
Three Months as a Teacher.

When being summoned to the Hokage's office Jonin Kasa Samidare thought he was going to be assigned to an emergency assignment. What he wasn't expecting was being told to become team 8's temporary Jonin instructor while their sensei recovered from an injury. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, this novel/short story idea is something I have been thinking about for a while. The concept is your character being summoned to take on a mission in the hokage's office. the premise is for their to be a short story that depicts the mission being taken and their thought process and experience throughout it. I would like to note that I'm a new writer and am choosing to use this as practice to gain more experience, there is no guarantee that I will finish a story so don't become to attached to them.

BoredMorsel · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Mission Series: First Assignment

Letting out a sigh as I start walking the busy streets of konoha, I ponder on the task I was just assigned. When I was summoned to the Hokages office I thought I was going to be sent off onto guard duty again, I wish that were the case. Though to my surprise, I was told that my former teammate had been hospitalized by an S-rank traitor who infiltrated the village. Saying that I am angry right now would be an understatement, the only reason I didn't request to go after the bastard was because I know my limits, and what the elders told me next was enough to slap the anger out of me. I was officially assigned as the temporary Jonin instructor of team 8 until Kurenai Yuhi was able to return to active duty. Letting out another sigh, I stop walking and gaze at the building in front of me. I've arrived at a place full of bad memories, Konoha's hospital. Standing there for a while, I just blankly stare at the building with murky eyes. After what must have been a half hour I let out my umpteenth sigh of the day and started dragging my feet forward. Welp, no time like the present, let's go and check on Kurenai-chan and find out where her little whelps are located. Opening the door and walking to the counter I look around for a second before spotting a clerk who is available. "Ahh, hello I'm here to visit Kurenai Yuhi, could you please tell me which way I should be going," I say whilst forcing out a smile at the brown haired lady behind the counter.

"Could you give me your name and reason for visiting?" She retorts in a bland manner as if she's done this hundreds of times.

"No problem, I'm Kasa Samidare. I'm here visiting to see how she's doing as well as informing her that I am now going to be her Genin squad's temporary instructor."

" Alright, give me just a moment to write this down." The clerk began jotting down notes on a piece of paper before grabbing a clipboard and flipping through it. After a prolonged moment she finally looks up and says." You should head to floor three and go to room 326, she should be there."

Giving her my thanks I walk away from the desk and head off to the stairwell, leaving behind the flurry of noise that is Khonoha Hospitals main lobby. As I progress up the stairwell the din of the lobby is replaced by the sound of hurried footsteps rushing to and fro. Steadily walking further from the bustle of people I arrive at the relatively quiet side wing of the hospital which houses patients. Reaching the room I walk up to the door and give it a rhythmic knocking, thump, thump, thump.

"Come in." A familiar yet feeble voice beckoned. Taking a steady breath I opened the door. What greeted me was the sight of Kurenai seated on an inclined bed with bandages wrapped around her shoulder and torso being poorly concealed by her patient's gow. She also had a book partially closed in her other hand whilst she faced towards me. "Kasa, what are you doing here, I thought you were out on a mission?" She questions.

Letting out a sigh followed by a weary smile I respond. " Ahh, not even a hello, you truly wound me Kurenai-chan"

She let out a derisive snort after hearing that. "Get on with it, we both know you hate hospitals and would rather send me a letter than come in person." She remarked with a semi intriuged look upon her face.

Grimacing at her blunt words I sag my shoulders further than they already were. " Well, I've been assigned a new mission, I'm officially Team 8's temporary Jonin Insturctor until you get back onto active duty." I let out in a drowsy manner.

Sitting there she blankly stares at me before her eyes suddenly widen after understanding what I just told her. Then she starts to chuckle, before she sardonically Imitates my voice. "I'll never take care of some troublesome genin. Such a boring waste of time, do you know how many seals I could make in the time I spent monitoring them?" after which she starts chuckling to herself some more.

My face goes blank as I just stand there staring at her. Then I suddenly smirk at her and say. "Keep laughing and I will tell your genin about the time you got scammed for thirty thousand Ryo because you wanted to buy a large amount of candy only for it to turn out to be expired. Or I could talk about the time wher you ran nak-"

"YOU WOUldn't!!" She half yells, interrupting me, with a look of anger and apprehension on her face.

"I would though" I snarked with a silly grin on my face. After which I snicker at the crossed look of anger and embarrassment she display's whilst recalling that particular mission. After I get done humoring myself I finally bring up the subject I was here for in the first place. "Anyways, I need to find your genin. Do you mind telling me where to look for them?"

She stares at me for a good couple of seconds before she starts to speak. "Promise not to tell my genin and I'll tell you." As I was about to reply when a brash voice beat me to it.

"Not tell us what sensei?" The brown haired boy with red markings and a dog on his head questions from the doorway. Shortly after speaking he shuffles into the room followed by a quiet black haired boy wearing a gray trench coat, and a white eyed girl who looks at me with a curious, yet timid gaze.

Looking back at Kurenai with a mocking smirk I speak to her, "I refuse your offer, Kurenai-chan." She blankly stares at me with her eyebrow twitching in annoyance before she ignores me and speaks to the boy.

"It's nothing important Kiba. What did you three come here for?"

This time the timid girl responds saying, "ah, w-we came to bring fl-flowers and check up on you sensei." to which the boy in the trench coat gives an affirmative nod as the kid named Kiba grins.

Kurenai smiled at them. "How kind of you three, thanks Hinata, Kiba, Shino."

"No problem sensei, but who is this guy and why is he calling you chan?" Kiba queried.

Kurenai pointed at me and then spoke. "This is Kasa Samidare. He is my former teammate and will be your temporary Jonin Instuctor whilst I'm in recovery." After hearing her speak, the trio's head's all snapped towards me with a startled gaze.

"Huh, what do you mean temporary instructor? Won't you be teaching us sensei?" Kiba spouts at an incredible speed.

Rolling her eyes, Kurenai calmly responds. "I won't be able to leave bed for another month, and even then, I won't be ready to return to duty for another two months afterward."

"S-so K-Kasa-san will be te-teaching us until you get better?" Hinata softly asks.

"I don't know, he only told me this a few minutes ago and didn't get the chance to fully explain the situation to me." Kurenai narrates before turning her gaze towards me along with her students.

Heaving out a sigh I smile at the three, " I have been assigned to be your temporary Instuctor until Kurenai-chan has been returned to active duty. I will mostly just be filling in as a team leader so you can continue to take mission's outside of the village."

"Kasa-san, are you going to be teaching us anything unique whilst we learn from you?" The quiet boy, Shino, questioned.

"Well that depends on how well Kurenai-chan has been teaching you, and if you're ready for more advanced training." I reply while looking at the boy. He nods his head in response before looking away in an almost detached manner. As I was getting ready to inform the three about where to gather tomorrow I was interrupted by an annoyed voice.

"Are you calling me a bad teacher, Kasa." Kurenai says in a tone promising pain if she doesn't like the answer.

"Of course not Kurenai-chan, I just don't think they're ready for more advanced knowledge given their age." I reply with a nervous smile hoping she doesn't notice I was indeed teaseing her. She narrows her eyes and stares at me, not speaking. "Well I better get going, you three need to meet me at training ground 5 at 8:00am tomorrow." I tell them after standing up and making my way to the door. The three kids give a nod in acknowledgement, before turning back to their sensei with inquisitive looks on their faces ready to ask questions. As I reach the door I turn my head around and speak as if saying an afterthought. "I'm glad you're alright, Kurenai."

She smiles at me before nodding, with nothing more to say I leave the hospital in a hurry. I end up wandering around for another hour before stopping to pick up some food as I head home. As I sit down getting ready for bed I sigh thinking of how troublesome the next few months are going to be.