
Threads of Fate and Love

Threads are very thin; one pull and it will break completely. Same as the thread, life can also fall apart by just one truth. Truth can be a sentence, a word, or an action but it will break the fragile world that was made from the lies they were told. But what they didn't know was that these threads will also bring them back together because they are intertwined by the THREADS OF FATE AND LOVE. They thought that the past life was their only chance to be together, but they didn't expect to cross paths with each other again. Their hearts knew each other but they completely forgot about each other. Was this a test or a chance to find each other? One chance, only one but what if they lose each other again? Will they ever be able to rewrite their mistakes, past, and fate? Flowers started to fall as the Golden Red Bird Demon held the boy in his arms but when they looked at each other, their body refused to move like some kind of magic was holding them together. The fate that brought them together can also tear them apart. Will they fight for their happiness? Will they get a third chance? Will they be able to recognize each other? Some questions are better unanswered than having answers.

Intimacy_scrivener · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


In Yaoguai's embrace, Mingyun experienced an inexplicable sensation of déjà vu, as if they had shared a profound connection for lifetimes, despite their status as strangers. Yaoguai's heart raced within his chest, its rhythm harmonizing with the scent of Mingyun's hair. Mingyun's presence, warm and steadfast against his own, provided a sanctuary of safety and affection.

Though their origins remained mysterious, Yaoguai felt an unbreakable bond with Mingyun, as if they were two integral halves of a greater whole, now reunited. As their gazes locked, their eyes conveyed a new and untold narrative - one of love and longing. Mingyun saw a reflection of profound affection mirrored in Yaoguai's eyes, while Yaoguai observed the same love and yearning within Mingyun's gaze. In that shared exchange, they understood that their lives would forever be transformed. Despite their prior anonymity, they felt as though they had been united through countless lifetimes. Drawn together like powerful magnets, they yielded to the irresistible force of their love.

Yaoguai finally broke the intense eye contact, taking a step back and releasing Mingyun from his embrace. Mingyun, in turn, cleared his throat and proceeded to straighten his dishevelled attire. As he adjusted his clothing, Yaoguai couldn't help but notice a deep gash on Mingyun's uppermost garment, inflicted by the arrow.

With a thoughtful gesture, Yaoguai removed his uppermost garment and gently draped it over Mingyun's shoulders. When Mingyun became aware of the act of kindness, he raised his eyes to meet Yaoguai once more. Their gazes once again locked, and Yaoguai's hands found their place on Mingyun's shoulders, a silent and profound connection forged between them.

"What happened here?" Their shared moment was interrupted when the Sect leader posed a question, prompting a swift divergence of their gaze. In unison, all those present in the vicinity shifted their attention toward the Sect leaders, bowing deeply to convey their respect.

Observing the unfamiliar garment adorning Mingyun's shoulders, Zi Hu couldn't suppress her apprehension. She delicately urged Sifeng aside and hastened to reach her son, concern etched across her features.

"What transpired, my son?" Zi Hu inquired with deep concern etched in her voice. She placed her hands gently on Mingyun's shoulders and began to assess his condition. Zi Hu's maternal anxiety stemmed from her knowledge of her son's vulnerability in the realms of spells and sword skills.

However, as Mingyun smiled warmly and clasped his mother's hands, it halted her examination. Zi Hu slowly raised her gaze to meet her son's, her lips curving into a perfect arc mirroring his smile. In that moment, she found reassurance, understanding that her worries were unfounded.

Zi Hu possessed an intimate understanding of her son, well aware of his penchant for concealing his pain and emotions from others. However, this particular smile bore a striking difference; it carried a unique gleam in his eyes that she had never witnessed before.

Mingyun had always excelled at shielding his feelings and emotions, but an undeniable transformation seemed to be burgeoning within him, increasingly difficult to suppress. For a fleeting moment, Zi Hu believed she had glimpsed the emergence of phoenix wings at the corners of his eyes. She blinked in disbelief, and when she looked into his eyes again, the wings had vanished. Despite her doubts, an inexplicable inkling whispered that what she had seen was genuine.

The phoenix wings bore a gentle luminescence, adorned with delicate orange hues, their outlines elegantly trimmed with shades of yellow. Stretching from the outer corners of his eyes to the vicinity of his ears, each eye sported a single wing, each elaborately embellished with alternating gradients of orange and yellow within the golden borders. Zi Hu was unequivocal in her perception - she had indeed seen phoenix wings gracing her son's countenance. Yet, the question that perplexed her remained: How could this be?

Zi Hu was roused from her contemplation by the voice of the person who stood beside Mingyun, addressing their current circumstances. In her mind, she once more dismissed the vision of the phoenix wings as mere fancy.

As Mingyun turned his gaze to find Yaoguai taking purposeful steps toward the Sect leaders, an inexplicable yearning welled up within him. Deep within his heart, a compelling desire tempted him to reach out and clasp Yaoguai's hand, to implore him to remain. However, he hesitated, stopping midway. The source of this fervent wish eluded him, leaving him in a state of internal discord. Zi Hu discerned her son's internal struggle, recognizing that he was embroiled in a profound, introspective conflict. But the underlying cause of this inner turmoil remained a mystery.

"We were merely engaged in archery practice when Haoran had the ill-advised notion to fire arrows in the opposite direction," Yichen recounted with a discernible hint of exasperation. He had voiced his reservations about the imprudent plan from the outset, fearing that such recklessness could result in harm. Unfortunately, his concerns had now materialized.

Unbeknownst to Yaoguai, the direction of the archery practice had shifted. However, upon witnessing an arrow veering toward Mingyun, an instinctive urge compelled him to envelop the young boy in his protective embrace. There was something inexplicably distinctive about Mingyun, something that stirred emotions and sensations he had never before encountered. It was an ineffable force, an indescribable essence that defied categorization. A profound and unfamiliar sentiment was growing within him, one that eluded definition and remained shrouded in mystery.

Yaoguai endeavored to rationalize his perplexing emotions and behavior, struggling to find a logical explanation for his profound connection to Mingyun. In his lifetime, he had never accorded anyone else such a significant place in his heart, and this boy stood apart from all others.

Abruptly, Yaoguai moved closer to Yichen, standing at his side as Yichen endeavored to elucidate the situation to the Sect leaders. While Zi Hu harbored the conviction that she had witnessed the presence of Phoenix wings on her son's countenance, she was resolute in her refusal to accept it. The prospect of her son, a descendant of the Devil, bearing the symbol of the pure and celestial Phoenix wings seemed implausible. Phoenix wings were traditionally associated with Heaven Officials, representing a level of purity that could even harm a demon.

According to ancient legends, it was believed that the Heaven God harnessed the formidable power of the Phoenix, and no subsequent entity possessed the ability to wield such extraordinary energy. The folklore suggested that the Heaven God was not just in possession of the Phoenix's power but was, in fact, the embodiment of the Phoenix itself, while the Devil God was represented as the Dragon.

Amidst this perplexing narrative, Zi Hu grappled with her own uncertainty but ultimately dismissed it as a figment of her imagination. Mingyun, meanwhile, caught sight of his father's worried countenance. In response, he offered a reassuring smile before making his way to Wuzhi Qi's side.

"Fear not, Father. I am in perfect health," Mingyun assured, standing before his father with a reassuring smile. Wuzhi Qi, though still concerned, hesitated to further question his son. The presence of Yaoguai's coat draped over Mingyun remained a puzzling aspect of the situation. With an uncertain smile, he offered a nod, opting not to delve deeper into the matter.

Mingyun's inherent weakness had been a lifelong enigma, defying explanation. It was a rarity for the offspring of one of the most potent cultivators to display an inability to master even the simplest of spells.

Yaoguai turned his gaze toward Mingyun, inexplicably recognizing that this young boy held a unique place in his life. It was an anomaly, as he had never allowed anyone to occupy such a significant space within his heart. Yet, at this moment, he felt as though he had been awaiting this encounter for years, as though Mingyun was the missing piece he had longed for throughout his existence.

Mingyun, observing two targets positioned a few meters from the grand hall's entrance for the young cultivators to practice archery, considered the new opportunity for skill development.

"Feel free to engage in your archery practice; we will also participate," Sifeng announced, breaking Yaoguai from his reverie. Xuanji and Linglong retrieved their arrows and approached their respective sons. Inwardly, Yaoguai harbored a desire to return to Mingyun's side, but he refrained from actions that might discomfort the other.

The absence of Yaoguai left Mingyun with a sense of hollowness, yearning for his return. He longed for Yaoguai's presence beside him.

The Sect leaders, stationed in front of the grand hall, observed their cultivators with smiles adorning their faces. On this particular day, the sun appeared to shine more brightly than usual, the breeze flowed more serenely, and the floral scents filled the air with an added sweetness. These natural elements seemed to mirror the joy and contentment they shared on this occasion.

Xuanji's unwavering determination was evident as she took up the bow and an arrow, her entire being consumed by the task at hand. With resolute concentration, she meticulously nocked the arrow onto the taut bowstring, the feathered fletching brushing lightly against her cheek. Her gaze remained fixated upon the distant target, her mind painting a vivid image of the perfect shot. With deliberate precision, she drew the bowstring back, keenly attuned to the subtle tension in the wood and sinew. In one fluid motion, as she released, the arrow cleaved through the air, striking the bullseye with astonishing precision.

As the resounding applause of admiration filled the air, commending her perfect shot, Xuanji couldn't help but smile. She gracefully passed the bow to Linglong, and the exchange of smiles between them conveyed a deep understanding. Linglong accepted the bow with a serene demeanor, her focus turning to the weapon in her grasp. With deliberate precision, she stretched the bowstring and fitted an arrow, her unwavering gaze locked on the distant target. Once certain that she had attained the ideal alignment, she released the taut bowstring. The arrow struck its mark with impeccable accuracy, prompting enthusiastic cheers from the young cultivators.

Xuanji and Linglong exchanged a smile of shared accomplishment before redirecting their attention to their loved ones. As their eyes met those of Sifeng and Mingyun, the sisters discerned expressions of pride radiating from the two men.

Yichen gracefully received the bow from Linglong, while Yuze opted for a new bow conveniently situated nearby. The brothers exuded a palpable aura of confidence as they wielded the bows and arrows with seasoned expertise, preparing to take their shots.

In a fleeting moment, Yuze's attention momentarily strayed from the target as his gaze traversed the figures congregated beyond it, in the garden. Amidst the group of cultivators, his eyes alighted upon a figure he had yearned to see, one he had missed sorely during his four years of absence.

As the son of Linglong and Minyan, Yuze enjoyed the liberty to select another Sect for the refinement of his spellcasting and sword skills. Hence, his decision to journey to Fuyu Island, a place rumored to be situated amidst the sea, was driven by his intrinsic curiosity. He had heard accounts from friends, but he was determined to uncover the veracity of the stories firsthand, prompting him to venture far from the confines of Shaoyang Sect.

Yuze remained steadfast in his vantage point, observing his beloved from a distance. Four years apart had wrought transformations upon his lover: taller now, with a more robust physique and a stride exuding confidence. Dark, cascading hair flowed down his shoulders, a sight that rendered Yuze breathless. His heart swelled with a potent mixture of pride and love as he watched the boy engage in lively conversation with his fellow cultivators. The boy's happiness and carefree demeanor were contagious, infusing a sense of contentment within Yuze.

Yuze recollected the first time he had laid eyes on the boy, both of them mere adolescents then, accompanied by their respective fathers. Yet, Yuze had sensed the boy's uniqueness from that very moment, prompting him to fall deeply in love. Fear had initially kept him from confessing his affections, leading him to establish a profound friendship instead. Over the years, they had become inseparable, bound by their connection.

Life had eventually led them on divergent paths, as they ventured to different Sects for cultivation, and they lost contact. Yuze had yearned for the boy intensely, always believing that their love could endure any separation. Now, after four years, their reunion felt like an improbable dream. Observing the boy instructing cultivators from the Shaoyang Sect and managing every aspect of the Flower Ceremony, Yuze contented himself with the knowledge of his enduring love. They both released their arrows, expertly hitting the target, much like their mothers had done earlier, marking a perfect reunion.

The remainder of the day passed in a blur, with time slipping through their fingers as they engaged in archery practice. It felt as though a mere moment ago they had stood before the grand hall, bows in hand, but now, unexpectedly, night had descended upon them. The dining room was brimming with attendees, eagerly anticipating the forthcoming Flower Ceremony.

Mingyun found himself seated between Yichen and Yaoguai, mirroring their positions from the morning. Despite the passing hours, the unease he had initially felt upon first encountering Yaoguai still lingered, casting a subtle shadow over his thoughts.

As the maid attentively served their meal, Mingyun made an effort to divert his attention to the food before him. Yet, his thoughts and heart continued to be drawn back to the moment when Yaoguai had held him in his arms. It was as if he was caught in the embrace of a familiar yet elusive connection, a sensation that hinted at an unspoken history.

For Yaoguai as well, there was a profound sense of connection with Mingyun, an emotion entirely novel to him. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had been waiting for Mingyun his entire life, an unexplained longing that had finally found its source. A profound emotion was stirring within both of them, an unignorable force that defied explanation.

Following their dinner, Mingyun made a hasty retreat to his room, eager to avoid any prying eyes. He was aware of his obligation to stay in the hall to greet everyone before retiring for the night, but something inexplicable had taken hold of him, something entirely foreign to his previous experiences.

As he stepped into his room, he swiftly shut the doors and pressed both hands over his chest, attempting to quell the rapid rise and fall of his breath. His heart was in turmoil, aching as if its frenzied palpitations were the source of his discomfort.

At midnight, as the rest of the sect slumbered peacefully, Yuze was wandering aimlessly through the dimly lit corridors of the sect. His mind was in turmoil, haunted by the image of the person who had captured his heart. The memory of that person's smile continued to make his heart race, and his longing to reunite with him was insatiable.

As he ambled through the silent halls, he reveled in the serene beauty of the night. The full moon bathed everything in a silvery luminescence, the stars above shimmered like celestial diamonds, and the cool breeze brushed against his skin, refreshing and invigorating. Amid the tranquil night, his wandering steps led him to an unexpected sight: a figure seated alone on a bench in the garden and drinking wine.

Drawing closer, he recognized that it was the very person he yearned to see. The sight of him in the moonlight took Yuze's breath away. Every feature seemed to be perfectly illuminated by the soft radiance - his delicate cheekbones, chiseled jawline, and the sparkle in his eyes. A gentle smile adorned his lips, adding to his ethereal allure.

Yuze approached him soundlessly and positioned himself behind one of the nearby pillars. No words were exchanged; there was no need. Being in his presence was enough. In hushed stillness, Yuze relished the moment, allowing the serenity of the night to wash over him.

The moon hung high in the heavens, the stars glinted brilliantly, and the distant symphony of crickets provided the only soundtrack. Yuze's hand moved unconsciously to the wine bottle, and, as he reached out, the person turned to meet his gaze. Their eyes locked, and in that instant, all of Yuze's concerns and worries faded into the obscurity of the night. A profound sense of peace enveloped him, knowing that he was with the one he loved most. This was a perfect night, etched into his memory for all time.

"Yuze, what brings you here?" Confusion tinged the person's expression, but Yuze simply cleared his throat and gracefully moved from behind the pillar to stand before him. As the person arched an inquisitive eyebrow, Yuze's gaze dropped for a moment before he replied.

"Qianbei Xiao Dan, I couldn't sleep, so I decided to take a walk," Yuze promptly explained his restlessness to his senior. Xiao Dan offered a light chuckle in response and observed the young cultivator standing there with nervous energy. He gently patted the space beside him, signaling for Yuze to sit with him. Understanding the unspoken invitation, Yuze settled next to Xiao Dan, both of them gazing at the starry night. Yuze was aware that Xiao Dan often found solace sitting in front of the grand hall, contemplating the night sky. It was a practice rooted in his longing for the parents he had lost in a devastating village fire. Fortunately, he had been rescued by Minyan, who had found him in the nick of time. The memory of that inferno had fueled Xiao Dan's determination to seek vengeance for his parents and his village.

As Yuze gazed at the night sky, he observed the brilliantly shining moon, unaccompanied by a single star. The clear, moonlit sky seemed to awaken the stillness of the night. He shifted his attention toward Xiao Dan, contemplating the notion that maybe his senior was akin to that solitary moon-shining brilliantly despite being alone, faithfully illuminating the night while harboring his thoughts and emotions within. Like the moon, Xiao Dan stood alone, bearing the weight of his experiences. Resolute to protect and stand by Xiao Dan, Yuze's eyes returned to the celestial canvas above. In the silence they shared, they found a unique connection that spoke volumes without uttering a word.