
Chapter 17: The Rampaging Beast (Please Vote for Recommendation, Bookmark)_1

Jiang Yu said to Shi Qiang on the other side of the microphone, "In any case, it absolutely cannot be made public! Nor can it be disclosed to the foreigners at your combat center."

Shi Qiang was taken aback, "How do you know there are foreigners in the combat center?"

Jiang Yu retorted without missing a beat, "When it comes to a war involving the entire race, it's bound to be a joint operation involving multiple countries."

After a second or two, Shi Qiang from the other side of the microphone asked, "What kind of enemy are we facing exactly?"

"I'm sorry, Da Shi, Colonel Chang Weisi didn't tell you these things; he must have his reasons, and I don't want to disrupt his plans by running my mouth."

"I understand," said Shi Qiang, who was a measured person, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Da Shi, it's unfortunate to tell you that it's not about what suggestions I have, but anyone with a basic education in sociology would understand the consequences of making these two technologies public."

Jiang Yu explained, "Da Shi, the moment you announce the ETO's plans and strictly forbid the use of the technologies involved in the plans, it's the same as confirming the authenticity of these technologies.

"The public is very forgetful. When their wave of protests subsides, there will definitely be people who want to sneak a taste of this 'poisoned apple.'

"Control might be a bit easier domestically since the government holds power. How about overseas? Aren't governments there in the hands of capitalists and oligarchs, who have done their share of inhuman deeds?

"Once the trade of these technologies goes underground, Da Shi, I can assure you, it will be a hundred times, no, ten thousand times filthier than it is now!"

Shi Qiang said, "I understand now. They kindly give us technology, but there must be a hidden agenda. So, what should we do with these two technologies?"

"Lock them up! And do it within our country only, with long-term, strict surveillance, and preferably keep other nations from knowing about it."

After a pause of a second or two, Shi Qiang asked, "Isn't that making a mountain out of a molehill?"

"Da Shi, I respect your skill at solving cases, but when it comes to research on these kinds of issues, you're not as knowledgeable as me," Jiang Yu explained.

"Modern technology is completely a beast out of control. I vaguely remember the guy who invented plastic warning everyone not to produce it because he hadn't found a way to decompose it.

"No one listened, and now plastic is threatening the global ecological chain.

"If these two technologies spiral out of control, it won't just be a matter of us eating a bit of plastic; it'll be the most severe and irreconcilable internal strife in history."

Jiang Yu emphasized, "Da Shi, when you report to Principal Chang, make sure to convey my exact words to him.

"I trust that the higher-ups in our government have enough wisdom to understand that the disasters caused by uncontrolled technology will always bring greater harm than our enemies ever could."

In his heart, he added a line, even when facing the threat of the Trisolarans.

If there is a technological loss of control among Earthlings, it is the outcome the Trisolarans would most like to see.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Shi Qiang said, "I understand. This call is being recorded, and I will play the recording directly for the leader. Alright, go get some rest."

Just as Jiang Yu was about to hang up, Shi Qiang added, "By the way, Yang Dong and Ding Yi each have two of my colleagues following them. You can rest easy.

"The people on the list you gave us, we have protected them to different extents, and so far, we have saved seven top-notch scientists."

Shi Qiang said with a smile, "This is your credit."

Jiang Yu also smiled, "No, my contribution is only a part of it."

"Brother, don't be as falsely modest as us middle-aged uncles are at your age."

Jiang Yu shook his head with a smile, "Oh, right, be especially careful when it comes to protecting Yang Dong. Yang Dong's mother, Ye Wenjie, is an important figure in the ETO, the Trisolaran Organization."

Shi Qiang was surprised, "Ye, Ye Wenjie!"

"You know her?"

Shi Qiang sighed, "I remember when my son was in middle school, she gave a lecture on astronomy at his school. That old lady sure can hide well. Do we need to monitor her immediately?"

"No need for now, I'm right beside her, and nothing will go wrong," said Jiang Yu. "People from that era are very cautious; startling the snake in the grass would not be good."

Having hung up the phone, Jiang Yu lay in bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time. Despite his repeated admonitions to Shi Qiang, he still felt somewhat uneasy.

Jiang Yu tossed and turned for a long time before he realized that if these two technologies were really going to spread, there was nothing he could do to stop them with his current abilities.

Since he had already "done his humanly best," he might as well "leave it to fate."

Jiang Yu gradually calmed his mind and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next day, following Ye Wenjie's instructions, Jiang Yu attended a Redemptionist meeting.

Ye Wenjie didn't show up herself; she just told Jiang Yu that she had already informed the meeting organizers about him.

The meeting was held in a conference room of a secluded office building with about a dozen people in the room, none of whom Jiang Yu recognized.

During the self-introduction, Jiang Yu learned that these people were either high-level executives or scholars—in short, they all seemed quite impressive.

The initiator of the meeting was a man in his forties wearing black-framed glasses, named Qin Hai Ping.

Qin Hai Ping casually surveyed the attendees, his gaze lingering on Jiang Yu for two or three seconds, while it merely swept over everyone else.

Clearly, someone personally introduced by Ye Wenjie commanded enough attention from those in the know.

After the meeting started, Jiang Yu didn't rush to express any radical views but was instead observing the situation.

After discussing two issues, Jiang Yu understood that this was a gathering of peripheral members of the Redemptionist faction focused primarily on discussing the Three-Body Game.

Jiang Yu had played the Three-Body Game a few times in the game hall before; it was quite interesting, but due to budget constraints, he had only played it a few times.

Whether Redemptionists or Adventists, they both enjoyed organizing gatherings at various levels, and Jiang Yu had attended an Adventist meeting before.

It was much higher level than this Redemptionist gathering, attended by the core members of the Adventists in the country.

The Adventist meetings were held in the Three-Body Game monthly, and by his calculations, the next Adventist meeting would be the following week.

Jiang Yu thought to himself, "Luckily these meetings don't conflict."

After some discussion, attendees asked Qin Hai Ping where the inspiration for such a profound game like Three-Body came from and who designed it?

Qin Hai Ping seized the opportunity to tell everyone about the existence of the Trisolaran World and, in the process, spread the Redemptionist manifesto.

The manifesto was instantly accepted by everyone present.

Jiang Yu earnestly played his role among them, showing either surprise or agreement.

Through the Deception Points he gained, Jiang Yu knew he had successfully deceived Qin Hai Ping.

Deceiving Qin Hai Ping was the first step; the key would be to deceive Ye Wenjie afterward.

On his way back to the school, Jiang Yu pondered how to best express his emotions to seem most reasonable.

Upon returning to the staff residential area, Jiang Yu immediately got into character, his face solemn, his eyes vacant, looking somewhat lost in thought.

As he arrived downstairs at Ye Wenjie's building, Jiang Yu glimpsed the familiar business car using his peripheral vision.

Jiang Yu walked with his head down, as if preoccupied and not noticing anything, until Chu Xu from the passenger seat called out, "Hey!"

Only then did Jiang Yu snap back to reality, managing a forced smile, "Sorry, I was lost in thought just now."

As he spoke, he took out a pack of cigarettes and offered one to both Chu Xu and the driver.

Chu Xu took a drag and said, "I was wondering why you seemed so absent-minded."

Deception Points from Chu Xu +1.

Deception Points from Liu Chao +1.

Jiang Yu breathed a sigh of relief; it seemed he had played his part well, managing to deceive them both on the spot!

While they were talking, Ye Wenjie came out of the building, and Jiang Yu became fully alert—here comes the main act!