
Hard fights [2]

"He's still alive!"

Atlas faintly heard those words before finally losing consciousness.


On Alpheus' side:

- Now it's my turn, captain Clifford, to show you my strength.

- I can't wait to see it!

Alpheus extended the palm of his hand towards captain Clifford, and water began to appear out of nowhere all around him in large quantities. Then he uttered an incantation to perform his technique:

Water elemental magic: {MARITIME STORM}

All the water around Alpheus suddenly turned into a vast expanse of water, enclosed in a huge transparent bubble covering an area of almost 5000 square meters.

In the center of this expanse of water, there were waves reaching over 10 meters high, but also the captain.

The latter didn't seem to be affected by the situation at all, as his expression remained completely indifferent, despite the waves tossing him in all directions. Until...

Sea of water, become under my command...


What Alpheus had just accomplished in front of the captain was simply phenomenal, something he had never seen before, and might never see again in his life.

When he heard a snap of the fingers, the entire expanse of water suddenly turned into a gigantic sea of blue flames, instantly reducing anything it touched to ashes.

This was one of Alpheus' special abilities and one of his most powerful techniques, and above all, the most mana-consuming.

As he mastered multiple elements, over time and with his incredible talent, he developed the ability to change the property of an element by directly manipulating the mana present within it. Proof of his immense skill in executing elemental techniques.

The only drawback is that, given his current mastery, it only works when water is involved. Probably because water is the element he has the strongest affinity for and has mastered at a very high level.

The captain was particularly surprised by this technique. He didn't expect his opponent to be capable of such a feat.

By the way, "who can do such a thing?" he wondered.

Despite this, with a simple gesture of Clifford's finger, Alpheus' flames transformed into numerous medium-sized fireballs, making it easier for the captain to dodge them.

- What!?! Exclaimed Alpheus, not understanding what had just happened.

- Your technique was impressive. But if you didn't know, learn today that under certain conditions, fire can easily change shape in the absence of gravity.

- Tsss... you're a bothersome opponent.

Clifford wasted no time and levitated towards his opponent to deliver a punch. Alpheus, who saw the attack coming from miles away, wondered why the captain was attacking so obviously. But he quickly reasoned to himself:

'I suppose that's how you fight when you're too strong.'

Not seeing the need to dodge at the moment, he tried to block the attack. But when Clifford's fist struck his arm, which was protecting his head, it felt as if he was bearing the weight of a whale with his bare hand. His hand immediately plunged into the ground.

It was a technique that the captain had named:


This technique infuriated Alpheus, and he took advantage of his hand being stuck in the ground to use his earth magic:


The ground deformed beneath Clifford's feet. He preferred to dodge the spikes for a moment, as if to have some fun, before finally preventing them from emerging with the increased force of gravity. He then said to his opponent:

- You've already used three different elements against me. Not bad.

- Now you're congratulating the one you probably have to eliminate. Alpheus replied, clenching his fists.

- Why not? This fight is just entertainment for me. I have the power to do almost anything I please. You can imagine that there aren't many who can stop me. Clifford retorted in a haughty voice.

- I'm sure of one thing, the world is full of mysteries that even the most powerful kings of Aspell don't know. So a mere captain like you, serving others, wouldn't make a difference. Alpheus replied to the captain, looking him straight in the eyes as the latter tried to remain calm despite these words.

- Your words are thoughtless, young man. Are you aware that you could die at any moment if I wished it?

- Perhaps, but that's not a reason for me to swallow my pride. I don't give a damn about the congratulations of an enemy. Alpheus replied in a very serious tone, preparing to resume the fight.

- Then your pride will be the cause of your death. The captain was also about to start again. "Our battle ends now!" Clifford added, placing the palm of his hand towards Alpheus.


This attack was of a completely different magnitude than the captain's first one. He instantly crushed Alpheus' bones, slamming him to the ground.

He felt like his body could shatter under this pressure at any moment. His pain was so extraordinary that he couldn't even realize how much he was hurting.

His experience was comparable to sleep paralysis, where one dreams of an executioner tearing every part of the body apart with his axe, where the only thing one can do is scream while no one will hear. The only difference is that Alpheus felt this pain multiplied by a hundred.

For Clifford, it was certain, he had no chance of survival. So, when Alpheus' pupils began to dilate, he turned around and took the road back to town.


Many minutes later, the captain was no longer visible from Alpheus' position. And while the latter was agonizing on the ground, he tried, as best as he could, to say these words that sounded like an incantation:

{Stone of... immortals, GRANT... ME... A SECOND... LIFE}

Was this normal? No. He shouldn't have been able to utter these words when death already had a grip on him. But he did, and a bright light suddenly emanated from his neck.

The light, coming from a necklace he was wearing, began to spread throughout his entire body, warming him to his core. His body, which had been pulverized by Clifford's powerful magic, slowly regained its original form and all the signs of injury disappeared. His muscles regained strength and his mind became clear. In just a minute, it was as if he had never fought Captain Clifford.

Thanks to the effect of this strange stone, he, who previously couldn't move an inch due to his crushed bones, had now risen and sat on the ground.

After that, a memory crossed his mind:


It was the day I left home, about a year ago; I told myself I couldn't leave without speaking to my mother one last time.

I waited until my father and brother were both absent before going to see her.

She was sitting in the garden, tending to the flowers, an activity she enjoyed doing to pass the time. I approached her before starting to speak.

- Mother?

- Ah... my son, how are you?

- I'm well, mother, and you? You seem to grow younger every day.

- I'm doing very well, my son. She replied with a smile at my remark.

'She looks rather young for someone in her forties. Perhaps it's because of her eyes, as blue as mine, and her white hair from birth that her beauty endures year after year. Or maybe she has been blessed by the gods to remain so young.'

- I thought you were also going on a mission with your father and Daryan.

- No... I decided not to go.

- Hmmm... I see. You could perhaps help me while you're here.

- Alright.

I didn't want to be too direct with her, so I agreed to help before announcing the news.

- I have something important to tell you, mother.

- What is it?

- I plan to leave home.

- Leave! But you're still young, you're only 16.


After a few seconds of silence and reflection, Alpheus said to his mother:

"What Daryan did to me will be forever etched in my memory. It's a selfish desire, but I will make him pay for what he did to me.

But that's not the most important thing: what happened a week ago wasn't the first time I witnessed the abominable face of the nobles in the face of suffering, pain, or humiliation of those they consider weak.

Since I was young, I have observed them, and now I understand that life, except their own, has no value in their eyes. As long as their affairs are running smoothly, even if it means exploiting the brave people who want to feed their families, then everything is fine. That's the system we live in.

Last week, I felt a fraction of what oppressed people feel in the face of these nobles. But it was already too much. I'm tired of their revelry. If no one seems willing to fight to change it, then I will be the one to put an end to this unjust system.

But it's not a task for the weak, so I will travel the world in search of power. I have heard of a way to greatly increase one's magical power. I will find that way and many others to achieve my goal because the weak achieve nothing in this world."

- Hmmm... your goal is righteous, my son. And I won't oppose it. But even though your brother acted very poorly, I don't want you to end up killing each other. She replied, looking at her son tenderly.

- I know, mother. But I have to do it.

- I know you are wise, Alpheus. I hope you will act with discernment. In any case, you are still my son, and I worry about you. Take this stone with you, it's called 'the Stone of the Immortals'. If something happens to you, ask for its help and you will be completely healed. She said, taking off the necklace she had around her neck, in which the stone was attached, and then handing it over to her son.

- Wow... I didn't know such a thing existed.

- It's rare, not found everywhere. It is said that these stones were created by the Deities themselves. My father gave it to me before he died, and now it's yours.

As I looked at the stone, I noticed that it was gray in color. It had small green particles on it. Continuing my observations, I added:

- Are you sure you want to entrust me with something so precious to you?

- Of course! It's the least I can do for you before you leave.

- Thank you... mother. I said, embracing her and kissing her on the forehead.


"Ah! I didn't expect to use this stone so soon. Well! I wonder where he is, this Atlas," Alpheus said, standing up.

He stretched his body when he noticed a group of horse-drawn carts approaching in the distance. This caught his attention because all movement in the city had been suspended during the army operation. This meant that Atlas' fight had ended.

"Maybe I should go ask them for information about Atlas' fight. He has the relic, it would be very troublesome if he was defeated."

He approached the group, which was probably a group of merchants. He stopped them for a moment and said:

- Greetings, gentlemen.

- Hello! How can we help you? Replied a man in his forties with a slightly deep voice.

- I need information. There was a fight in the city and I would like to know who is the winner.

The merchants looked at each other, and the one who was addressing Alpheus nodded, indicating him to look on their cart.

Alpheus didn't understand very well, but he still obeyed. He didn't expect at all what he was about to see.

It was Atlas, lying on his back still unconscious.

- So he lost. But why are you taking him with you?

- Don't you also want to leave the city area? Get on, we'll explain on the way. It's not safe to stay here. The man said, motioning for Alpheus to get on their cart.

Although Alpheus found it strange and even too easy to receive help like this, he didn't waste any time and got on, sitting next to Atlas. The group of merchants then continued on their way.


"I'm ready to listen, tell me what happened."

The merchant who led the group nodded and began to speak:

"We are actually a group of merchants. We were in Solis for trade, but we had to stop all activities on royal orders. They said they needed to deal with two fugitives.

We observed the situation from the second floor of an inn where we had taken refuge.

This young man was alone in the city fighting a captain, surrounded by all the soldiers called for the two of you. He didn't stand a chance, but he was impressive. He held his own against her for a while, and even survived. But it's thanks to our doctor that he's still here, this guy can't help but heal anything that moves and suffers."

- That's not entirely accurate. Interrupted an old man who seemed to be the group's doctor. "This young man should have clearly died, even with my intervention. But not only is he powerful, he's also intelligent. He used his magic perfectly to slow down the bleeding, I believe it was time magic. His use of magic intrigued me a lot, and I didn't want him to die. Thanks to him, I thought it would be good to have an excellent time manipulator in medicine."

Everyone agreed with the doctor's words, judging by the expressions on their faces. Then, the man in front added:

- That's not all, captain Iris is known to everyone for her exceptional swordsmanship. Yet none of the young man's vital points were hit. Either I'm an idiot, or it was intentional on his part.

- A captain of the royal army spared him? I wonder why. Said a pensive Alpheus.

- We may never know. But regardless, the young man was lying on the ground, bleeding, and our doctor wanted to do everything possible to treat him out of sight, so we had to take the road with him. Then we met you.

- I see. Thank you for your help.

- You're welcome, but we don't want to get any more involved in this story. So you'll have to leave us along the way.

- It does not matter, you've already done enough.

After these words, they continued their journey quietly, waiting for Atlas to wake up.

Wanting to reassure his fears, Alpheus checked in Atlas' pocket to see if the relic they had in their possession had not been taken by the soldiers sent by the Grand Council. To his great surprise, it was still there.

'What does this mean? Was the Grand Council not interested in the relic? No! That's impossible. Otherwise, why would they send such powerful soldiers like the captains to stop us? Does the fact that the relic is still here have anything to do with the captain sparing Atlas?'

So many questions crossed his mind, but although he had no answers, Alpheus was very reassured that the relic was still there. He could have taken the relic for himself, but he put it back in Atlas' pocket. And as he leaned against one of the edges of the cart to rest, he smiled and thought:

'Your luck is so great. To survive in a duel against a captain is already an achievement in itself, but to have been able to keep the relic that cost us all this, it's pure luck, and not just any luck. I wonder what you plan to achieve with this relic, Atlas Turner?'
