
Threads of Fate and Love

Threads are very thin; one pull and it will break completely. Same as the thread, life can also fall apart by just one truth. Truth can be a sentence, a word, or an action but it will break the fragile world that was made from the lies they were told. But what they didn't know was that these threads will also bring them back together because they are intertwined by the THREADS OF FATE AND LOVE. They thought that the past life was their only chance to be together, but they didn't expect to cross paths with each other again. Their hearts knew each other but they completely forgot about each other. Was this a test or a chance to find each other? One chance, only one but what if they lose each other again? Will they ever be able to rewrite their mistakes, past, and fate? Flowers started to fall as the Golden Red Bird Demon held the boy in his arms but when they looked at each other, their body refused to move like some kind of magic was holding them together. The fate that brought them together can also tear them apart. Will they fight for their happiness? Will they get a third chance? Will they be able to recognize each other? Some questions are better unanswered than having answers.

Intimacy_scrivener · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


Everyone stood before the Sect gate, their eyes fixed on the approaching figures. The Shaoyang Sect leader had received prior notice of their arrival on the second day, coinciding with the commencement of the Flower Ceremony. With a smile, both the representatives of the Demon Citadel and the Heaven Officials observed the Sect leaders.

"Why aren't we invited?" Wuzhi Qi crossed his arms in a somewhat playful defiance, while others around him wore dejected expressions. The sect leaders shared a knowing laugh at their child-like antics, and the rest simply smiled. Now, with the inclusion of all members from the Heaven and Demon Citadel, this year's Flower Ceremony promised to be a joyous occasion like no other. Their hearts brimmed with happiness, as all their friends were united in one place.

"Where are your promising disciples?" King Bailin asked in a perplexed tone, his gaze sweeping over the gathering of cultivators from various sects. Others exchanged uncertain glances as they, too, couldn't spot the missing disciples. Xuanji and Sifeng exchanged knowing sighs, well aware of Yichen's penchant for disappearing when least expected.

"Everyone, please wait inside. I'll go and call them," Xuanji politely informed, taking Sifeng along with her to retrieve their only child. The others nodded in understanding and headed indoors.

In the tranquil peach forest, Sifeng and Xuanji located Yichen engrossed in his sword practice. He wore an outfit reminiscent of his father's, distinguished by the addition of a light yellow robe layered over pristine white garments, and his hair fashioned into a high ponytail. Yichen gracefully wields a sword, moving with fluidity. His every motion is a testament to years of devoted practice. The air hums with the swish of the blade as they execute intricate forms, embodying the spirit of a seasoned swordsman.

Yichen gripped the sword firmly in his right hand, spinning his body in a graceful circle as he twirled his right hand above his head, and then unleashed a powerful strike. As he did so, a protective layer, shimmering in a captivating shade of Maya blue, materialized around him. Yichen focused intently, striving to maintain this ethereal shield that enveloped him, serving as his protective barrier.

Gazing at their son, a sense of pride and joy lit up in the eyes of his parents, their smiles reflecting their deep sense of pride. As they approached, their steps halted when they noticed a presence observing their son.

A previously uncharted feeling began to stir within Sifeng, and he quickly recognized it as anger. The rules leading up to the Flower Ceremony were unwavering - no one was permitted to observe disciples from other Sects practising, as it would provide an unfair advantage. Xuanji observed this change in Sifeng's demeanour and cautiously approached the unfamiliar person who was concealed behind the trees. Gently, she took his hand and guided him away from the concealing trees. Her gaze locked onto Sifeng, and she realized he was headed towards Yichen. 

Sifeng softly called for Yichen, prompting the boy to turn around. Upon hearing his father's voice, Yichen swiftly dismantled the protective shield he had cast around himself and offered a respectful bow of ninety degrees in the presence of his parents.

Yichen sensed something unusual; his parents were there, and there was a new face as well. He decided to interrupt his practice and join his parents, eager to uncover the reason for this unexpected gathering. Approaching his parents, Yichen's gaze shifted towards the unfamiliar boy his mother held. Yichen, having dedicated four years of unwavering preparation for the Flower Ceremony, possessed an impeccable understanding of its rules.

"What's going on?" Yichen inquired, scanning the situation. His gaze settled on his parents, curiosity evident in his eyes, especially regarding the unfamiliar boy who had joined them. Sifeng locked eyes with the newcomer, who kept his head lowered. Yoongi couldn't fathom how this boy had appeared seemingly out of nowhere while he was engrossed in his practice.

Xuanji observed Sifeng's reaction and, sensing his growing unease, wrapped her arms around his for support. Sifeng acknowledged her silent plea for restraint and sighed. He shared Xuanji's concern, as it was essential for the Sect to maintain control over who entered its premises. Sifeng gently disengaged from Xuanji's embrace and firmly grasped the stranger's wrist, leading him forcefully toward the Sect. Xuanji and Yoongi followed Sifeng, their curiosity and apprehension growing.

Upon reaching the dining room, they made the boy kneel before the Sect leader, leaving the gathered Sect leaders in a state of astonishment, as no one recognized the newcomer. Each person in the room stood from their seats, their expressions a mixture of confusion and surprise.

With dignity, Sifeng straightened his arms in front of his chest, placing his right palm over the left, and then executed a respectful bow of ninety degrees. The room remained silent, with everyone too stunned to speak. Sifeng regained his posture, cleared his throat, and took a step forward, his gaze shifting to Yichen, who remained bewildered about the unfolding events.

"Yichen was practising in the peach forest, as he always does. When we went to call him for breakfast, I discovered this boy secretly observing my son's sword skills," Sifeng explained, addressing the assembled leaders. The revelation left everyone in the room astounded, as they were well aware that Yichen's practice time was sacrosanct, and it was an unspoken rule that even his parents refrained from disturbing him.

The boy, now understanding the cause of the commotion, appeared taken aback. He couldn't comprehend what the issue was, as he had a habit of watching his fellow sect members practice as part of the Sect's culture. He gazed thoughtfully at his palms and then turned his attention to the Sect leader. Aware of his limited proficiency in spells and sword skills, the boy harboured a deep admiration for Yichen. He was watching Yichen, a profound desire stirred within him to master these arts and wield potent spells with expertise.

"We are firmly bound by the rule that bars us from witnessing the sword skills of disciples from other Sects, to maintain fairness in the Flower Ceremony," Ting Nu explained, his eyes locked onto the young boy. In response, the boy offered a warm smile and reciprocated with a deep bow of respect, his expression reflecting his confusion amid the unfolding situation. The boy, now understanding the tradition and rules, chuckled and respectfully bowed ninety degrees in front of Sifeng while offering a sincere apology.

"I didn't know the rules; I was simply captivated by his exceptional skills. I admit that my skills are incomparable. I'm not a participant in the Flower Ceremony; I came to deliver this scroll to my father. However, I lost my way as I entered inside the Sect. I wholeheartedly apologise for my behaviour," the young boy explained, his voice reflecting genuine remorse. He regained his posture and offered an apologetic smile.

Sifeng's expression softened, and he reciprocated with a warm smile, understanding the boy's predicament. With a slight bow, Sifeng expressed his understanding before straightening his posture, signifying the acceptance of the young boy's apology.

"I'm sorry; I should have asked for your side of the story first. May I know who your father is?" Sifeng asked, his voice laced with guilt, fully aware of his hasty actions and the misunderstanding that had arisen.

The young boy, ever composed and understanding, continued to smile affectionately as he looked at Sifeng. Yichen, on the other hand, shook his head in disbelief, recognizing his father's tendency to be overprotective, even when it wasn't necessary in this case. He couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy for the boy. 

As Sifeng turned to look at Xuanji with an apologetic expression, she gently patted his shoulder, silently acknowledging his mistake. She then offered a kind, apologetic smile to the young man. Just as the boy was about to respond to Sifeng's inquiry, a voice from behind them interrupted the conversation.

"Mingyun, what are you doing here?" The group turned their attention to the door frame and spotted Zi Hu standing there, holding a plate in her arms.

"Niangqin," everyone stood in astonishment when the boy addressed Zi Hu as 'Mother.' With a warm and affectionate smile, he embraced his mother from the side and placed a loving kiss on her cheek, which brought a radiant glow to her face.

As Rahu Ketu and Wuzhi Qi emerged from the kitchen, each holding plates in their hands, Mingyun promptly released his mother and, upon spotting the Demon Lord and his father, bowed before them to express his respect.

Wu Mingyun, the son of Wuzhi Qi and Zi Hu, was an exceptional cultivator, known for his dedication and persistence. However, unlike those who grasped spells and sword skills swiftly, he opted to take his time, diligently studying the basics meant for beginners. As a result, he had only mastered the fundamental levels thus far.

Due to his parent's concern and his limited expertise, they made the decision not to allow Mingyun to participate in this year's Flower Ceremony. His world primarily revolved around the Demon Citadel and Mount Bozhou, as his parents were deeply apprehensive about his safety. They understood that basic skills alone wouldn't be sufficient to protect against the more sinister intentions of certain demons.

Wuzhi Qi passed the plate he was holding to Bailin and turned his attention to Mingyun, his fatherly concern taking precedence. He gently grasped Mingyun's shoulders, carefully examining him, as the well-being of his child was his utmost priority.

Bailin, taken aback by this unexpected shift in Wuzhi Qi's behaviour, couldn't quite comprehend the depth of his concern. The others in the room were equally stunned by this unusual display from the usually composed and authoritative figure. Zi Hu and Rahu Ketu, however, shared knowing smiles as they observed Wuzhi Qi's protective instincts at work. He left no detail unchecked as he inspected his son, a testament to the love and care he held for Mingyun.

Once Wuzhi Qi was satisfied with his inspection, he released Mingyun and fixed him with a stern, glare. His anger was a manifestation of the intense concern he felt. Mingyun had ventured here carelessly and without anyone accompanying him, which was a source of immense worry for his father. Wuzhi Qi cherished Mingyun as his only child, not because he couldn't have another, but because he didn't want Mingyun to feel burdened or overshadowed by a younger sibling who might master skills more quickly.

Wuzhi Qi's strictness was driven by a deep desire to see Mingyun master these skills, ensuring his safety whenever he ventured beyond the home of the Demon Citadel. Mingyun was treasured like a rare gem, and his father's tough love was rooted in unwavering devotion and a desire for his well-being.

Without uttering a word, Wuzhi Qi departed from the room, and Mingyun followed him, his head hanging low in acknowledgement of his father's justified anger. Zi Hu passed the plate to Xuanji and then hurried after them, understanding the depth of Wuzhi Qi's concern for their son.

Wuzhi Qi entered his private room and closed the doors behind him. As he settled into a seat near the table, Mingyun timidly knocked on the door. Wuzhi Qi had just begun pouring himself a cup of tea when he noticed his son peeking through the narrow opening. He beckoned Mingyun inside with a subtle gesture.

With great care, Mingyun slid the doors apart, allowing himself entry, and then closed them once he was inside. He seated himself across from his father and gently pushed a scroll towards Wuzhi Qi, keeping his head bowed throughout the exchange. In response, Wuzhi Qi set a cup of tea in front of Mingyun before lifting the scroll off the table.

"You came all the way here to give me this?" Wuzhi Qi was genuinely taken aback. Mingyun had journeyed from the Demon Citadel to the Shaoyang Sect for the sole purpose of delivering a scroll, and this revelation surprised his father greatly.

While Mingyun kept his gaze trained on his lap, he confirmed his purpose with a hesitant nod, his heart heavy with apprehension about his father's reaction.

Wuzhi Qi, struggling to process his son's actions, gingerly unfurled the scroll and discovered it contained a list of participants from the Demon Citadel for the upcoming Flower Ceremony. His astonishment grew, and he promptly rose from his seat, striding toward his bed, where his bag lay still unpacked. With purposeful intent, he began searching for a particular item, digging through the contents of the bag. However, after a thorough search, he couldn't locate what he was seeking. Turning toward his son, who remained in a posture of submission, he voiced his concern.

"I noticed you were working tirelessly on that scroll all night before coming here, so I figured it must be of great importance. When I saw you'd forgotten it, I decided to deliver it to you in person. I'm sorry, Fuqin," Wuzhi Qi moved closer to his son, gently lifting his chin to coax Mingyun to meet his gaze. As their eyes locked, Mingyun saw a sincere, apologetic smile on his father's face.

Wuzhi Qi pulled Mingyun into a warm embrace and whispered repeated apologies in his ear. Mingyun, moved by his father's words and the affectionate hug, smiled and wrapped his arms around Wuzhi Qi. In response, he softly murmured, "It's okay," indicating his understanding and forgiveness.

The father and son remained locked in their embrace for a few moments, appreciating the significance of the scroll and the bond between them. They eventually pulled away from the hug when Mingyun's stomach rumbled loudly, signalling his hunger.

Wuzhi Qi couldn't help but laugh at his son's embarrassment. He rose from his seat and extended his hand to help Mingyun up. The young man, still looking down with a blush, accepted his father's assistance.

With their arms linked, Wuzhi Qi and Mingyun made their way to the door, where Zi Hu was waiting, leaning against the door frame. She greeted them with a warm smile and began walking toward the dining room.

Feeling a sudden burst of energy, Mingyun let go of his father's hand and dashed toward his mother. He planted a tender kiss on her cheek and then looked back at his father. Wuzhi Qi caught on to the playful spirit and started running after his son, a wide grin on his face, while Zi Hu beamed at the heartwarming scene.

This playful interaction was nothing out of the ordinary for the family. Mingyun had a penchant for light-hearted antics and revelling in fun moments, and his parents consistently embraced and supported his exuberant spirit. Although Wuzhi Qi had his moments of strictness when it came to his son's training in sword skills and spells, their love and familial bond always remained steadfast.

When Mingyun was born, both Wuzhi Qi and Zi Hu harboured high hopes and dreams for him. Over time, they realized that their child couldn't be moulded to fit their expectations, but Mingyun turned out to be an unexpected blessing who brought them the happiness they never believed they could attain. The joy of having a child is an encounter with unconditional and profound love that transforms life in unforeseen ways, infusing each day with meaning and delight. It's the privilege of nurturing and witnessing a new life, creating an everlasting wellspring of smiles and cherished moments.