
Chapter 10 The Speculation about Omniscience and Omnipotence_1


Taking the elevator back down to the first floor, the area was cleared of people by Qin Yun, and the surveillance temporarily blocked.

Qin Ming was surrounded by twenty steel needles floating by his side, darting through the air with a life of their own.

Telekinesis had evolved from single-thread to multi-thread operation, allowing him to control twenty steel needles simultaneously within a 100-meter radius. Before unlocking his brain's potential, he could barely manage two, and even that was clumsy. Now, however, he could deftly manipulate twenty, which wasn't even the limit.

The total force still added up to 1 kilogram, or strictly speaking, 9.8N.

Qin Ming then took an electromagnet and soon discovered that his telekinesis was not affected in the slightest.

Unaffected by electromagnetic fields, and immune to high and low temperatures.

What exactly was telekinesis?

And what was the telekinetic field made of?

Why did he have telekinetic powers?

Apart from the electromagnetic force, strong interaction, weak interaction, and gravity, these three fundamental forces, he didn't have the means to experiment right now.

Qin Ming was very curious about the source and principles of his telekinesis, knowing only that he had possessed it since the moment he arrived in this world.

As for its origin, he speculated it might be related to traversing worlds.

Regarding the principles, limited by his current lack of physical knowledge and experimental conditions, he didn't even have a basic hypothesis.

He only knew that this force seemed to behave like quantum entanglement, appearing to be a spooky action-at-a-distance type of influence.

Suddenly, a bold idea struck Qin Ming. What if his telekinetic powers could reach down to the scale of molecules, atoms, or even quarks?

Paired with the formidable computational power of his brain, if the telekinetic field spanned the entire universe, monitoring and even manipulating every fundamental particle, he might achieve an omniscient, omnipotent state akin to God.

Of course, to calculate the particles in a single universe, let alone the Aleph-level number in an Infinite Multiverse, even a fully developed biological brain would be sorely insufficient.

And his telekinetic powers were currently weak, only able to affect macroscopic objects, with the smallest scale around the size of a strand of hair in micrometers.

But this wasn't entirely impossible.

Qin Ming had a premonition that his telekinetic abilities could upgrade, whether it be the force exerted on objects or the scale of control, he just hadn't found the method for upgrading yet.

The computational power of the brain was also upgradeable, for instance, by creating a quantum computer as a auxiliary brain, or perhaps by unfolding every proton in every atom of the brain into 11 dimensions, etching circuits to make a proton supercomputer.

Every neural cell was made of a massive number of molecular atoms, with carbon atoms being the most abundant, carrying six protons each, equivalent to six supercomputers.

Qin Ming immediately thought of the Sophon used by the Trisolarans to blockade Earth's fundamental physics in Three-Body World, which was also a proton that had been unfolded from lower dimensions by Trisolarans and then folded back into higher dimensions to create a supercomputer with the Sophon System version 1.0.

All of this was still far too distant for the current him. His main goal right now was to survive, so after testing his telekinetic abilities, Qin Ming threw himself back into researching the treatment for his own cancer.


Meanwhile, Ross and his associates were at a standstill. They had tried numerous methods to get in touch with Thomas, but this wealthy man named Thomas ignored them completely, staying inside his estate without stepping a foot outside.

They had hoped to do business, but it seemed they were left with no option but to resort to force.

Ross thought they had no choice but to bust into the estate and physically bring the wealthy man out.

This idea was confirmed by Qin Ming, agreeing that the only way to contact a person who wouldn't leave his home was to invite him out forcefully.

Before the action, Qin Ming helped them find a hacker online, a young African American, who was also quite the jester.


"Hey, big guy, you've got some impressive muscles there. Mind if I feel them?"

"Ok, want to try my fists?" Ross raised his massive fists.


"Alright, I was just kidding."

Laru stepped back repeatedly, waving his hands and forcing a smile, "I did as you guys said and took out the surveillance around us. Their system is like a sieve; I got in easily."

"Hey bro, can you fill me in on the plan?"

"Our plan is to have no plan," Ross replied impassively.

"Can I join you guys in action? It feels thrilling!"

"I promise I won't get in your way."

"Hey, big guy, are you listening to me?"

"I really want to shut your mouth!" Ross was annoyed by this noisy guy named Laru, and he raised his assault rifle threateningly, "Say one more word, and later I'll make bullet holes bloom on your ass!"

At night, outside the mansion, Ross and the others were lurking nearby, stealthily making their way into the estate with night vision goggles.

The mansion's cameras and infrared detectors were under Laru's control, and they had already figured out the guards' movements over the past few days.

Everything was under control.

Without any unforeseen incidents to pad the word count, they managed to abduct the sleeping tycoon without alerting anyone.

A desolate and remote warehouse.

Ross took the tycoon there, removed his hood, and tore off the tape sealing his mouth.

"Young people should respect the elderly; you should be gentler with old folk."

The old man was very calm; he surveyed his surroundings and then turned to Ross, who was wearing a mask, "Did John send you to kidnap me, or was it my good-for-nothing sons?"

It seemed like an old people's habit to nag. Seeing no response from Ross, he continued, "Each of my sons wishes me dead sooner so they can inherit my fortune."

"Life is hard. Their mother passed away early, and I raised them all by myself, only for them to grow up into ingrates."

"Oh, Mister Thomas, I'm not interested in your lousy family affairs."

Ross shook his head, denying, "And by the way, we didn't kidnap you, just here to do business with you."

"What kind of business can you possibly do with me?"

He took out a bag of NZT-48 and placed it in front of Thomas, "A miraculous drug."

"I'm not particularly interested in something that looks like chocolate beans."

"To buy, or not to buy?!"

"Young man, don't be so hasty; being like this in society will cost you."

Thomas had more to preach, but seeing Ross pull out a gun, he quickly changed his tune, "How much for one bag?"

Ross hadn't listened carefully to the specific price Qin Ming had mentioned. He turned his back to Thomas and quietly asked his mates.

"Right, how much did Dr. Qin say we should sell it for, at least?"

"Something like one million US dollars per pill," someone whispered in his ear.

One million a pill; that's a hundred million a bag.

With such a hefty price tag, Ross felt something was off, but considering the drug's potent brain-enhancing effects and Dr. Qin mentioning it was a monopoly business.

Rarity brings value, so the price seemed reasonable after all.