
Threads of Astral Paths

This is my first ever novel published in here. It will be quite detailed, if you're into fantasy, romance, and adventure- this one is perfect for you! In a world veiled by secrets and ancient enchantments, Thalisma Hollis, a spirited orphan with an unyielding desire for independence, seeks to carve her destiny as a governess. Fueled by resilience and a thirst for knowledge, she seizes an opportunity to serve an enigmatic master in a remote estate shrouded in mystery. Upon arriving at the estate, Thalisma discovers a realm beyond her imagination-a place where the lines between reality and mysticism blur. Strange occurrences unfurl within the ancient halls, whispered rumors of arcane powers, and ethereal phenomena that defy explanation. As Thalisma delves deeper into her duties, she becomes entangled in the enigmatic master's world-a man of captivating charm, a man of disguises. Their unexpected connection sparks a passionate bond that transcends the boundaries of ordinary existence. Yet, with each passing day, the estate unveils its mystical secrets, drawing Thalisma further into a labyrinth of arcane phenomena. Driven by curiosity and an innate courage, Thalisma finds herself at the center of an unfolding mystery, navigating through astral paths and ethereal dimensions intertwined with her burgeoning romance. As she unravels the estate's enigmas, she realizes her destiny is intricately woven into the very fabric of these mystical occurrences. In a tale woven with threads of cosmic love and astral adventure, "Threads of Astral Paths" is a mesmerizing journey where the realms of romance and mysticism collide, revealing that love transcends not only distance but the very boundaries of reality itself.

RavenPlumm · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Unseen and Untold

Thalisma ambled leisurely through the estate's sprawling gardens, Lady Genevieve's cheerful skipping echoing beside her. The late morning sun painted the landscape with warm hues, casting dappled shadows that danced across the winding paths. The air carried the faint scent of blooming flowers, enhancing the serene atmosphere. Lord Alexander, engrossed in a thick tome, occasionally glanced up, his scholarly demeanor softened by the girls' animated conversation.

"Whoa, Thalisma, watch your step!" Lady Genevieve's sudden leap landed her amidst a patch of vibrant blossoms, causing Thalisma to chuckle softly.

"Careful there, Lady Genevieve, those flowers might revolt!" Thalisma teased, extending a hand to help her up.

"I hope they're not plotting a floral uprising anytime soon!" Lady Genevieve giggled, brushing dirt from her dress.

Meanwhile, Lord Alexander, with an amused smirk, set aside his book to witness their playful antics. "A floral uprising? That's a creative thought."

"Creativity spices up life!" Thalisma replied with a grin.

Their meandering exploration continued, Lady Genevieve leading the way with uncontainable excitement.

"Thalisma, look at that tree over there—it's ancient, like it's been guarding secrets for centuries!" Lady Genevieve exclaimed, pointing towards a colossal oak with gnarled branches stretching towards the sky.

"A venerable sentinel, silently witnessing the passage of time," Thalisma remarked, her eyes tracing the intricate patterns etched on the bark.

"Stories untold and whispers of the past," Lady Genevieve added, her voice brimming with wonder.

Lord Alexander chuckled softly. "An old tree with untold secrets—a tale ripe for an adventure novel."

Their footsteps carried them deeper into the estate's verdant expanse, eventually reaching a secluded spot where Lady Genevieve unveiled a forgotten gazebo nestled amidst a thicket of trees.

"This place exudes an air of ancient wisdom," Thalisma observed, admiring the weathered wood that had withstood the test of time.

"I can almost feel the echoes of stories echoing within its walls," Lady Genevieve remarked, leaning against the moss-covered wall.

"Shh, we're in the presence of a sage-like gazebo," Thalisma quipped, evoking a giggle from Lady Genevieve.

As they journeyed back to the mansion, recounting their day of enchanting discoveries and shared laughter, a sense of camaraderie bloomed among the trio. Their playful banter and exploratory spirit cemented the foundation for a budding bond forged amidst the treasures concealed in the estate's hidden alcoves.


As the evening settled over the estate, Thalisma, Lady Genevieve, and Lord Alexander strolled back toward the mansion, their conversation drifting towards the mysterious past of Crest Hill Grove.

"Thalisma, do you know about Brother Ragnar's story?" Lady Genevieve inquired, her tone tinged with curiosity.

"Bits and pieces, but nothing concrete," Thalisma replied, casting a glance at the darkening skies that adorned the horizon with hues of indigo.

"He vanished, right? Some say he went on a journey and never returned," Lord Alexander chimed in, his voice carrying a tone of quiet contemplation. "Others claim he sought solace away from the estate."

"I've heard stories too," Lady Genevieve added, her gaze fixed on the estate's distant silhouette against the twilight sky. "But I sense him. Not in a ghostly way, but like he's still part of this place."

Thalisma furrowed her brow, intrigued. "In what way, Lady Genevieve?"

Lady Genevieve hesitated, her words measured. "It's hard to explain. Sometimes it's in the way the wind rustles the leaves or how the old floorboards creak—it's like he's left traces of himself behind."

"I think what Lady Genevieve means," Lord Alexander interjected thoughtfully, "is that there's an essence of him lingering within these walls. Not his physical presence but perhaps the echo of his life here."

Essence of him lingering within... these walls... how intriguing, indeed.

Their conversation continued amidst the evening's descending tranquility, each step bringing them closer to the mansion's imposing doors. Thalisma mulled over Lady Genevieve's earnestness and Lord Alexander's measured insight, feeling a growing intrigue and determination to unravel the mysteries veiled within Crest Hill Grove's history.

"I wonder if the estate holds untold stories yet to be discovered," Thalisma pondered aloud, the words hanging in the evening air.

"Indeed, the shadows of the past often conceal untold tales," Lord Alexander added thoughtfully.

Suddenly, Lady Genevieve hesitated, a shadow briefly crossing her features. "You know, we were told not to speak much about Uncle Ragnar."

"Why's that?" Thalisma asked, intrigued by the unexpected turn in their conversation.

"It's just something we were told when we were younger," Lady Genevieve replied, her tone tinged with a hint of unease. "There's this unspoken rule about avoiding conversations regarding him."


Thalisma, wiping the dust off an old shelf, glanced at Ms. Everly, who was carefully arranging ancient manuscripts nearby. "Ms. Everly, have you ever stumbled upon any secret rooms or hidden nooks in this mansion?"

Ms. Everly chuckled softly. "Oh, aye, lass. This estate has its fair share of hidden corners."

"Really?" Thalisma's eyes lit up with curiosity. "What kind of places are they?"

"Well, there's one room tucked away somewhere, rarely seen by many," Ms. Everly responded, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "A place where tales of old seem to linger."

"Sounds intriguing," Thalisma remarked, leaning in with interest. "What's the story behind it?"

"Ah, that room," Ms. Everly reminisced, a faint smile playing on her lips. "It's said to have belonged to young Master Ragnar, the lad of the Thorkell family."

"Ragnar?" Thalisma's eyebrows rose in curiosity. Master Ragnar, again...

"Aye, he was a lad with a zest for life and a penchant for mystery," Ms. Everly continued, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "But he disappeared, leaving behind a room."

"Disappeared?" Thalisma echoed, captivated by the tale.

"Aye, no one knew where he went," Ms. Everly elaborated. "Some say his spirit wanders these halls, clinging to the forgotten corners."

"Is it possible to find this room?" Thalisma inquired, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Ms. Everly chuckled softly. "Might be, lass. But mind you, some secrets are best left undisturbed."

Their conversation drifted to other daily chores, but Thalisma's mind lingered on the hidden chamber, stirred by the whispers of Ragnar's mysterious presence within the estate.