
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
454 Chs

Chapter 1 Welcome to the world of horror

[Here you can experience the ultimate happiness]

 [If during the game, you find that your body parts are missing, you are unconscious, and you are disemboweled, please don't panic. This is a characteristic of this world]

 [Only representing the horror world, here I wish you an early death and an early reincarnation, and I wish you go crazy even if you don't die]

 The world around him was pitch black, with streaks of black light bursting out.

 One figure gradually emerged.

 They wore neat uniforms with uniform words embroidered on their chests.

 (Yangcheng No. 6 Middle School) (Class for Poor Students)

 Their expressions were solemn and their eyes were full of fear.

 "Horror world! Here I come, hahaha!"

 A roar sounded.

 broke the solemn atmosphere.

 I saw a young man wearing a floral shirt and holding a torn imitation of a war-damaged version of Ai Ma's wet bag under his arm. He had a slicked back hair and a pack of cigarettes in the bag, with half of the cigarette hanging out of the mouth of the bag.

 The word Huazi can be vaguely seen.

 This makes the young man look very social even though he looks only eighteen or nineteen years old.

 A female classmate standing in the center raised her forehead and said helplessly.

 "...Chen Gang! Can you be more serious? Can you stop acting like a gangster all the time?"

 [System value +1]

 The young man grinned.

 "Little girl, don't worry. We've entered the horror world. If we can be randomly assigned to a team, I'll take you flying."

 "Call me monitor!"

 "Good, little old girl."

 The female classmates gritted their teeth.

 "You!! Forget it, I don't ask you to be normal. As long as you don't disturb other students, this college entrance examination is the most important test in our lives. If we can't become professionals, we will live in society all our lives. Ground floor."

 Chen Gang shrugged.

 Said to shut up for now.

 A hundred years ago, a world of horror suddenly descended on this world.

 Countless people were forcibly sucked in.

 Forced to go through copies one after another.

 This sudden accident frightened everyone.

 A large number of dungeon strategies failed, and those who were sucked in died on the spot.

 The ghosts in the copy invade the real world.

 Countries suffered heavy losses in those years.


 Later, there were people who passed the copy and summed up a lot of experience, and everyone selflessly contributed their own skills.

 Suddenly a large number of professionals appeared.

 As long as you pass one copy and reach a comprehensive score of 65 or above, you can become a professional.

 With the emergence of professionals, the ghosts in the real world are finally under control.

 And after a hundred years of exploration.

 Countries work together to negotiate terms with the horror world.

 Finally make a rule.

 World of Horror can only attract students over the age of 18.

 And provide a chance to avoid death.

 In other words, only those who are over the age of 18 can enter the horror world.

 Even if you are in a horror world and die unfortunately.

 You can also return to the real world and live an ordinary life.

 Of course, if you are unlucky enough to be inhaled twice, you will die.

 This is not the responsibility of the state.

 After this rule is set.

 Various horror schools have begun enrolling students.

 Specializes in teaching various horror world techniques.

 But the death rate in the horror world remains high.

 Mainly because the horror world is too outrageous.

 Ghosts are everywhere.

 Most ghosts have malicious intentions towards humans.

 Because sucking human life can increase the level of ghosts.

 But as long as you pass the first dungeon and your score exceeds 65, you can become a professional.

 Has the same power as a ghost and can continue to improve.

 The college entrance examination is the most critical opportunity to become a professional.

 If nothing else, this is the only chance in life.

 Yangcheng No. 6 Middle School, as the worst high school in Yangcheng, has an extremely high mortality rate among the students it teaches.

 And the class for poor students is the worst class in this school.

There are a lot of talents in the class, and they have everything.

 Chen Gang is the leader among them.

 The day Chen Gang entered school.

 Wearing toad glasses and casual clothes.

 Behind him were thirty-four bodyguards in black suits.

 Most of the school was shocked, thinking he was the son of some underworld tycoon.

 Later it was explained that Chen Gang's parents were ordinary civilians.

 The black suits entering school are all temporary workers recruited from the job market.

 Don't ask why there are only thirty-four people.

 Because the tuition and living expenses given by Chen Gang's parents were only 3,400 yuan.

 Temporary workers cost a hundred dollars each, and they bring their own black suits.

 According to unreliable gossip, he was in the principal's office that day.

 Chen Gang was beaten by a mixed team of men and women, and his glasses were all knocked off, and his casual clothes were all kicked off.

 Not surprisingly, the class for poor students had not yet been established.

 Chen Gang became the first member.

 Others are ranked last in exams many times, and when they are hopeless, they will be demoted to the poor student class.

 Only Chen Gang was sent out directly.

 In a dark world.

 Chen Gang pursed his lips.

 All kinds of embarrassing memories are trying to hit my mind.


 The center of the dark world.

 A black booth gradually rises.

 The light flew out from the booth and fell evenly on everyone's hands.

 This is an official benefit.

 When you enter the horror world for the first time, you will be randomly assigned a prop.

 There are good and bad props.

 But because of the rules of the thriller world.

 It is best to have items no higher than lv2 at most.

 At worst, most of them are lv1 items.

 Chen Gang held the glowing object.

 A knowing smile.

 It's boxy and feels a bit hard.

 It's too dark here to see clearly.

 You can only put it in your pocket first.

 Wait until World of Horror to watch.


 The booth retracts underground.

 Everyone just felt a pressure falling from the sky, making people unable to move.

 But they didn't panic at all.

 Because it was taught in lectures.

 This is the precursor to entering the world of horror.


 A classmate turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

 Suddenly there seemed to be a chain reaction.

 One by one, classmates disappeared.

 The newcomer copy of Thriller World adheres to the principle of fairness.

 You will never let two people who are very familiar with each other appear in a dungeon together.

 Avoid supporting each other and create a more terrifying sense of strangeness.


 Chen Gang's eyes flashed.

 When I came back to my senses, I was already standing in front of a dilapidated platform.

 [Congratulations on entering the first copy]

 [You are a child of the mountains. You have longed for city life since you were a child. You walked out of the mountains resolutely, preparing to get on the train and settle in the towns.]

 [Customs clearance requirements, take a train to Wutong Township, and successfully find a gainful job]

 [Number of participants: 10]

 Nine figures appeared around Chen Gang.

 Chen Gang glanced around and suddenly his eyes flashed.

 I saw only one person with a school uniform embroidered on his chest.

 (Capital No. 1 Middle School)

 Good guy, this is the number one middle school in the country.

 Chen Gang never expected to meet such a talented student.

 "Zhang Jian!"

 The student from Capital No. 1 Middle School was the first to speak.

 This is the first lesson in middle school. Enter the world of horror and introduce each other so that we can help each other, benefit each other, hurt each other, and make things worse.

 Well, yes, where there are people, there is competition.

 In the horror world, the death rate remains high, and competition for resource scores also takes up a large part.