

I decide it's time to finish off the last city that is not under my control or gone on Essos, Volantis. Volantis is the capital of the Red religion. They like wrinkling old tittes, burning children, and birthing demon babies. From what I know is that even Aegon Targaryen had enough of their shit and went to war with them. I mean when you structure yourself on society, then a member of that society tried to kill you off, you did something wrong. Wish he was called Aegon the half-assed. Now I have to finish what he started.

I arrived outside the city and it is silent with the gate open...Nope, not fucking with that seen too many movies to die to random shit. I reach out with my senses and try to find any dead recent or old....nothing empty this raises some hair on my neck because there is always something that died no matter where you were on the ground. Let's see what I remember about the religion, they can bring back the dead, like to sacrifice people, and they are crazy as fuck. Hmm thinking logically I decide to pull a fuck this moment. I head to my hub world and grab some Sac....*cough* 'Volunteers'. I also summon a few hundred thousand undead. No such thing as overkill.

After setting up a command tent even though it's just me but I need relaxation also. a distance away from the city and tie ropes to the 'Volunteers' Impero them and tag them with a tracking charm. Then I instruct them to go and search the city. I have some undead holding the ends of the rope. I watch as they walk off toward the city. Now we play the waiting game.

After an hour the charms indicate that they are around the main market after they continue to search the lines go tight and the tracking charm splits up into several directions. I have the skeletons pull hard the marker stops for half a second then after a few moments, the skeletons get pulled off their feet and dragged toward the city.. instruct them to let go and have them line up in front of me as we wait.

I focus on the earth I bring a wall around the city. I head to the top of the wall while doing this I send a hoard of skeletons into the city and wait. After a while, I hear a ground-shaking screech. Thinking over the lore I know I cannot think of anything. I can hear clashing throughout the city and many of my undead losing connection to me. I send in the rest of the hoard.

I focus on the sounds and decide to check them out from a distance. As I get closer and closer I decide to bring the walls in closer and closer making them thick and sturdy. When I get closer I finally see it. Is it the Balrog? Sutor? the devil from Tenacious D. no it is a generic fire demon...That's stupid. I think it over and realize these dumb fuckers decided to summon either the avatar of the 'Fire God' *cough* or summon his physical body yea I called it he is a demon.

I mean I guess have been killing off all of his followers besides volantes and a few pockets on the planet. Since he cannot take over my body he decided to get...physical... Thinking over my options I can fight him...but I don't get anything out of it. I could try to seal him but then again I gain nothing. As I ponder he senses me and screams at me while he gets stabbed and clawed by the undead "Call them off.. do you know how much it hurts to get stabbed in the dick thousands of times." I smile at the paid-off 'Training' of my zombies it consists of me telling them anything goes Got a dick shot go for it. A poke in the eye gains much-needed seconds.

I pull up a chair "So you from around here. It is nice weather." He starts to fight harder "Call them off we can talk about this." At this point, he is almost covered in zombies. "Hmm we could but what do I gain?" *AAAhhh* "Just call them off ple..fuckkk...Please" I gain an idea "Hmm Will you serve me?" now I don't want him just fucking with him"Fuck you, MoRtAl..." I just watch the zombie start to borrow into his leg. It seems over half the zombies are gone just ash on the ground I guess they are fire resistant, not fireproof. As he keeps talking shit I start to throw ice at him to see if it would work. The part that is it hardens like glass and falls off but it starts to regrow.

I start to throw ice at him and bring dirt up and it starts to crawl up him soft enough for zombies to borrow but in his way enough to hinder movement. "Stop do you know what you are doing?" I just shake my head "No but it looks like it hurts" He just lets out a scream..his healing seems to be slowing down quite a bit. I just keep up until He starts to bloat appropriately as far as I can see.

Turning back to the city I see a giant pillar of flames get unleashed and I can see a shock wave headintowardds me. I enter my hub world. I need answers.


Heading over the Weirwood trees I take a knee next to the tree and meditate with a hand on the tree. Connecting to the tree Calling out my questions about the Red god. 'Is the red god gone' i receive a reply like a whisper on the wind "no" I am alarmed by this "Is he still on Planets" "no, he was weakened when he came down, he consumed the souls in the city and the ones he has been collecting over the ages. After he detonated himself to kill you with him he will go into suspended animation" hmm that's good. "Will he be a problem to me in any way" "No, but his followers will try to kill you in any way possible. that is all we know" leaving the tree with a good feeling I mean I pretty much just made a demon try to kamikaze me with trash mobs. Get Rekt.

A/N hope you guys enjoyed the chapter I thought of making him fight The red god but anyway I thought about it. The Mc wouldn't fight him one-on-one he would just overwhelm him with mobs and kite him away while chipping at him until he is down.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.