes!"

His consciousness was immediately pulled into the black vortex and it also slowly closed after him.