

Since the northers and Dronish have moved in everyone is happy with having plentiful hot food, and better homes, and they don't have to deal with either the beyond-freezing or the sweltering hat weather. When they first arrived there was less than I thought I mean with the biggest domains in Westeros. They tried to bring the matter I checked over their thoughts and they have been spying on everyone after I told the lords they did not take it too well. Lots of dead rats. While pondering this I hear a roar I know it's Bane he was pissed.

I appear inside his cave and see something fly past me and smash into the wall. 'Worm you dare' I hear Bane screaming inside my head. Heading over and calming Bane down. "what happened little one". He does not say anything just keeps staring at something I notice it was what he threw into the wall. Looking over I notice that is Viserys whimpering I just stare down at him and rip into his mind. Pulling out I laugh "Did you think you can control my dragon and kill me with it. Boy you are fucked. You could have lived free but now, now you will not." he thought he could kill me and run my world. I guess this was a roundabout way to get out of the contract he wanted to kill me but he was going to borrow a blade. I'll go over a new contract. Anyway, he thought he could kill me with Bane. I go over to bane and calm him down. He is now big enough to ride later today ill get him to armor made and also a saddle.

I grab him by his broken leg and drag him towards my castle it's only down the mountain and up the other. Walking through the city I got some looks and everyone looked at the would-be king with confusion wondering what he did to make the king so mad.

While getting into the throne room I toss the little shit into the corner. I call Aemon and Rhaella into the throne room. While waiting on them I cast a silencing charm on Viserys his crying and begging were getting annoying.

As Rhaella walks in Aemon looks around confused. I scan their minds Aemon is just happy to be with family and enjoying his last years in life hoping everything is. He had no idea about Viserys but he noticed that he was mad as a bull that got kicked in the nuts. Sighing just glad at least he didn't know.

Looking through Rhaella's head she knew something was wrong with him, but she didn't know what. She told him about the dragons and he demanded she handed over hers to her rightful king. She would have done that if not for me. She is too weak-willed when it comes to her children. I get up and walk over to them with a smile.

Before either one can react I stun Aemon. She looks shocked "What are you doing? Why did you kill him?" I sigh "It doesn't matter anymore" I snap my fingers when she looks at me I cast obviate her. I removed all of her memories about Viserys. Now she will think Viserys died before I could rescue him but I saved her daughter. Hoping to raise her well and be able to get revenge on the five kingdoms.

I stun her. I wake up Aemon "what happened?" He rubs his head and back. I just Obviate him of all of the memories of Viserys and make him think he died before he could meet him now he can focus on raising Little Danny. He will be happy in his life.

I wake them up "Are you guys ok you must be having a rough day?" They look around confused "yes I don't even remember coming here." I smile "well you should get rest tomorrow you will attack the five kingdoms. As they leave the smile leaves my face and I look at the corner. I know what I need to do.

Going over to him I pick him up and leave my hub world. I carry him over to the ruins of Lys. I wake him up ."What did you do to this king." I look at the boy with pity on my face "You know I would have made you a happy home, a place to stay, nothing to worry about, a mother alive and loving, a baby sister to take care of, and a loving granduncle." *Sigh* unappreciated is what I am.

He starts screaming "Fuck them I don't need them I am a king, a king needs nobody and that stupid beast is mine right." I snap at him and kick him in the face "Right, What right only the strong can make right. Blood by that right? I took that and give that out like fucking sweets. your rights are dog shit now you have made a grave mistake you tried to take someone important to me You know I have been meaning to test soul magic on someone. Thank you for volunteering".

I start ripping his soul into pieces and trying to twist it into a blank slate. I am trying to make him into a ring of wrath or at least a spirit that can attack unseen and unheard. The screams were never heard.


I sent out a message to my military to gather and prepare for a nice afternoon of genocide. This was met by cheers. I guess my loyalty potions were working too well. Heading over to Banes cave with a new Valyrian steel armor and a saddle. I also made bulletproof goggles that fit onto the helmet. No lucky shots here. I also enchanted the armor with a few runes some shielding runes on the joints to make them stronger and cover more.

I mount Bane he is ready to go to the military base. He sprints out of the cave and leaps out spreading his wings. It is freeing to be in the sky not worrying about anything just my bane, and the sky for the whole ride I just let my mind wander.

I smile

A/N; Hope you enjoyed the chapter