
Thrones of the Past (ASOIAF/GOT)

Julius Caesar, How silly! wait your being serious. Woah Woah, why him, he'd be too hard to write, boss. In the World of Ice and Fire as well, Come on Boss your making it harder for me. Atleast let me give him a power up. And So Julius Caesar was thrust into a world simply for our entertainment. Will he survive or simply fall to a faceless assassin

MrEuripedes · TV
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

A Varangian

"In a duel, man to man, sword against sword, it can be a lack of skill that gets you killed. Often as not, though, it'll be a matter of luck, or if it goes on too long, then it'll be the man who tires first that tends to die.

In the end it's about staying power. They should put that on headstones, "Got tired."

― Mark Lawrence, Prince of Thorns


Gaius Julius Caesar/ Athens training grounds. :

I chuckled staring at the two blatantly charging at us, a slight movement came from Maximus' side and his whole body had fell backwards as Hermanus struck him. The loud bang was as if a elephant had ran into the city gates.

I could not lose focus, moving my feet I had held my position to protect Maximus as he regained him self. Their onslaught of swords were bringing my arms a burning sore, I felt a tap on my back. Feeling it, I nodded to myself. Dodging out of the onslaught, they fell forwards eyes filled with surprise. 

Maximus sent out a slash, one that had almost struck Hermanus for if it were not of Bertramus' quick thinking for a metal clanged into Maximus sword hand causing his wooden blade to miss the head of Hermanus.

They quickly regained their composure, their shields up and their gladius poking from above as they circle our position. Me and Maximus had been back to back, ready to defend ourselves for a random push.

Bertramus was to be my opponent for Maximus had placed his eyes on Hermanus. Our bodies stiff as we shuffled our feet through the hard dirt, the air tense with anticipation. I felt a sudden clash on my back, unexpectedly sending me forwards towards Bertramus, his gladius being sent forward.

Lowering my head, it had glanced off. I slammed into the shield of Bertramus, both holding our positions strongly but it seems something was a miss. As if something strange was happening, I ducked my head to see a wooden Gladius fly past. Turning around, I saw Maximus had no weapon in his hand and was in a brawl with Hermanus. 

Sending out punches and kicks to eachother, I simply laughed. Turning my head towards my front, I stabbed my dagger above my opponents shield aiming below. Only to feel air, a strike hitting the side of my helmet.

Turning my head, I saw Bertramus. His sword being the only thing in his hand, I stood up. Grabbing my shield I pushed forward. Bertramus dodged each strike, his head movement had been quite impressive. 

However, every now and then he would show the need to deflect with his gladius. Whenever mine had gone to near his head. I just simply kept pushing, the romans that had circled us giving way.

It would not be long until he makes a mistake, every one makes mistakes in battles. " FUCK! Hermanus, where the hell did you get another gladius? " I heard Maximus shout, anger in his tone at his what I assumed loss. This had not been good for me, I would be attacked from two side. I truly had to be careful now, if I fall for a trick. I would lose, I had two people that would be attacking me now.

' Do not get cocky, Caesar. ' I nodded at myself, sending a quick feint at Bertramus. His gladius raising to deflect, I pulled back and struck out at his throat. The strike landing, a fit of coughs leaving Bertramus. The gladius leaving his hand as he fell to the ground.

I turned my attention to Hermanus, his noise drenched in blood and the gladius in his hand was gripped hard. Splinters looked as if they would form if he had held it any tighter, He raised the gladius towards me, " I will show no mercy, My Emperor! " His tone harsh.

A chuckle leaving my mouth, I moved forward my scutum still infront of me. " I would expect nothing less of my Legio! " I replied back to his words. To which he sent out two strikes, one targeting the upper region and the other the middle.

I dodged below into my shield when he had aimed for my head, sending a slash at his wrist each time. However it had never worked, I had occasionally stared around the field. To look for the opportunity to somehow use it to my advantage.

I had not seen anything, anything that could be used. I simply nodded, his breathing had started to become heavy meaning I simply just had to play this correctly. Let him waste his breath trying to get past my shield and once he is not ready, send a quick strike out.

However, it seems it wouldn't be as easy as I thought. Each strike he had sent out, felt like a heavy pilum upon my arms. It would not take long for the shield to break to such pressure, I must push on. I charged sending a quick bash at his head, he had seemingly pushed back. His body holding me and shield in place. I sent a strike, his gladius raised. He had blocked it, continuing to block my continuing onslaught of strikes.

The man was a amazing warrior, he had blocked each and all of my strikes with seemingly no struggle while holding my own shield in place. I let go of my shield, side stepping out of it allowing it and Hermanus to fall. His eyes wide in surprise before a sudden smile hit him, as he dropped on the ground. My sword aimed straight at his open sides, It had struck bringing a wince out of the man before me.

I smiled raising my sword, the roman people shouting cheers.

" Caesar Won! Damn you Roy. That was my wages! " " I can't believe it! " " I always believed in you Caesar, THE EMPEROR TO CONQUER TIME AND THE AGES! " many hearing the man started shouting similar. 

" THE EMPEROR TO CONQUER TIME! " was the one that had been most said, I simply chuckled to myself, ' it has a nice ring to it. ' 

Staring at Hermanus before him, I offered him a hand. To which he accepted, pulling himself up. His body still limping due to the blow that he had suffered from Maximus and I. Looking around I did not see him, neither did I notice Bertramus.

* Ding Ding, Congratulations on your victory. A reward has been granted. Wish you luck. *

The system had dinged and they had both vanished, The romans had started to slowly disperse. Now that the show had ended, leaving to visit the town of Athens itself. Most likely to get a taste of their famous wine, something I could not blame them for. 

I walked over to the weapons rack, Hermanus limping behind me slowly. A small smile on his bloody face. " When will we leave for another city? " He asked placing his wooden gladius into the stand.

" In a months time, two at most. The Athenians need time to build more ships. " I turned to him, " Do not tell me you dislike Athens? " 

" Indeed I do, the city is too pretentious. " He spoke spitting onto the ground, before wiping his nose to try and clear the blood. 

A laugh left my mouth as I heard him, placing my hands on my head me and Hermanus walked the city of Athens. The sun would soon start to slowly descend, it had started to hang low. I stared at the sign before me, Hermanus releasing a chuckle. " Welcome to the bar of us Romans right now. " He walked into the alley before turning right, I simply followed. 

It had been a brothel, and according to the Hermanus. A popular one with the Romans, they were after all still young men that needed their desires filled every now and then. The men were celebrating, Greek women pouring wine into their goblets. Face filled with smiles, " This is what they use their pay for? " I chuckled before shaking my head.

Following closely behind Hermanus, we had entered a back room. A face I was unfamiliar had been in their. Raising from his seat he had saluted, " I greet the Emperor! " The man shouted, " MY NAME IS EIVOR! I am assigned by Ephesius to guard you! " The man spoke in a gruff tone his height had almost allowed him to touch the ceiling.

Raising my hand to allow him to sit, I stared at those around me shocked at the newcomer, " What unit do you serve? " 

" The Varangian Guard my Lord. " The man bowed his head, grabbing a wine bottle he poured it into a goblet, offering it to me, " Would you have some, It is quite tasteful. " He chuckled

I nodded at him, " Indeed, the wines the Greeks make are quite refined. " I took a seat on a stool not far away from the rest. The room was filled with Bertramus, Hermanus, Maximus. Eivor and another man standing silently in the corner. Equipped in similar army to that of Eivor, carrying a large axe and triangular shield in hand.

" So, What is the reason you brought me here? " I asked leaning my back against the wall, Hermanus grabbing a map from under the desk. It was the same one I had seen during my time with the senate.

" We believe the next best city would be Yeen. " He spoke causing Eivor to chuckle making Hermanus stare at him, " Why, it is not a bad plan. We do not have the men to deal with wyverns. " 

" Bahaha. You pretty Romans and your cowardly nature. " The man laughed causing a raised eyebrow at his talk, " I am known as wyvern slayer by my own! Isn't that right Sigrun. " He pointed towards the one in the corner a small grunt leaving. 

They had a higher pitch, meaning either their balls hadn't dropped or they had just sounded like a child. Either one made me chuckle at the person that could be hidden behind the chainmail.

Staring back at the two they had stared at eachother fiercely, they turned theirs heads towards me asking for me to help in their argument. " We will head for Yeen, the Athenians recommend it. " Upon hearing me, Eivor leaned back sighing before downing a large wooden cup.

The Varangian called Sigrun had also seemed to move, grabbing a goblet before walking over to me. " Here, drink. You look like you need it. " Their voice was higher but tough as if they had experienced toughness in life before.

Grabbing the goblet, they sat down beside me. The pouches clanging with what sounded like coins inside, " Is it really true that he is called the Wyvern slayer? " I placed the cup down, taking off the helmet on my head. I shook my head the hair flowing around. Grabbing my cup again, I drank from the cup.

" Indeed, he had been called the Wyvern Slayer, even before Sparta had fell. Mostly because a wyvern had bit him and died from his blood. " A chuckle leaving their mouth and upon hearing them I was surprised, there had been a Sparta in this world. And it had come to collapse before I even arrived? It was a new revelation that would come in handy. To also know that the blood of Eivor was poisonous would come in handy, to put even a wyvern on the ground.

The weapon in their hand dropped to the ground with a loud clang, their hands crossing over their chest, they stared off into seemingly no where. Looking away I just kept drinking from the goblet and after my fifth sip. It was gone, my mind slightly awry due to it.


Shorter chapter than normal, because I gotta revise for exams now. Wooo. 

( Give me some more ideas on what you want to see in the future, either it be different POV's or something else. )