

what the hell about Hero stuff!! Why protect humans when I have the power to annihilate them all... let's having fun with u in this new world

GOODAY · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


Ever since that stupid human who called himself a Hero sealed me off, I always thought about annihilating their existence every day. I don't remember how long it was, but I was still conscious after being sealed in the crystal, until I finally completely lost consciousness and was saved by Yoru.

I immediately knew that he was a human just by looking at him, and at that moment I wanted to kill him immediately. But I felt strange mana in his body, even though I could see some of my mother's mana was on him.

It made me wonder.

Who exactly is this human…? How could a human like him break the seal that bound me…?

But all those questions can be answered once I see its power…

A human who has been at the peak of the highest evolution, has a lot of mana and is able to adapt to Mother's mana, and has the Ultimate Skill of the Sinner series that is even older than me...

When our eyes met for the first time, I didn't feel any fear in him at all. This human I saw was indeed different, and I was attracted to him from that moment on.

After that first meeting, we decided to go on a trip. During the trip, he really treated me like an ordinary creature, not like other creatures who thought I was majestic or anything.

At first I felt so strange when I wasn't treated like a majestic being, but apparently living an ordinary life like this was also quite enjoyable. The two of us became adventurers, sold a number of Monsters for money, and slept in what I thought was normal. Which life like that was impossible for me to have when I was known as the Earth Dragon.

Even though he looks so indifferent around me, I didn't expect him to be someone who cares so much for me. Yoru always puts me first in doing things, puts a blanket on me when I fall asleep first, doesn't hesitate to get angry when I make a mistake, he even carried me when I couldn't move because I ate too much.

This trip finally made me realize, maybe Yoru is the person I need.


"Hahahaha… you've been cornered, humans…"

"That's right, you can't possibly beat us!"

There were twenty, and they were also really big in size… but I couldn't possibly lose against a roast beef and chicken monster.


"Why are you laughing, human?"

"Just so you know, I'm not a human… but a Dragon!"


I immediately changed to my original form and instantly devoured them all one by one. I could hear screams as I devoured them, and found they were all really tasty…

"Sorry! I'm sorry, please don't eat me more than this…"

"Hihihi… what a shame, but you are my dinner this time…"

After a few minutes, I finally managed to finish the twenty food-type monsters. The taste of every monster is really good, and now my stomach feels full.

Oh! I'm going to tell Yoru all of this, and I can't wait to hear his reaction...

I immediately flew to meet Yoru who was relaxing by the lake while reading his favorite manga.

"Yoru, Yoru! I just defeated dozens of food monsters…"

"H-Hana! Is that you…?"

"Hmm? What are you saying, it's obvious it's me…"

"I'm sorry, but the Hana I like doesn't have a big body like you..."

Huh?! Yoru…?



"Hana, Hana! What are you doing, what's wrong…?"

Huh?! Yoru…? Bed…?

I immediately looked down, and was very happy to see that my stomach was still as usual…

"Hey! Did you have a bad dream…?"

"Sigh… I dreamed of getting really big, and you left me because I was fat…"

"Fat? Yes… it does feel chewy…"

"That's not my stomach!"

"Oh! Sorry…"


Yaaay….. can't believe volume 2 of this story is over.

Thank you to all who have read this story, thank you also to those who have followed this story until now.

I apologize if there are still many shortcomings in terms of language, delivery, and story. I only made this story because it was fun and I was a little nervous about the isekai anime/manga being just like that.

Oh! I've also finished volumes 3 & 4, so just wait. Well I guess that's all, thx for everything...😄

Pls follow me on Instagram @kurooo_11

See you soon at volume 3, Bye….👋