
Threads of Fate and Love

Threads are very thin; one pull and it will break completely. Same as the thread, life can also fall apart by just one truth. Truth can be a sentence, a word, or an action but it will break the fragile world that was made from the lies they were told. But what they didn't know was that these threads will also bring them back together because they are intertwined by the THREADS OF FATE AND LOVE. They thought that the past life was their only chance to be together, but they didn't expect to cross paths with each other again. Their hearts knew each other but they completely forgot about each other. Was this a test or a chance to find each other? One chance, only one but what if they lose each other again? Will they ever be able to rewrite their mistakes, past, and fate? Flowers started to fall as the Golden Red Bird Demon held the boy in his arms but when they looked at each other, their body refused to move like some kind of magic was holding them together. The fate that brought them together can also tear them apart. Will they fight for their happiness? Will they get a third chance? Will they be able to recognize each other? Some questions are better unanswered than having answers.

Intimacy_scrivener · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


As night relinquished its hold over the mountain, the moon descended, casting a silvery luminescence across the rugged terrain. A gentle breeze, now cooler in the absence of daylight, whispered through the landscape, orchestrating a subtle nocturnal dance among the leaves of the trees. The sect, draped in the mysterious palette of the night, revealed its ethereal beauty beneath the soft glow of moonlight. The peach forest, shrouded in shadows, held a captivating stillness, the moonlight weaving through the branches to create an intricate pattern on the forest floor.

The nocturnal panorama, with Yaoguai seated at the heart of the peach forest, portrayed a serene beauty. His contemplative presence amidst nature's nocturnal opulence mirrored the quietude of the night, where myriad questions still lingered in his thoughts-the enigmatic connection with Mingyun, the profound care that wrapped around him, and the elusive sense of fulfilment, reminiscent of an unspoken promise buried in the depths of his memory.

Yaoguai reclined leisurely upon the rock, his eyes serenely shut, one arm cradling his head while the other rested upon a raised and gracefully bent leg. Immersed in the unfolding spectacle of the ascending sun and the tender caress of the morning breeze against his skin, he savoured the tranquility of the moment.

A subtle awareness alerted him to the silent presence of another soul nearby. Preferring observation over immediate acknowledgement, Yaoguai, with eyes still closed, discerned the subtle movements of the approaching figure. Sensing their proximity, he deftly intercepted the intruding hand with his own, halting any further advancement. In a seamless motion, supported by the strength of his other arm, he gracefully propelled himself backwards. As his gaze lifted to meet the captivating eyes of the intruder, a sudden acceleration in his heartbeat betrayed the enigmatic encounter.

"What brings you to this nocturnal realm, Mingyun?" The ethereal glow of the moon cast an enchanting ambience, marking the realm between night and dawn. Mingyun, engulfed in a sense of déjà vu and an inexplicable familiarity, found himself momentarily speechless. Yaoguai, adorned with a visage of perplexity, wore an expression that mirrored the intricate dance of shadows and moonlight.

Mingyun, collecting his composure, gently clasped Yaoguai's hand, a symbolic gesture in the quiet canvas of the night. Yaoguai, swift in retreat, withdrew his hand, redirecting his gaze in a subtle avoidance. Mingyun's gaze lingered on the spot where Yaoguai's touch had left its imprint, an arcane connection sparking an irresistible flame within them.

"Merely seeking the sunrise," Mingyun uttered softly, casting a glance towards the emerging dawn. Yaoguai, compelled by those words, shifted his attention to the young man beside him. In the depths of Mingyun's eyes, there gleamed an innocent wonder akin to a child beholding the sunrise for the very first time. It dawned upon Yaoguai - amidst the intricacies of their tumultuous lives within the Demon Citadel, Mingyun had been denied the simple joys of the outer world, the serene spectacle of sunrises and sunsets. As the sun commenced its ascent, Yaoguai found himself captivated by the enchanting presence beside him.

As the initial sunbeams caressed the world in a tender embrace, Mingyun's countenance engaged in an intricate ballet of sentiments. A subtle, serene smile graced his lips, mirroring the tranquil delight that radiated from within. His gaze widened in wonder, absorbing the vivid tapestry painted across the waking horizon, reflecting the resplendent palette of the emerging sky.

The muted luminosity of the morning revealed the contours of satisfaction etched upon his visage, an intimate communion with the serene beauty unfurling before him. At that precise moment, as the sun ushered in a fresh day, his expression embodied a harmonious fusion of admiration and veneration for the natural spectacle. His outermost ebony garment swayed gracefully in response to the gentle caress of the wind.

Yaoguai stood transfixed, beholding the captivating presence beside him. Mingyun's countenance exuded joy, illuminated by the burgeoning light of dawn. Every nuance of the sunrise was etched on his visage, a testament to his desire to capture the intricacies of the mesmerizing spectacle.

Mingyun, determined not to let a single detail elude him, felt the weight of Yaoguai's gaze upon him. Their eyes locked, ushering in a surge of emotions-an ineffable tide that defied articulation. It was a sensation they had both yearned for, a sentiment veiled in nostalgia, weaving a tapestry of unspoken emotions. The familiarity of the emotion danced with its inherent novelty, creating a symphony of feelings that transcended language.

Mingyun arose at the break of dawn, fueled by an eager anticipation to witness the sunrise firsthand. Despite the countless anecdotes he had heard in the Demon Citadel extolling the beauty of the celestial event, he had never been allowed to partake in the spectacle. Now, with the chance finally bestowed upon him, he found himself momentarily unable to redirect his gaze skyward. Yet, the sheer joy reflected in his countenance as he beheld Yaoguai surpassed any expectations he might have harboured as if he had yearned for this very moment across the expanse of years.

Yaoguai's countenance radiated a serene smile as his gaze lingered on Mingyun before he closed his eyes, delving into the depths of his inner self. With focused intent and a hushed incantation, he tapped into the wellspring of his innate magic. The energy surged within him, and with a profound connection, his sword answered the summons from the very core of his being.

Silently, Yaoguai extended his hand towards Mingyun, inviting him to join in this mystical dance. As Mingyun grasped Yaoguai's hand, the blade materialized, merging seamlessly with their shared essence. In a spellbinding display, Yaoguai ascended into the heavens, his sword becoming a celestial steed beneath them. Mingyun, hands securely wrapped around Yaoguai's waist, found balance on the ethereal ride through the skies.

They soared gracefully through the sky, the ethereal ride casting a sense of enchantment over Mingyun. The aerial panorama unfolded beneath them, each element contributing to the perfect tableau. The sunrise painted the heavens with breathtaking hues, the gentle caress of the wind whispered tales of the morning, and the landscape, viewed from such heights, bore a majestic charm.

The peach forest exuded an ethereal beauty, and the mountains, as if awakening from a profound slumber, displayed their grandeur. Mingyun, captivated by the spectacle, absorbed every detail with an unprecedented zest, feeling a profound sense of vitality. Yaoguai, recognizing the delight on Mingyun's face, offered a gentle smile before guiding the sword in a specific direction. As Mingyun continued to revel in the scenic wonders of the Sect, his attention shifted to the person beside him, riding the sword with serene grace.

Mingyun observed Yaoguai with a sense of awe; the ethereal figure before him embodied a captivating blend of celestial elegance and the commanding presence of a Demon Lord. Draped in layers of black, with a charcoal grey robe adding a touch of enigmatic allure, Yaoguai exuded power and mastery. Every movement displayed a seamless fusion of grace and precision, a testament to his skill as a sword master.

The sword, an extension of his being, allowed him to traverse the skies with the fluidity of a soaring bird. The wind, under Yaoguai's control, became a loyal ally, propelling him forward and aiding in nimble manoeuvres. As the wind whisked through Yaoguai's hair and clothes, its force became an integral part of his very essence.

United with the wind, Yaoguai achieved a state of oneness, where the invisible force not only maintained the sword's stability but also symbolized freedom and boundless power. The harmonious dance between wind and sword showcased Yaoguai's unparalleled control, signifying a liberation from the constraints of gravity and the limitations of the mortal form. In this union, Mingyun perceived a profound symbolism-a representation of freedom, power, and the extraordinary synergy between two forces that, when combined, allowed Yaoguai to soar to limitless heights.

Mingyun's memories of flying with his father were cherished moments, marked by a unique bond and the exhilarating sensation of wind rushing past. His father, cautious and caring, always maintained a moderate speed during their flights, a precaution to keep his son safe. Mingyun, understanding his father's protective intentions, refrained from expressing his desires for greater speed.

However, observing Yaoguai riding the sword at a moderate pace, with equal concern for Mingyun's safety, brought a smile to the young cultivator's face. Mingyun couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy, admiring Yaoguai's adept control over both wind and sword.

Despite being a fundamental spell, Mingyun had struggled to master it; his attempts to ride a sword, even those provided by his father, often failed. Additionally, Mingyun had never possessed a sword of his own, as his father adhered to the belief that a sword should find its wielder. The notion of letting the sword choose its owner remained an unexplored realm for Mingyun.

Mingyun, recognizing his limitations in spells and sword skills, had a father, Wuzhi Qi, who sought to shield him from potential disappointment. Aware that Mingyun's inner powers might not be strong enough to resonate with a sword, Wuzhi Qi, in his parental wisdom, didn't want his son to bear the weight of unfulfilled expectations. Mingyun, understanding and respectful of his father's concerns, never rebelled against Wuzhi Qi's decisions. Instead, he embraced the love and care that his parents showered upon him, recognizing their efforts to bring joy into his life.

As Mingyun remained nestled behind Yaoguai during their airborne journey, the sudden turn of Yaoguai's face toward him captured his attention. Unable to resist, Mingyun found himself marvelling at Yaoguai's impeccable features. Yaoguai's countenance was a captivating tapestry, a complex interplay of features narrating the tale of his life.

Mingyun's gaze focused on Yaoguai's eyes, a captivating window into his soul-deep, penetrating, and reflective of varied facets, be it humour, intelligence, or other enigmatic qualities. The brown hue added a distinct richness to Yaoguai's personality. Bathed in the sunlight streaming from behind the mountains, Yaoguai's skin glowed with a radiant luminosity. Sensing a hand on his shoulders, Mingyun turned his head to find that they had safely landed. With a quick release of his hold on Yaoguai's waist, Mingyun leapt down, and Yaoguai, with a simple wave of his hand, summoned a black-hued dust that gracefully enveloped the sword, causing it to vanish from sight.

"Why did you bring me here?" Mingyun questioned Yaoguai, his eyes fixed on the soft green grass beneath him, unable to meet Yaoguai's gaze due to a lingering sense of embarrassment. Yaoguai responded with a gentle smile, reaching out to clasp Mingyun's hand. Leading him in a specific direction, Yaoguai's touch sent a wave of happiness coursing through Mingyun, an indescribable emotion that coexisted with a subtle ache in his chest. His heart raced, seemingly gathering an unusual power. As they moved, Yaoguai came to a sudden stop, prompting Mingyun to lift his eyes to meet Yaoguai's gaze. There, he observed Yaoguai looking in a specific direction, and following his line of sight, Mingyun's eyes fell upon...

Perched majestically upon the mountain's crown, a peach tree stood as a living testament to nature's exquisite artistry. Its branches, adorned with fragile blossoms, reached skyward, creating a captivating silhouette against the canvas of the azure sky.

As the morning sun commenced its ascent, its golden beams tenderly embraced the leaves, igniting the entire tree in a celestial, warm glow. Each leaf engaged in a graceful dance within the luminous aura, reflecting a vivid spectrum of greens and pinks. The mountain breeze, a gentle symphony, whispered through the branches, carrying the sweet perfume of blossoms that intertwined with the refreshing aroma of dew-kissed earth. Enveloped in the sun's tender embrace, the peach tree unfurled its regal splendour, a living masterpiece seamlessly blending with the tranquil landscape.

Mingyun proceeded with measured steps toward the majestic peach tree, its regal presence suggesting it reigned as the sovereign among the peach forest's denizens. A glance exchanged between Mingyun and Yaoguai conveyed an unspoken connection as if an invisible force drew them closer.

Beneath the peach tree's embrace, Mingyun stood, a vision of natural grace and beauty, seemingly crowned as the arboreal monarch. His countenance radiated joy, with a captivating smile curving his lips, eyes aglow with the brilliance of myriad stars, and skin aglow under the gentle touch of sunbeams. For Yaoguai, observing Mingyun brought an unparalleled sense of satisfaction, a unique joy derived from witnessing the beauty of Mingyun's happiness. The subtle satisfaction Yaoguai experienced was a novel sentiment, one he found himself eager to explore further, understanding that Mingyun was the catalyst for these newfound emotions.

"Why have you brought me to this place?" Mingyun inquired, his countenance a canvas of confusion. Rising with the early dawn to witness the spectacle of the sunrise, he had anticipated the majestic display of morning light. Yet, in an unexpected twist, Yaoguai had led him to this undisclosed location. Mingyun harboured no grievances, only a perplexed curiosity. Yaoguai met with Mingyun's puzzled expression, and responded with a tranquil smile, his eyes holding a wisdom that hinted at the unveiling of a deeper purpose behind this diversion.

"You've never had the opportunity to witness the beauty of the outer world. I desired to unveil this captivating scenery, allowing you to savour the enchanting sunrise," Yaoguai elucidated, his hand gently caressing Mingyun's head. Mingyun, beneath his touch, bore a resemblance to an affectionate puppy. Mingyun, usually averse to having his head patted, found a distinctive comfort in Yaoguai's gestures, fostering a sentiment that made these interactions uniquely enjoyable.

"The sun has already graced the sky; perhaps it's time we return," Mingyun concurred with a nod, aligning his sentiments with Yaoguai's suggestion. Yaoguai escorted Mingyun back to the Sect, and as they bid farewell, both individuals offered a respectful bow, a shared acknowledgement of the morning's shared joy. Mingyun found happiness in the moments spent under the sun and in the company of the one who held a special place in his heart.

On the inaugural day of the Flower Ceremony, a congregation of attendees assembled before the expansive courtyard, their anticipation palpable in the air. The ceremony unfolded in a grandiose setting, surrounded by meticulously crafted stone pillars embellished with intricate carvings, each narrating tales of ancient legends. The ground beneath, adorned with smooth, polished stones, showcased an entrancing pattern that greeted the footsteps of the cultivators. Enveloping the courtyard were flourishing gardens, a riot of colours and fragrances, creating a sensory spectacle. Positioned at the heart of it all was a majestic stage, elevated and bedecked with vibrant tapestries that danced in the breeze. Overhead, ornate lanterns illuminated the scene, casting a magical ambience upon cultivators and spectators alike, who had gathered to partake in the enchanting beauty of the Flower Ceremony.