
Chapter 66 The Gift Left Behind_1

Translator: 549690339

As the words were spoken, it was as if a bomb had dropped, leaving everyone present with a ghastly pallor.

"Could it be that even today, the tragedy of Hiroshima from 60 years ago is about to repeat itself?!"

Could Huang Xiabaitian rest in peace?!


The old man sitting in the high seat stood up and slammed the table.

"Do you really think Tokyo is like Raccoon City? There are 15 million people living there!"

Deputy Prime Minister Kato Taka was red-faced.

Prime Minister Anquan Chengsan had turned into a zombie, and Kato Taka, the mayor of Tokyo, was pushed forward by various domestic forces to become the acting Prime Minister.

Tokyo is the Capital City; the situation must be approached with caution. It's not possible to just drop nuclear weapons like what happened to the fallen Raccoon City over a decade ago.

For a moment, the atmosphere became tense as drawn swords and bows at the ready.

At that time, a white-haired scientist expressed his opinion, "If we could develop a serum to eliminate the virus, perhaps we could save Tokyo."

"How long will it take to develop the serum?"

"At least five years, conservatively."

"Five years??!"

Kato Taka almost collapsed on the spot; what's the difference between saying that and saying nothing at all!

The American Colonel chuckled, about to propose his nuclear explosion idea again.

Suddenly, someone burst into the room, flustered, and handed Kato Taka a phone.

"What? Someone has developed an antiviral serum?!"

Hearing Kato Taka's words, everyone present was shocked.

The news came from his daughter, Kato Shizuka. Upon learning that his daughter had survived and that an antiviral serum had been developed, Kato Taka's heart couldn't handle the emotional upheaval, and he collapsed on the spot.

There was a flurry of activity as people rushed to get him to the hospital while sending a special forces unit to urgently rescue the building where Kato Shizuka was located.

From the nearest U.S. Air Force base in Japan, three UH-1B medium utility helicopters and five AH-64D Longbow Apaches as escort swiftly took to the sky, forming a flight formation and urgently heading to the rescue location.

The BSAA also made contact with their headquarters, which, upon receiving the news, immediately reached out to Chris and other squad members on a mission in Japan, instructing them to head to the building to assist the military in finding and escorting the scientist who had developed the virus serum.

"Captain Chris, the situation is urgent, please ensure the scientist and the serum are safely rescued."

"Roger that, headquarters."

What was the thing the man left behind?

A flicker of confusion crossed Chris's eyes. He glanced at the spot where Ada Wong disappeared, but he had to temporarily set his doubts aside.

"Piers, let's go rescue them!"

He led Piers onto the military chopper and flew towards the rescue site.

After the two had left, Ada Wong emerged from a deck below, looking down at Carla, who had been smashed to death, and shook her head.

"Carla, if you wanted revenge on Simmons alone, I might have helped you, as I dislike him too. Unfortunately, what you wanted was to destroy the world."

She stepped over Carla, picked up the virus injector from the ground, put it in her briefcase, and then left to look for Dr. Qin.

Ada Wong had a hunch that the person Chris was talking about was Dr. Qin.

At the building, Qin Ming had finished what he needed to do. He stood with his hands in his lab coat pockets, looking out the window, waiting for what would come next.

Half an hour later,

The Telekinetic Field sensed approaching helicopters. Qin Ming recognized the pilot as Chris, having never met him in person but seen his photos all over the internet. He looked very much like his game counterpart.

A robust and valiant warrior!

Chris, piloting the helicopter, arrived at the Neo Umbrella Corporation's building from Tokyo Bay sooner than the American and Japanese forces. They landed on the rooftop, blasted open the shut doors, entered the elevator, and smoothly made their way to the first floor.

As the elevator doors opened, they stepped out, and some of the survivors recognized Chris,

"We're saved! It's Chris!"

"The anti-bioterrorism hero of the BSAA!"

Chris scanned the survivors in the lobby with his eyes.

"Who is the scientist who developed the serum?"

"Please come with us!"

With those words, they intended to take Qin Ming away.

"Wait, what about us?" Kato Shizuka took a few quick steps.

"Someone will come to rescue you."

As they were about to leave, Kato Shizuka ran up to Qin Ming's side, hoping to get his contact information. However, he merely glanced at the female investigator without paying any attention to her and followed Chris onto the helicopter.

Qin Ming held no fondness for Sakura Country, nor any interest in its women.

After the three of them flew off in the helicopter, it wasn't even ten minutes before the American helicopter arrived, and the remaining survivors were all rescued. Lao Hu and his family joined the others on a UH-1 utility helicopter.

They were grateful to have encountered Qin Ming.

Without him, no one would have come to their rescue.


Chris, piloting the helicopter, took Qin Ming to the nearest bio-research institute in Sakura Country.

After making the serum data public, within a few days, under Japan's full effort, existing domestic factories were commandeered to manufacture hundreds of thousands of doses of antiviral serum and vaccines.

After the military was vaccinated, they mobilized mechanized troops for ground and air joint operations, under the cover of heavy firepower and with ground forces not fearing infection.

Countless zombies fell in waves, truly becoming just bodies.

The military, armed with the serum, rescued tens of thousands of survivors.

For the time being, the incident came to a temporary close. Tokyo suffered heavy losses, with millions perishing due to the accident.

As the scientist who developed the serum, Dr. Qin was immediately the focus of intense international attention.

After experiencing this biochemical terror attack, Japanese Prime Minister Kato Taka wanted to retain this outstanding biological scientist, even at the cost of using money and beauty.

However, the last thing Qin Ming was interested in was women.

In America, they were somewhat indifferent towards this Asian man, after all, their country was never short of scientists.

Many people after earning their doctorate in their country would come here to contribute their strength.

In some sense, America has always been on the receiving end of adulation, obviously because the air abroad is sweeter, right?

But after Sherry and Leon, two agents, learned about the more secret information regarding Dr. Qin, and witnessed the mecha he'd created with their own eyes,

The American officials went crazy.

Mechas ready for combat? Nanobots technology? Super black technology that eradicates all viruses???

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

This precious talent had to be controlled by America!

At all costs!

The White House issued a death order, even preparing for conflict with any power if necessary. Meanwhile, the BSAA North American Branch instructed Chris to ensure that he stayed and was safely escorted to domestic soil.

To avoid drawing attention, the American authorities still pretended to make an invitation.

"Dr. Qin, Harvard University invites you to be a visiting professor."

To their delight, the scientist agreed readily without even thinking about it.

A day later, Qin Ming, at the American military base in Japan, boarded a MC-130J Hercules Transport Aircraft, escorted by three F-35 supersonic fighter jets, and flew across the ocean to America.

On the transport aircraft, Chris, Piers, Leon, Helena, and Sherry and Jack were all gathered together, the main characters of the biohazard crisis reuniting, just missing Ada Wong.

Piers wasn't dead, or rather, Chris and Piers hadn't gone to Neo Umbrella's undersea base located along the coast of Fukushima.

If Qin Ming remembered correctly, that place was breeding something like the monsters from "Pacific Rim," the ultimate product of the ordinary C-virus—Chaos Giants Beasts a hundred meters tall.

There was a leak there last year, and it's unclear if the nuclear radiation combined with the C-virus would cause the Chaos Giant Beast to mutate into Godzilla.

They might as well swallow the bitter fruits of their own making.

Let it be a parting gift to Sakura Country.

Hopefully, they would appreciate it.

Leaning against the window of the airplane, Qin Ming looked out, where the tall buildings on the ground were barely visible, replaced by a sea of pristine white clouds and the clear azure sky.