

what the hell about Hero stuff!! Why protect humans when I have the power to annihilate them all... let's having fun with u in this new world

GOODAY · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


I was standing at the door of a fairly large room, and two guards were opening the door for me. All the nobles in the room immediately stood up and bowed their heads as a sign of respect as soon as I entered.

I also sat in the place that had been provided, and the nobles also sat back as soon as I had occupied the place that had been provided. A maid immediately served me a cup of black tea in such a polite manner.

The aroma of the tea is very fragrant, even the aroma to fill this quite large room. I also took a sip of the warm tea before opening the meeting on this occasion.


I can feel the warmth and the delicious aroma as soon as the tea passes through my throat.

Hmm… huff…

I took a deep breath to relax my body a little before starting this meeting.

"Everyone, let's start the meeting this time...!"

At this meeting, I would like to discuss the development of the Demon Race which has been getting more and more worrying lately. Honestly, I didn't expect them to be able to progress this fast after experiencing the massacre two hundred years ago.

And at this meeting, I intend to propose to the nobles to form an alliance with several other Kingdoms who are also disturbed by the existence of Devils, especially the Star Kingdom. Because they are the Kingdom that succeeded in repelling the Demon Race in the war that occurred two hundred years ago.

Two hundred years ago, my Grandfather's Grandfather who served as Emperor chose to close himself off and not have an alliance with any Kingdom. The Empire completely shut itself off from everything, and didn't know anything that was going on in the outside world at that time; even this was still the case until my father became Emperor.

Honestly, it really sucks for me. I realized that the power we have in the military and other fields is very advanced, so it feels very selfish to keep it for our own Kingdom. Therefore, I tried to fix it all by starting to open up to other Kingdoms while I was in office.

Of course, in the process, many people disagreed; so I got rid of some old-fashioned Nobles in the government ranks, and immediately replaced them with someone else. Of course this received a bad response from the elders, but I ignored it and continued to do what I wanted to make this Empire progress.

Because of this policy of mine, several nobles tried to stage a coup when I had only been in office for five years. But idiots like them couldn't possibly knock me off the Imperial seat, and they ended up very sadly.

During my fourteen years in office, I continued to try to establish good relations with several other Kingdoms. Fortunately it was welcomed by the other four Kingdoms; namely the Animal Kingdom, Sea Kingdom, Female Kingdom, and Star Kingdom. From then on, the five of us began to be recognized as Superior Kingdoms by the world.

This meeting finally ended with very satisfying results for me personally, we intend to invite the five great Kingdoms to be present in my territory; namely the Sun Empire to talk about the matter of the Demon Race. And I also got a report that the Star Kingdom has some Heroes from other worlds, so I also intend to invite those Heroes.

After this meeting was over, I immediately rushed to leave to meet my children. I miss them very much, and maybe for about three days I don't see them because of my job.

I walked towards the Emperor's private flower garden, and I could see that my wife and two children were already there. When I got there, my daughter immediately ran and jumped to hug me.

"Papa, I miss you so much..."

"Papa misses you a lot too, Yuki-Chan…"

I hugged and kissed my four year old daughter.

My wife and eldest son also greeted me as soon as I arrived here. I also spent time in this place with them, forgetting all the work and troubles of the Empire for a moment.

When it was evening and the sun was setting, I suddenly felt the power of one of the strongest entities in this world; True Dragon.

What's this? Is the Dragon starting to show itself again…?

I asked silently after feeling the power just now.

In the Imperial documents, it was stated that the Earth Dragon was inside the sealing magic of the Human Hero of the Star Kingdom. If one day the seal is broken, then the incumbent Emperor must be vigilant and prepare for all eventualities.

Knowing that, I immediately prepared an army and prepared to meet him. But it can't be done because I still have to take care of some interests in my own territory.

I ended up only being able to order the soldiers to be more vigilant no matter what. I also spread hundreds of thousands of Ninja around the world to spy on all kinds of events that occur in this world.


It doesn't feel like now three months have passed, all the preparations for holding the meeting of the six Great Kingdoms are also almost complete. Since most of my business was done, I again intended to meet the Earth Dragon who turned out to live in a small area on the border between the Star Kingdom and the Moon Kingdom.

Thanks to the investigations carried out by the Ninjas, I finally found out that the Earth Dragon hosts a Race whose existence is very difficult to find; namely the Elf Race. The Earth Dragon had also destroyed the Star Royal Palace and killed King Erick and several important people in the Kingdom.

When I first heard about it, I immediately panicked and thought that the Earth Dragon would annihilate the humans. But after finding out that she was only staying somewhere with the Elves who used to be his subordinates, I made up my mind to meet the entity again.

I prepared a hundred samurai to guard me on this trip. I also mobilized the entire Shinsengumi army to guard the Imperial Capital while I went to meet the Earth Dragon. This may sound crazy, which other world leaders don't want to touch upon; while I even came to the place directly.

But I'm not doing this just to meet her, I'm doing all this because there's a message I want to convey and maybe I can persuade her to join the Empire. All the preparations were finally done, and the day I went to meet the Earth Dragon arrived.

Huft… I can't wait to meet you, Hana Pendragon-sama.