
Threads of Fate and Love

Threads are very thin; one pull and it will break completely. Same as the thread, life can also fall apart by just one truth. Truth can be a sentence, a word, or an action but it will break the fragile world that was made from the lies they were told. But what they didn't know was that these threads will also bring them back together because they are intertwined by the THREADS OF FATE AND LOVE. They thought that the past life was their only chance to be together, but they didn't expect to cross paths with each other again. Their hearts knew each other but they completely forgot about each other. Was this a test or a chance to find each other? One chance, only one but what if they lose each other again? Will they ever be able to rewrite their mistakes, past, and fate? Flowers started to fall as the Golden Red Bird Demon held the boy in his arms but when they looked at each other, their body refused to move like some kind of magic was holding them together. The fate that brought them together can also tear them apart. Will they fight for their happiness? Will they get a third chance? Will they be able to recognize each other? Some questions are better unanswered than having answers.

Intimacy_scrivener · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


As slender as gossamer strands, threads bear the weight of our existence, their fragility mirroring the delicate balance of life itself. But with a single tug, life's intricate tapestry unravels, for truth, whether whispered as a sentence, uttered as a word, or enacted as an irreversible action, possesses the power to dismantle the artifice woven from the fabric of falsehoods. Yet, hidden in the shadows of this revelation lies a profound secret: these very threads, once severed, possess the enchanting ability to mend what they have torn asunder. Bound together by the ethereal weave of fate and the enduring embrace of love, they orchestrate a dance of cosmic design, uniting souls in a tapestry of destiny in intricate design.

Every event in our life has a start, and it can be 1, 2, or 10 years ago. But it doesn't matter because as long as we can hold on to the faith, we might get a second chance, we will make everything right and rewrite our mistakes that were made in the past. There will be someone to help us, guide us, and love us. It's cruel that you love someone but don't remember who that person is or what that person looks like. It hurts when you know you love that person more than anything but don't remember who. Your heart craves for each other, but you don't know.

It is been 1,000 years since everything happened. Heaven Emperor made an official statement that all three realms would be one, and there would be no difference between heaven officials, demons, or humans. It is been 1,000 years since Rahu Ketu and King Bailin died, it was a decision made by both of them. They decided to leave this world together because they couldn't be together in both Heaven and Hell.

They were friends and trusted each other very much, but Bailin broke his trust. If Bailin can't get his forgiveness, he can die together with Rahu Ketu. Bailin didn't know that demons could also be a trustworthy person and that he could lean on them. When he came to see the truth, he knew that he lost his only reliable friend, Rahu Ketu. That's why he took that decision; if Bailin can't get his forgiveness, then he will die with him. 

Even if 1,000 years had passed, the relationship between the three realms never changed, and the cultivators were still alive, happily living. Chu Xuanji and Yu Sifeng were the actual examples of True Love. They endured many obstacles and travelled many rugged paths but didn't let go of each other. Even if they make many mistakes, they try to remake up to the other. 

They both were blessed with a beautiful baby boy, who was 18 this year. They were beyond happy when they first held the little one. They wouldn't explain what they felt. That feeling was beyond words, and they didn't have to create a comment to describe their feelings. After many fights and struggles, they called him Yu Yichen, which means 'grand sun, moon, or stars'.

They both were very proud of Yichen because he mastered almost all the spells in Shaoyang Sect and Lize Palace at a very young age. People from both Shaoyang Sect and Lize Palace were happy to have a very hard-working cultivator like Yichen. Even if Xuanji and Sifeng almost always fight over whose Sect is better in spells and sword skills, they end their fights with both of them agreeing that each Sect has its advantages and disadvantages.

Yichen was so much like his father. He would practice the spells every second he got. Xuanji was always there to help him out, and Sifeng always gave him love and care. At first, they thought they wouldn't be perfect for their son, but they were more perfect than Yichen could ever ask for. Even if so many years had passed, the love between Sifeng and Xuanji never changed. They would still behave as a new couple who just got into a relationship a moment ago, and they didn't have a son who was 18 this year. Yichen grew up in Shaoyang Sect and Lize Palace, and his grandparents would help him with the spells. 

Everyone in Shaoyang Sect is arranging things here and there; they are trying to prepare everything on time. One person was sitting on the table set outside his room, unbothered by the situation inside. He was wearing a white robe on top of different layers of thin clothes and a waistband that kept the thin layers together; his long hair was made into a bun with the help of half of his hair and a long white ribbon tied around it which reached up to his waist, floating carelessly with the wind and the other half of his hair was falling below his waist. Some of his hair was falling on his shoulder, which didn't quite bother him.

That person was quietly enjoying his tea while looking at the sky above, and he thought that the sky was representing happiness because, after four years, everyone from all the Sects was going to gather in one place once again. The sky was bright, but the sun was hiding behind the clouds like the sun was trying to hide to give them some more time to enjoy themselves; he smiled. The day was almost complete, but the sun wasn't ready to leave or wasn't letting this day end. The sun allowed them to enjoy this day a bit more or gave them time to finish preparing everything on time.

"You are here, peacefully drinking tea?" A woman asked that person who was admiring the evening sky. She looked elegant, wearing pink and white layers of clothes with a band around her waist, which kept the clothes above her waist neatly and caused the clothes below her waist to fall backwards carelessly as she walked. Her hair was tied perfectly with a hairpin which had the shape of a Golden Red Bird, gifted by the man in front of him, and light pink ribbons were tied, which kept her hair steadily into a ponytail but like a careless child, her hair float with the wind, matching its rhythm. 

She went to him and folded her hands against her chest. She knew this man was carefree, but she also knew he cared for everyone in the Sect. She loves this man no matter what, and this man loves her the same. He got up from his seat and hugged the woman standing there, acting like she was angry, but that didn't affect him at all because he knew she couldn't stay mad at him for long. They both understand each other well, and no one can plant a seed of misunderstanding between them because they went through a lot, and they can even quickly solve any problem between them. Both of them trust each other very much and know that they will face every single problem together, holding each other's hands. 

"What happened?", He questioned as she freed herself from his grip and faced him while he stood there like he was ready for her scolding. She noticed that the man in front of her was smiling, looking at her like he wasn't affected by anything. He was carefree, peacefully enjoying his time. She was trying to suppress a smile that was trying to appear on her pinkish lips. The man's smile was magic, and it calmed her down. He knew that she came here to scold him for not helping them prepare for the ceremony, and she knew very well that he knew the reason for her visit, but he was smiling, which warmed her heart. She knew he could talk to him at every moment and find a way to calm her down. She felt lucky to have someone like him. She still wanted to scold him, but the following words came out as a whisper instead of a harsh, demanding, and disappointing voice.

"You are smiling?", She lowered her head and softly cursed under her breath for speaking like that when she was supposed to sound disappointed, but she couldn't help it, she loved that man so much that she couldn't stop her heart from falling deeper for him. He nodded like a small boy who couldn't form the correct word lingering in his mind. He was happy; no, he was more than just delighted. He wants to capture all these small moments in his mind and seal them as happiness. She turned her head to the other side and folded her hands against her chest once again, and she was scared that if she faced that man, she wouldn't be able to scold him. She knew that if she kept on looking at him, then she wouldn't be able to get angry because his sweet gestures always made her heart skip a beat. 

"The Flower Ceremony is just around the corner, and we haven't finished preparing anything. But you were sitting here enjoying your tea without helping us. How can you be so calm, Sifeng?", Sifeng chuckled slightly because she was explaining things like he didn't know about it at all.

Sifeng held her shoulders, turning her around to face him, and grabbed her hands in his. He guided her arms around his neck and pulled her towards himself by putting his arms around her slim waist. She smiled brightly at this small gesture of love and looked straight into his eyes, she would see a million stars shining in his eyes and she swore that she saw the whole galaxy in his eyes. Sifeng brushed his nose with the woman's, put his head on her shoulder, and calmly heard the rhythm of her breathing. She was undoubtedly worried about the ceremony, but nothing was more important than talking, telling your love that something bothers you and you want that person to stay with you during such moments.

"Why are you so tensed, Xuanji? I know everyone here is working hard and that everything will be prepared on time. Then why are you so worried? What happened my love?", Xuanji closes her eyes, letting his words settle in his mind and letting herself know that this man will never leave her, NEVER. Sifeng moved a little back, but not too much because he wanted to feel the familiar warmth; he maintained comfortable eye contact with her. It was like he was looking right into her soul and trying to steal everything that kept her busy and made her sad and worried.

Xuanji also stared into his soul; she could feel the warmth in them, the love in them, and the worry for her in them. When she again stared at him, she felt that familiar feeling that was familiar but still unfamiliar. Love can sometimes do magic, and she believes it because she saw magic with her own eyes; that magical moment made her fall in deep love with him, and without even caring, she let herself fall into that beautiful abyss filled with love that was protected by the man in front of her.

He again put his head on her shoulder; this time, Xuanji put her hands around his neck and leaned forward, feeling his sweet gestures. She calmed a bit; her worries started to disappear slowly. She just forgot about everything around her and started to enjoy their moment. That familiar feeling, familiar warmth which she was missing so much, that feeling, that love, that man, everything she wanted was in her arms now, and she wasn't ready to let it go.

She leaned forward slightly again and didn't care that there was no space between them even to move forward. The fun part is that they stayed like this for five minutes or more. Sifeng smiled, feeling her muscles calm; he slowly kissed her neck and lifted his head, looking at her. He saw how she closed her eyes and knew she closed her eyes to feel this feeling again, remembering this moment by heart. As expected, she stored that moment and all these feelings in her heart. When Xuanji felt Sifeng's lips on her neck, she shakily exhaled the breath she didn't even know she was holding. When she thought he had lifted his head, she moved back a bit and stared at him for a minute. Due to their height difference, Xuanji kept her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat, which, she knew, beat for her.

"I miss you, really, very much...I want to spend the rest of the evening with you...We will do nothing and stay beside each other, and you will hold me in your arms.... That was my plan for the evening...But I am scared...What if I mess everything up? .... What if nothing is prepared before the ceremony?... I am scared that I will mess this up...But at the same moment, I want to stay like this. Worrying about nothing, enjoying the evening sky, trapped between your arms, and feeling these small, sweet gestures you show me", Xuanji confessed without any hesitation.

Sifeng knew that in between, she was trying to find the correct words to express her feelings; he knew she was being hard on herself to make everything perfect for tomorrow. The way she said every word, he knew she was being sincere and telling the truth. Sifeng slowly patted her head, planting a kiss on her forehead. He didn't move back for a few minutes; Xuanji felt his lips against her forehead. She closed her eyes and let out a shaking breath, and she loved how he effortlessly calmed her down.

"We waited four years for this moment; I can't afford to ruin it", Sifeng slowly moved back and looked straight into her soul through her eyes. He knew she was telling the truth because the Flower Ceremony had only been held after four years. In the past, this ceremony was held to choose the head of all the 4 Sects, but now it is held to gather around and enjoy each company. There will be competitions, but they will be friendly; these competitions were to check the ability of young cultivators.

"You will do amazing things; I know it, and I believe it", Sifeng assured her and again hugged her tightly. Xuanji chuckled slightly at his gestures. After a few minutes, she pushed him slightly away from her, but Sifeng just pouted because he was enjoying their perfect moment. Xuanji looked down, feeling shy, and Sifeng chuckled.

"Come out, Linglong and Minyan", Xuanji called out to them, who were hiding behind the wall, secretly enjoying their moment and lovingly watching their sweet moment. Chu Linglong and Chu Xuanji are twins, but Linglong is older than Xuanji, and Zhong Minyan is their senior. They slowly took their steps forward, standing before two love birds, and slowly raised their hands, holding their ears. They showed that they were so sorry; Xuanji grabbed both of their ears, twisting them. Seeing this, Sifeng let out a small laugh because Linglong and Minyan were older than them, but she was still punishing them like she was the elder. 

"What are you doing?", Linglong was shocked that her innocent and sweet Xuanji could be scary when needed. Xuanji left their ears and stared at them both; Sifeng came forward to read their facial expressions after being scolded by his love. They both lowered their head; Xuanji put both hands on her waist and put on a fake angry face. Sifeng knows that she can never get angry at either of them; they are like a family and have went through a lot of difficulties together.

"We were just passing by", Minyan quickly replied because Linglong was still shocked even though she knew that Xuanji was playing. Linglong has already seen a different Xuanji when she becomes War God. Xuanji was made from the primordial spirit of Rahu Ketu, and she was like a made-up heaven immortal from an Asura. The soul of Rahu Ketu was separated from his body and was sealed in a Stellar Soul Lamp. Instead of giving her a heart made from blood and flesh, King Bailin tore a glass piece of Stellar Soul Lamp and made it her heart.

That's why she had no emotions from the time she woke up. She would always do the things King Bailin told her to do because she didn't have any family or friends, and King Bailin would always command to kill the Asuras, who were her clan members. When she learned about that, he went against the heavenly officials, and as a result, she was sent to the world to clear her impurities. But when she stepped into the human world, she didn't even want any skills, and she was just a free bird; she didn't want to worry about anything.

"Everything is ready", Linglong happily informed her that everything was under control, and she directly meant that Xuanji didn't have to worry anymore about anything. Xuanji quickly hugged Linglong, who returned her hug; Xuanji put her chin on her sister's shoulders, relaxing a bit. Xuanji is happy to have them in her life; from her childhood, everyone in Shaoyang Sect treated her as a treasure, and even if she is married and has a son, everyone will always treat her uniquely, like she is fragile and can easily break.

Sifeng and Minyan are smiling, looking at them because they know what the four of them went through. Even if the past repeat itself, they want to live this moment again. Even if Sifeng is Ademon, a Golden Red Bird Demon, Xuanji intends to keep the hairpin as a token of love; she would still love him the way she does. They didn't want anything to change; they were happy with the present, that's what matters. They were delighted in the world they all re-created together.