
Threads of Fate and Love

Threads are very thin; one pull and it will break completely. Same as the thread, life can also fall apart by just one truth. Truth can be a sentence, a word, or an action but it will break the fragile world that was made from the lies they were told. But what they didn't know was that these threads will also bring them back together because they are intertwined by the THREADS OF FATE AND LOVE. They thought that the past life was their only chance to be together, but they didn't expect to cross paths with each other again. Their hearts knew each other but they completely forgot about each other. Was this a test or a chance to find each other? One chance, only one but what if they lose each other again? Will they ever be able to rewrite their mistakes, past, and fate? Flowers started to fall as the Golden Red Bird Demon held the boy in his arms but when they looked at each other, their body refused to move like some kind of magic was holding them together. The fate that brought them together can also tear them apart. Will they fight for their happiness? Will they get a third chance? Will they be able to recognize each other? Some questions are better unanswered than having answers.

Intimacy_scrivener · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


The morning in the mountains unfolded with a breathtaking spectacle. The first light of dawn painted the rugged peaks with a soft, ethereal glow as if the hills were waking from a deep slumber. Mist clung to the valleys below, creating an other worldly, mystical atmosphere. Birds, their songs echoing through the crisp mountain air, heralded the new day. The scent of pine and earth mingled, invigorating the senses. 

Its warm rays kissed the alpine meadows as the sun climbed higher, revealing a tapestry of wild flowers glistening with dew. In the mountains, the morning was a symphony of natural beauty and untamed majesty, a reminder of the awe-inspiring power. The Shaoyang Sect had been adorned with exquisite decorations, an abundance of fresh flowers gracing every corner, imbuing the air with the delightful scent of blossoms. All were in the final stages of preparation, eagerly anticipating the arrival of their distinguished guests.

Sifeng donned a short white tunic with loose-fitting pants as his initial layer of clothing. On top of this, he wore a long, flowing white robe that graced his ankles, its sleeves billowing loosely. Layered over the white ensemble was a delicate light green robe and, finally, an emerald-coloured garment that enveloped all the layers beneath. The sleeves of the emerald robe extended down to his steady elbows while the cloth beneath carelessly cascaded to his ankles. His hair was meticulously tied into a half bun, using a green ribbon gently trailing down to his waist. He bore a striking resemblance to a celestial emperor in this attire, the colours harmonizing perfectly with his captivating presence.

Xuanji donned attire identical to Sifeng's with one notable distinction, instead of the emerald robe, she wore a graceful light pink robe. The fabric covering her arms was neatly secured at the wrist, while loose strips of cloth hung gracefully down her back. Her hair was elegantly parted in the middle, with half of it from either side fashioned into a cylindrical shape, the ends neatly sealed. Delicate light pink ribbons were artfully tied around her hair, ensuring its secure arrangement. A sense of completeness washed over her as she retrieved her cherished hairpin from the table, carefully inserting it into one of the tied strands, setting it just right.

Sifeng and Xuanji prepared themselves and made their way to the main hall. Sifeng was ready first, patiently waiting for Xuanji to join him. It wasn't long before she appeared at the door, causing Sifeng's eyes to widen with astonishment. He found himself once again captivated by her ever-increasing beauty, unable to put into words the depth of his admiration. Instead, he leaned in and gently kissed her forehead before pulling back.

Xuanji's smile radiated with happiness because she understood Sifeng's struggle with expressing his feelings in words. She recognized that he always sought the right way to convey his appreciation. Nevertheless, she didn't need a torrent of words, as these tender gestures of love were enough for her to understand and cherish Sifeng's affection, knowing that he loved her deeply and would always do so.

Sifeng extended his hands towards Xuanji, a simple yet heartfelt gesture. He knew she would reach out and take his hand, but he cherished these moments that brought her happiness, and he wanted nothing more than to see her smile. Xuanji beamed at him, her eyes locked onto his, understanding the significance of his small act of consideration. It wasn't because he believed she felt uncomfortable without it; instead, it was his way of showing respect and love.

With a gentle intertwining of their hands, they entered the main hall. The assembled members of Xuanji's Sect awaited them. Seated on a raised platform, the Sect leader occupied a long chair adorned with a light blue fabric that stretched elegantly across the seating area. The Sect leader was dressed in a golden blue robe layered over white garments, with half of their hair carefully tied into a flawless bun. A unique iron ornament encircled their secured hair, giving the impression of a crown gracing their head.

"Sect Leader Chu", Sifeng and Xuanji spoke in unison, raising their hands and joining them together in front of their chests, with the right hand gently placed over the left. They both bowed deeply, a sign of utmost respect for their Sect leader.

After a brief pause, they straightened up and prepared to take their next steps, but Sect Leader Chu raised a hand, signaling them to halt. He rose from his seat and walked toward them with a stern expression. Confusion clouded the minds of Sifeng and Xuanji as they tried to discern the reason behind this unexpected interruption. Sect Leader Chu folded his arms across his chest, a hint of frustration evident on his face. When he realized their confusion persisted, he firmly grasped both of their ears and gave them a painful twist. A sharp cry escaped from both of them, a combination of shock and pain. They stared at Sect Leader Chu, searching for an explanation or any clue as to why this was happening.

"What did you just call me?", Sect Leader Chu's stern tone filled the room. Sifeng and Xuanji exchanged confused glances, but then it dawned on them. After their marriage, Sect Leader Chu had instructed them to address him as 'Father'. However, Sifeng had always referred to him as 'Sect Leader' since the beginning, and occasionally, Xuanji followed suit.

They were frequently scolded for this, much to the amusement of everyone in the Sect who delighted in this everyday family drama. Linglong and Minyan couldn't help but stifle their laughter as they watched the scene unfold. Sect Leader Chu maintained his firm grip on both of their ears while the others quietly enjoyed the spectacle.

"What will I do with these kids? Ting Nu, do you have medicines for this? They are making me feel like I'm ancient", Sect Leader Chu declared dramatically, taking a step back from Sifeng and Xuanji, placing one hand on his forehead and massaging it. At the same time, the other rested on his waist as if he were utterly exasperated with both of them.

Xuanji and Sifeng gently rubbed their ears to alleviate the lingering discomfort while the others smiled amusedly, thoroughly enjoying the playful exchange. Linglong and Minyan had also been instructed to call him 'Father', and not only them but also Ting Nu, Yihuan, Yu'er, Ruo Yu, and even Little Silver Flower. Despite the initial difficulties they faced, Sect Leader Chu considered all of them as his family. Ting Nu, sitting silently in his wheelchair, had been summoned by Sect Leader Chu. However, he quickly realized that this was all a part of their playful banter.

"I don't think I can help you with that, Fuqin", Ting Nu replied with a mischievous twinkle, deciding to play along and immediately provoking a glare from both Xuanji and Sifeng. Meanwhile, Linglong and Minyan continued setting all the plates for their communal breakfast, their laughter silently filling the room. As they prepared for the arrival of the representatives from the five Sects, the act of sharing this meal showcased their unwavering support, care, and love for one another. Ruo Yu and Yu'er efficiently arranged all the dishes and beverages on the long table in anticipation of their guests. Yihuan offered guidance and instructions while seated in chairs around the table.

"Brother Liu, come help us", Little Silver Flower called out, her small frame struggling to balance four liquor bottles—two in each arm and the other two clutched within her folded elbows. Yihuan, upon seeing her difficulty, couldn't help but sigh. He gently looked at Little Silver Flower to examine her situation and immediately recognized the need for assistance. With a chuckle, he rose from his seat and approached her, relieving her of the two bottles nestled in her elbows.

Yanran smiled at the sight, appreciating Yihuan's helpfulness, and Ruo Yu's eyes twinkled with amusement as he observed the interaction. Yihuan had faced his share of hardships, having been separated from his wife and only child due to the late Sect Leader of Lize Palace's actions. As a result, the bonds among all of them grew more substantial, and they truly treated one another as family, having endured numerous trials and tribulations together.

"Master, they've arrived", one of the young disciples of the Shaoyang Sect excitedly informed their Sect leader about the arrival of the other Sects. Their Sect leader couldn't help but break into a broad smile, but he dramatically rubbed his forehead as he observed Xuanji and Sifeng rushing ahead to greet the arriving Sects. It was his comical way of expressing that he had enough of these mischievous youngsters. Ruo Yu, Yanran, Yihuan, Ting Nu, and Yu'er shared in the excitement, their smiles mirroring the joy of the occasion. Yihuan, as usual, assisted Ting Nu with his wheelchair. Laughter filled the air when they saw the Sect leader's expression, and he joined in, laughing heartily along with the rest. 

In a burst of enthusiasm, they all ran outside to welcome the other Sects, their faces adorned with broad, beaming smiles. Xuanji and Sifeng led the way, bowing at a ninety-degree angle upon encountering the Sect leaders from the other Sects. The rest of their group quickly followed suit, joining in the display of deep respect. The visiting Sect leaders and their members reciprocated with the same gesture, the atmosphere brimming with joy as they gathered again for the Flower Ceremony after a four-year hiatus. As they rose from their bows, their smiles conveyed their shared happiness and anticipation for the festivities.

"Fuqin", Sifeng called out to his father, wrapping his arms around him tightly. He had missed him dearly, and four years had passed since they had last seen each other, as the previous Flower Ceremony had taken place in a different Sect. Xuanji and Sifeng had chosen to stay at the Shaoyang Sect during this time. This decision was primarily influenced by Yichen's desire to refine his spell-casting and sword skills from the Shaoyang Sect, even though he was already a master in the ways of the Lize Palace. 

Both Xuanji and Sifeng had suffered the loss of their mothers. Xuanji's mother had tragically fallen victim to a Golden Red Bird Demon. In contrast, Sifeng's mother had taken her own life when she discovered the truth about her love's identity as a Golden Red Bird Demon. Like his father, Sifeng, a 12 Feather Golden Red Bird Demon, had come to understand that the Lize Palace was not responsible for Xuanji's mother's demise. Overtime, they all accepted and embraced each other despite the initial challenges they faced. 

Sifeng embraced his father, the Sect leader of Lize Palace, tightly. The representatives from the five Sects, namely Shaoyang Sect, Lize Palace, Dianjing Valley, Xuanyuan Sect, and Fuyu Island, were overjoyed to see each other again. The Sect leader of Lize Palace eventually released Sifeng from their hug and smiled warmly as he looked at his son. His gaze shifted to Xuanji, standing nearby, and he extended his arms, silently inviting her to join in for a hug. Without any hesitation, Xuanji stepped forward and embraced him in return. To him, both Xuanji and Sifeng were his children, as were all the young cultivators under his care. Their bond was far more potent than mere titles or Sect affiliations; they were close-knit families.

"All of you have arrived on time; we've just finished setting the table. Let's enjoy our meal before it gets cold", the Shaoyang Sect leader warmly said with a wide smile. The joy of their reunion after four long years was evident on the faces of all those gathered. Upon hearing her father's words, Xuanji moved away from the embrace and beamed at everyone, her heart brimming with happiness.

"I think they don't need us", a voice of complaint suddenly rang out, leaving all those present utterly baffled. All eyes turned to each other in confusion as it seemed in conceivable that anyone would feel left out, especially with the five significant Sects present. The source of the voice became apparent as everyone turned to look in its direction, revealing the unexpected presence of Heaven and Demon Citadel cultivators, led by their respective leaders, who had joined the gathering. The surprise on everyone's faces was palpable as they had not anticipated their arrival.

"Rahu Ketu, King Bailin, Zi Hu, Wuzhi Qi", the unexpected arrivals left everyone in a state of surprise and curiosity. It was indeed an unusual sight to see them here. Having been granted a second opportunity to mend their past mistakes and rekindle their friendship, Rahu Ketu and Bailin had taken up leadership roles in Heaven and Demon Citadel, rightfully earning their titles. 

Wuzhi Qi held the position of Left Lieutenant under Asura King, while Yuan Lang had once served as the Right Lieutenant but had strayed onto a dark path. That fateful night, Xuanji had ended Yuan Lang's malevolence, sealing their fate. However, the King-Emperor granted Rahu Ketu and Bailin a chance to rebuild their bond, recognizing that everyone deserved a second chance. Wuzhi Qi, a formidable demon monkey, had risen to prominence within Demon Citadel, while Zi Hu, a fox spirit, had married him, forging a connection that transcended their differences. Their presence at this gathering was a testament to the power of redemption and the potential for reconciliation. 

Zi Hu and Wuzhi Qi's love story was unique and enduring, setting it apart from others. Zi Hu's unwavering commitment saw her waiting for a staggering one thousand years to free the demon monkey from the clutches of the Dimension Chain. The Dimension Chain was a formidable construct, created from the essence of Mount Gao and three other sacred mountains, totaling four in all. These chains plunged deep into the very heart of Fenru City, where Wuzhi Qi was bound. These four chains possessed unparalleled strength, such that even the sharpest of weapons proved ineffectual against them. The Dimension Chain was held together by a robust lock, with each of the four spirit keys being safeguarded by the major Sects worldwide, adding to its almost impossible security. This remarkable tale of love and determination was a testament to the extraordinary lengths Zi Hu was willing to go to for her beloved Wuzhi Qi. 

The four Spirit Keys were concealed within four legendary artifacts from the respective Sects: the Seven Star Plate from Dianjing Valley, the Destiny Pearl from Xuanyuan Sect, the Moon Blade from Fuyu Island, and the Dragon Seal from Lize Palace. Gathering all these Spirit Keys was the key to breaking the unyielding Dimension Chain that bound Wuzhi Qi. Yuan Lang harbored ambitions of becoming the supreme ruler of all three realms, but his plans crumbled when the War God emerged victorious in the Heavenly War. 

War God intended to imprison Yuan Lang within the Dimension Chain in retribution. However, Yuan Lang hatched a sinister scheme to capture Wuzhi Qi instead. As a result, Wuzhi Qi was condemned to spend an entire year within the Dimension Chain while Zi Hu faithfully waited, determined to rescue her beloved when the time was right. Their enduring love and resilience were truly remarkable. To shield Xuanji from danger and keep her safe, Sifeng decided to bear the burden and publicly proclaimed that he was the reincarnation of Rahu Ketu's primordial spirit. 

This declaration made people believe he was Rahu Ketu, granting him access to the Demon Citadel. Typically, those not belonging to the Demon Tribe couldn't enter the Citadel because of the evil aura that permeated the place. Ting Nu provided him with a protective medicine to safeguard himself from the adverse effects of this malignant energy. This allowed Sifeng to navigate the dangerous environment unharmed and accomplish his mission. Inside the Demon Citadel, Sifeng was startled when he saw Xuanji's reflection in a painting that depicted an Asura. It became apparent that every image within the Citadel was a manifestation of reality. This revelation intensified his concerns, as he feared that if Yuan Lang were to open the Stellar Soul Lamp successfully, Xuanji could be transformed into Rahu Ketu, potentially unleashing a destructive force upon the three realms. 

Sifeng was determined to save Wuzhi Qi to prevent this grim scenario from unfolding. However, in a surprising turn of events, Xuanji eventually opened the Stellar Soul Lamp to rescue her beloved. When Rahu Ketu initiated a war with Heaven, Bailin made a fateful decision, recognizing the dire odds against winning such a conflict. He ordered the release of the Sea of Life and Death, intended to sever the connection between the Heavens and the Human realm. This desperate act, though, came with dire consequences. Releasing the Sea of Life and Death disrupted the universe's aura, causing it to become corrupted. As a result, the Heavens began to transform into a Demon Citadel while humanity faced impending devastation. 

The Sea of Life and Death was a tumultuous expanse filled with swirling clouds, and it was separated by thunder and lightning, effectively dividing the three realms. Crossing the Sea was perilous; anyone from the Demon Citadel attempting to traverse it would meet a swift and fatal end when struck by lightning. Unaware of the release of the Sea of Life and Death, Rahu Ketu ordered Wuzhi Qi to assemble a group of demons and commence the war. As they ventured into the chaos of the Sea, Wuzhi Qi found himself on the verge of being struck by lightning. However, in a moment of selflessness, Zi Hu shielded him, taking the full force of the lightning and sacrificing her own life in the process. 

In the aftermath, Wuzhi Qi was overwhelmed by grief and the realization of his love for her. Regrettably, he had understood his feelings too late. He spent his days by her tomb, weeping and drowning his sorrows in drink, mourning the loss of his beloved Zi Hu. Sifeng was determined to end the war and sought Wuzhi Qi's assistance. He understood that helping them would provide him with a vital clue about the whereabouts of his beloved Little Fox. When the conflict eventually concluded, he embarked on a journey to locate his love. His quest led him to the Forgetting River, the passage to reincarnation after death, where he found Zi Hu. 

As anticipated, he found her preparing to drink the Forgetting Water, which would erase all memories of her past life. In a dramatic moment, Wuzhi Qi arrived and called out to her, causing her to halt her actions. Their eyes locked, and when Zi Hu saw the Demon Monkey, she dropped the bowl, rushing into his embrace. She held onto him tightly, fearing that he might vanish at any moment. With the second chance they were given, Bailin and Rahu Ketu managed to rebuild the trust and friendship they had once lost. They understood the value of trust in relationships, whether in a company or otherwise. 

Wuzhi Qi and Zi Hu, deeply in love, cherished every moment they spent together, making each memory unforgettable. As the Demon Lord, Rahu Ketu decided to host their wedding in the Demon Citadel. They invited attendees from all three realms to celebrate their union, believing such happiness was well-deserved. Their wedding Symbolizes enduring love and the restoration of trust and friendship.