
Beginning of an exciting journey

In the depths of a small village located somewhere in the middle of a forest, there was a cabin worn by time. It emitted something sinister, something bad, and the sunlight seemed to flee from it every moment. The interior of the cabin was so dark that any normal person would be unable to distinguish what was inside, except for the two men who were sitting on mats placed on the floor. They were conversing while it was pouring rain :

- You say you have very few memories of your parents. Many orphans would have already started searching for them, being just as convinced as you that they are still alive. But why not you ? Asked one of the men, who wore an old black hooded cape and whose age showed through his voice.

- Aren't I the one supposed to be asking the questions, seer ? He replied, raising his head to stare at the man in front of him.

- Indeed, I digress.

- To answer your question, I don't care about knowing the fate of my parents. There are far more important things in life than that.

- Hmmm... more important things ? You seem different from the others. Explain to me, traveler. What are you searching for that is so important ?

- I... am searching for something, something so great that the mortal mind cannot even imagine it.

- What is it, traveler ?

- That's just it, I can't even understand exactly what it is. Replied he, looking up, lost in thought.

- Very interesting…

- But tell me one thing, you who claim to know the past, present, and future. What does the future hold for me? Asked the man to the seer, indicating with his face expression that he doesn't really believe in future predictions.

- You have experienced suffering, fear, and despair. But in the future, you will experience even more suffering, fear, and despair than anyone has ever had. Yet, you will experience happiness, but also great misfortunes, joy, but also profound sadness. Despite all this, you alone will have to decide the path to follow.

- I suppose a seer always stays true to himself. You only speak in riddles. But it doesn't matter, I don't believe in what you call "destiny" anyway.

- It's up to you to believe it or not. But remember one thing, this world is full of mysteries, of things... particularly strange. Maybe one day you'll understand them. But for now, go and be content to fulfill your destiny, Atlas Turner.


South of the kingdom of Dama lies Cirenn, the city of water. In addition to being an important commercial area, this great city is known to all for its impressive buildings, hot springs, and huge bodies of water, hence its nickname. From the simplest systems to the most complex inventions of the time, absolutely everything in this city is built around water.

"Ah... I didn't expect the city of Cirenn to be so beautiful, it's a good place to live. I now understand why my master has chosen to settle here temporarily. Besides, if it weren't to please him, I would never have gone to see this diviner. It could be instructive, he said." Thought Atlas as he stood at the entrance of the city of water.

At only 18 years old, he had an impressive physique. He stood at 1.85 meters tall with a well-sculpted body that wasn't huge. He was a young man with short black hair with a few red highlights, perfectly complementing his blood-red irises. He was dressed in a red cape, black and white clothing, and carried a golden-hilted katana.

'The people here seem really nice, they all have a smile on their faces and it seems like they all know each other. What a pleasant place.' Thought Atlas as he walked through the streets of the city.

But just as he spoke those words, Atlas felt a man wearing an old black hooded cape violently shove him. Arriving at the entrance of a corridor, the mysterious man turned to Atlas and gave him a provocative look before entering, as if inviting him to follow.

"What does this guy want ? Maybe I'll get my answer in this corridor." Thought Atlas as he walked towards the entrance.

The corridor wasn't very wide, with large and very old stone constructions on both sides while the road between them was paved.


As he entered the corridor, Atlas realized that no one was there. It was very strange and Atlas, who couldn't help but notice, thought:

"Hmmm… strange, he's inviting me to follow him probably to fight and then he hides as soon as I arrive. I would like to be wrong but it can only be one thing..."


Atlas didn't even have time to finish his sentence when he noticed the man he was chasing suspended in the air, launching several fireballs at him. Atlas easily dodged them before calmly saying to the man resting on the ground:

- So this is the kind of low-level assassin the Grand Council sends to kill me.

- Tss… don't think you'll get away that easy, Atlas Turner. The assassin replied in frustration.

- Look at you, with your old, worn-out cape. You can't even look credible. And you're sending me simple fireballs, no respect for my person. Atlas said, looking at the assassin with a haughty expression.

- You won't be talking like this when your stinking corpse gets eaten by the vultures. The assassin replied, even more haughty than Atlas, before getting into a fighting position.

- We'll see about that.

Atlas also got into a fighting position : he spread his legs so that his right leg was further forward, then he bent them and leaned slightly forward, putting his right hand on his katana, preparing to draw.

Although he had no weapon, the assassin didn't care about Atlas and his katana. He was just a loser to eliminate who would bring him a ton of money. So, with confidence, he raised his hand towards Atlas to cast a spell.

'This spell will surely eliminate him in one blow.' He thought as he prepared to execute it.

But in a fraction of a second, Atlas was already behind him in the same position as before. But this time, he was sheathing his katana.

When the assassin finally realized what had just happened, a gigantic cut mark had appeared on his chest.

In less time than it takes to tell, Atlas had covered the 3 meters that separated them and had sliced with his blade the torso of the man sent to kill him.

"Some would say it's wrong to kill for any reason. And they're not completely wrong. But I believe that death is only the just punishment for someone whose job is to kill with impunity. However, I expected a little better from him. It's more than disappointing and humiliating to think that these old relics of the Grand Council considered this nobody to be at my level." thought Atlas, breathing heavily, as he came out of the corridor.

The sun was already setting, and Atlas, running furiously through the streets of the city, as if searching for something, thought:

"That guy made me lose precious time. Because of him, I almost forgot why I came to Cirenn. I have to see my master, preferably before nightfall."

But despite the speed at which he was running, he stopped abruptly in front of the doors of a building on which was written: Public Bath.

"He's probably here, not only does he love public baths with hot springs, but I can also strongly feel his aura in this area." Atlas thought as he entered the building.

Unlike most stone buildings, this one was wooden, which added a certain charm and a nice atmosphere when you were inside.

Inside the building, Atlas undressed and went to the bathing area where he found his master sitting in the bath with both hands behind his head, as if he was living his best life. He also entered the bath and greeted his master:

- Good evening, Master Gaïus, how are you ?

- You're too formal, Atlas. We're in a public bath, just relax. Otherwise, I'm doing great, and you, how was your year of solo training?

- I'm doing well, I learned a lot during that time, but there's still much more to learn.

- You're still young. With your level at 18, you'll probably become much stronger than me and my 107 years.

Gaïus was in the prime of his life. Yet, despite his 107 years, he looked as young as a man in his thirties. He had long, naturally white hair that matched the gray of his eyes. And despite his age, his physique remained impressive, testifying to his mastery of time magic, a magic which he was almost the only one to master at the point of being able to slow down his own aging at will.

- I intend to surpass you, master. Atlas replied proudly with a smile. I almost forgot to tell you, but I had to fight today.

- Hmmm… so that's why I sensed your aura from where I am.

- From where you are ?!?! Atlas asked his master, looking amazed. Are you really here since this morning ?

- Well, yeah… so what ?

- Wow…

- …But that's not the point. Gaïus interrupted his disciple. You know that the Grand Council will try to arrest you as soon as you set foot in Aspell, right ?

- Of course, they'll say I broke the law by drawing a katana forged with magic in the world of the unfit.

- That's right, but I suppose you're already prepared for it, aren't you ?

- Yes, master. Atlas replied, bowing his head in respect to his master.

- Very well! Besides that, your great journey begins tomorrow. I will miss you a lot, Atlas. It's been a good year since we last saw each other, but now we might never see each other again. Gaïus said to Atlas, appearing slightly saddened by his disciple's future journey.

- I will miss you too, master.

- You're going to Aspell, right ?

- Yes, I'm going to the world of mages, Aspell.

- Okay, but be careful there. Gaius advised, attentively to his disciple.

"This is a great journey that begins for you, Atlas. It will surely be filled with countless obstacles. You must surround yourself with faithful friends, people you trust. Remember that this journey will be a constant learning experience, because man, regardless of his level, will always have something new to learn. I want news of the powerful Atlas to reach me in a few years. I don't want to hear about Atlas the rapist." He said, bursting out laughing with his disciple.

"Unlike what others say, don't always follow the voice of your heart, it is treacherous. Act with discernment and don't let yourself be overwhelmed by dangerous emotions."

"Honor your master, and may your name transcend the limits of time and resonate for eternity, Atlas, my disciple."
