
Three Kingdoms: Starting with Orator Talent, Zhang Jiao is Shocked

Wang Yan, a modern scholar, transmigrates into the body of Wang Yan, the son of a governor, during the Eastern Han Dynasty. He awakens on an execution ground amid the Yellow Turban Rebellion and discovers he has an "Orator System" that allows him to influence people through speeches. Using his new abilities, he plans to convert rebels into followers, build an army, and navigate the chaotic era to become a powerful leader.

A_Beam_of_Radiance · História
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39 Chs

Chapter 21: Big Ears and Fatso, Do You Think I, Wang Yan, Am Just Bluffing?

Dong Zhuo, along with Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, observed a new army approaching from a distance. The soldiers marched in perfect unison, displaying strict discipline. Surprised, they halted their argument.


Wang Yan, leading Zhao Yun and Zhou Cang, rode forward. He looked at Liu Bei and his brothers, then turned to Dong Zhuo. One side was righteous and indignant, the other haughty and arrogant. This wasn't the scene where Liu Bei saved Dong Zhuo but was despised for his humble origins.


A famous moment indeed.


Seeing the large army behind Wang Yan and knowing he was also a student of Lu Zhi, Liu Bei felt a desire to befriend him. This time, he was wise enough to greet him politely, "Ziyuan, it's been a while."


Wang Yan clasped his hands in return, "Brother Xuande, we are fellow disciples now; no need for formalities."


"I heard that you, Ziyuan, are also a student of our teacher. I am delighted. He is our teacher and a role model for us in life. He has always been upright, serving the nation and the people. Now that he is in trouble, I am apprehensive and wish to fly to help him through this difficulty."


His voice choked with emotion as Liu Bei spoke, and his face displayed deep sorrow. His performance was moving, affecting all the soldiers present.


Wang Yan: ...




While his oratory skills were system-given, Liu Bei's acting talent was innate. Historically, who else but you could become an emperor?


Wang Yan felt cornered. Although he knew Lu Zhi would safely get through this ordeal, as a fellow student, he had to play along with Liu Bei's act. With this in mind, Wang Yan's expression turned solemn. He bowed respectfully towards the direction of Luoyang and said with deep emotion:


"Brother Xuande, our teacher's integrity and concern for the nation and its people are known to all. He will surely turn misfortune into a blessing. We must continue to fulfill his mission of quelling the rebellion."


These words shifted the focus from worrying about their teacher to the nation and its people. Then, Wang Yan drew his sword and pointed it towards the sky.


"Brother Xuande, the people are suffering. We, taught by our teachers, should take responsibility for the world and strive to eliminate the Yellow Turbans. Let's fight together and eradicate Zhang Jue, shall we?"




This operation moved everyone present, making it seem as if Wang Yan's loyalty and righteousness could illuminate the sun and moon.


[Emotion Value +22]

[Emotion Value +66]



Guan Yu carefully examined Wang Yan and nodded heavily. Zhang Fei, being straightforward, roared, "Excellent! A real man should not lament but serve the country first!"


Unknowingly, this remark subtly slapped his elder brother's face. Liu Bei's expression stiffened, and he echoed, "Ziyuan, truly a young hero, no wonder our teacher values you!"


While Wang Yan and Liu Bei exchanged compliments, proclaiming their intention to quell the rebellion, they completely ignored Dong Zhuo, the General of the Rebel Suppression Army. How could he tolerate this?


"And who are you?" Dong Zhuo raised his head high, holding his sword on horseback, shouting at Wang Yan.


The rough voice of the angry Dong Zhuo reached Wang Yan's ears, making him turn and scrutinize Dong Zhuo. Oh, he looked pretty robust.


Life at the frontier of Xiliang was tough; no wonder he came to the Central Plains seeking opportunities. Wang Yan thought that Dong Zhuo's figure, like his uncontrolled ambition, would soon swell into a fat, bloated corpse.


Who am I?


This question I can answer.


People often want to showcase what they lack the most. Dong Zhuo looked down on others because he had always been despised. As a military officer from Liangzhou, the position of Colonel was likely the peak of his career under normal circumstances. Further advancement was difficult.


The eunuchs, noble families, and foreign relatives had already divided the power of the Eastern Han Dynasty, leaving no room for the emerging military forces of Liangzhou to share. The entire Liangzhou military group, including its leaders, eventually met tragic ends.


At nearly fifty, old Dong was unwilling to give up. If he didn't seize this opportunity, he would soon be buried. Thus, Dong Zhuo was desperate to advance, seeking every opportunity to break through his bottleneck, leading to his upward gaze.


With the omniscient perspective of Wang Yan, understanding everything was easy. He calmly looked at the nostril-flaring Dong Zhuo and smiled:


"General Dong, I am Wang Yan, styled Ziyuan."


Wang Yan paused and deliberately emphasized, "My father is Wang Fen, the Inspector of Jizhou."


Hearing this, Dong Zhuo's expression became serious. The son of one of the famous "Eight Chefs"?


A descendant of a noble family.


His tone softened, "Ziyuan, where are you headed?"


Wang Yan replied, "Naturally, to attack Zhang Jue."


This statement shocked everyone, including Dong Zhuo. He narrowed his eyes, "You say you want to attack Zhang Jue with just these few men?"


"Yes, though few in number, they are brave enough," Wang Yan answered.


Dong Zhuo looked at Wang Yan with the gaze of an experienced man, speaking in an old-fashioned tone, "Young man, I advise you not to be reckless. I have fought Zhang Jue many times and have repeatedly failed. The Yellow Turbans are numerous, and Zhang Jue also uses sorcery!"


"How will you defeat him?"


Wang Yan was slightly taken aback, eyes wide with curiosity, "Sorcery?"


Are you kidding me?


This isn't a high-fantasy world. Where's the sorcery?


Zhang Jue, the charlatan, must have outsmarted Dong Zhuo. With his materialistic worldview, all supernatural beings must make way.


"General Dong, that sorcery must be illusions. We can break it as long as our army is brave enough!" Wang Yan's eyes were firm, his determination to fight unshaken.


Seeing Wang Yan unmoved, Dong Zhuo thought: Another arrogant noble brat who looks down on me. Does he believe Zhang Jue is easy to kill?


If you don't heed the older man's advice, you'll suffer for it.


Dong Zhuo snorted coldly, thinking this, "I offer kind advice, yet you ignore it. I'll be in the camp waiting for your death news!"


With that, Dong Zhuo turned his horse and left angrily. Wang Yan was unfazed, turning to Liu Bei and his brothers, "Brother Xuande, will you assist me?"


Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were eager to fight. Liu Bei frowned, pondering for a long time, then said, "Ziyuan, that Dong Zhuo is detestable, but his words hold truth. Besides Zhang Jue's sorcery causing chaos, his martial skills are formidable. My second and third brothers fought him together but couldn't prevail!"


"I advise you, dear brother, to reconsider."


Wang Yan felt a chill in his heart. One man against two formidable warriors?


Zhang Jue is indeed challenging. He glanced at his attribute panel. The gene evolution potion had fully integrated.


[Host: Wang Yan]

[Strength: 119]

[Leadership: 91]

[Intelligence: 92]

[Charm: 95]


Wow, his strength was off the charts. What was there to fear? Not tearing Zhang Jue apart would be a disservice to the system's support.


Seeing Liu Bei hesitating, Wang Yan felt a bit helpless. The fat man considered him an arrogant noble, fine. But Liu Bei, you're so good at escaping; why be so cautious now?


It seems like he had to flex some muscles. He asked the soldiers behind him loudly, "Are you afraid of death?"


"Yes!" the soldiers answered truthfully.


"But if I asked you to die for me, would you still be afraid?"


The soldiers raised their weapons, faces showing fearlessness and fanaticism.


"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"



The loud shouts soared into the sky, stunning Liu Bei and his brothers.


"What kind of army is this?"

"Are they all fearless or just great at boasting?"