
Threads of Astral Paths

This is my first ever novel published in here. It will be quite detailed, if you're into fantasy, romance, and adventure- this one is perfect for you! In a world veiled by secrets and ancient enchantments, Thalisma Hollis, a spirited orphan with an unyielding desire for independence, seeks to carve her destiny as a governess. Fueled by resilience and a thirst for knowledge, she seizes an opportunity to serve an enigmatic master in a remote estate shrouded in mystery. Upon arriving at the estate, Thalisma discovers a realm beyond her imagination-a place where the lines between reality and mysticism blur. Strange occurrences unfurl within the ancient halls, whispered rumors of arcane powers, and ethereal phenomena that defy explanation. As Thalisma delves deeper into her duties, she becomes entangled in the enigmatic master's world-a man of captivating charm, a man of disguises. Their unexpected connection sparks a passionate bond that transcends the boundaries of ordinary existence. Yet, with each passing day, the estate unveils its mystical secrets, drawing Thalisma further into a labyrinth of arcane phenomena. Driven by curiosity and an innate courage, Thalisma finds herself at the center of an unfolding mystery, navigating through astral paths and ethereal dimensions intertwined with her burgeoning romance. As she unravels the estate's enigmas, she realizes her destiny is intricately woven into the very fabric of these mystical occurrences. In a tale woven with threads of cosmic love and astral adventure, "Threads of Astral Paths" is a mesmerizing journey where the realms of romance and mysticism collide, revealing that love transcends not only distance but the very boundaries of reality itself.

RavenPlumm · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

The Thorkells!

Thalisma's carriage ambled along the winding roads, traversing the picturesque landscapes of Ember Valley. Verdant hills rolled along the horizon, adorned with a spectrum of autumnal colors painting the trees in shades of gold and crimson.

As she gazed out of the carriage window, Thalisma felt a sense of awe at the beauty surrounding her. The tranquility of the valley contrasted sharply with the whirlwind of emotions raging within her. Excitement for the unknown, apprehension about the responsibilities awaiting her, and the lingering pang of leaving behind the familiar walls of the orphanage warred for dominance in her thoughts.

The journey itself was an adventure—a passage into a world she had only dreamed of. The rhythm of the carriage wheels on the cobbled road acted as a soothing lullaby, calming her nerves as she prepared mentally for the encounters that lay ahead.

Hours passed, the sun casting long shadows across the valley, before Crest Hill Grove emerged in the distance. The sprawling estate stood atop a gentle rise, surrounded by a canopy of ancient oak trees that seemed to whisper tales of bygone eras.

As the carriage approached the imposing wrought-iron gates, adorned with the Thorkell family crest, Thalisma's heart fluttered with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. The estate loomed larger than life, a realm of nobility and grandeur far removed from her humble beginnings.

Upon entering, the carriage traversed a tree-lined avenue, leading to the grand manor nestled amidst meticulously landscaped gardens. The mansion itself exuded an air of regality, its architecture a testament to the wealth and status of the Thorkell lineage.

Thalisma's breath caught in her throat as the carriage came to a halt in front of the main entrance. She straightened her attire, adjusting the modest dress she had chosen for the occasion. Gathering her courage, she stepped out onto the cobblestones, her eyes taking in the opulence that surrounded her.

A butler, adorned in a formal suit, approached with an air of practiced elegance. "Miss Hollis, welcome to Crest Hill Grove. We have been eagerly awaiting your arrival. If you'll follow me, I shall escort you to your quarters."

Thalisma nodded, offering a polite smile to the butler. As she followed him into the manor, she couldn't help but feel a sense of both wonder and intimidation. The hallways adorned with priceless artworks, the polished marble floors echoing her footsteps—all were a stark contrast to the simplicity of the orphanage she had called home.

The butler led her to a cozy room, adorned with tasteful furnishings and a breathtaking view of the estate's gardens. "This shall be your quarters during your stay, Miss Hollis. Lord Thorkell will summon you when he's ready to discuss your responsibilities."

"Thank you," Thalisma replied, her voice steady despite the nerves churning within her.

Alone in her quarters, she took a moment to collect her thoughts. Her gaze wandered to the window, where the last rays of the setting sun cast a warm glow upon the landscape. The transition from the orphanage to this grand estate was surreal, yet Thalisma knew she had embarked upon a journey that would test her in ways she had never imagined.

As she unpacked her belongings and prepared herself for the challenges ahead, Thalisma couldn't shake off the mix of excitement and uncertainty that engulfed her. Tomorrow would bring the beginning of her new role, her first day in the esteemed position of governess at Crest Hill Grove.

With a deep breath, Thalisma steeled herself for the unknown path that lay ahead, determined to embrace this opportunity with all the strength and resilience she could muster.


Thalisma's first morning at Crest Hill Grove arrived with a gentle knock on her door. It was Mrs. Dipett, the head of the maids, a composed and poised woman with an air of authority.

"Good morning, Miss Hollis," Mrs. Dipett greeted her with a warm smile. "I trust you had a restful night. Lord Thorkell has requested your presence in his chamber room after breakfast to discuss your duties. But before that, let's have a chat about the boundaries and rules within the estate."

Thalisma nodded in understanding, following Mrs. Dipett to a cozy room nearby, where Lord Thorkell and the two siblings stayed, the chamber exuding timeless opulence with its rich tapestries, ornate canopy bed, and antique furniture, radiating an air of aristocratic elegance.

"Firstly, Miss Hollis," Mrs. Dipett began in a measured tone, "your role here is of utmost importance. You'll be responsible for the education and upbringing of the young Lord Alexander and Lady Genevieve, the siblings of the Thorkell household. Discipline, respect, and nurturing their education are paramount."

"I understand," Thalisma responded with earnestness. "I'll do my best to uphold these standards."

"Good," Mrs. Dipett continued. "However, there are certain boundaries to be observed. While kindness and compassion are encouraged, familiarity must be balanced with maintaining a sense of authority. The children need guidance, not just a friend."

"I'll ensure to maintain that balance," Thalisma assured her.

As their conversation continued, Thalisma absorbed the intricacies of her role, learning about the estate's routines, the expectations from the staff, and the decorum expected of her in her new position.

After their discussion, Mrs. Dipett escorted Thalisma to the chamber, where Lord Thorkell awaited her. Inside, she met the two siblings—Lord Alexander, a studious young boy with an inquisitive glint in his eye, and Lady Genevieve, a spirited girl with an infectious laughter that filled the room.

"Ah, Miss Hollis," Lord Thorkell acknowledged her with a nod. "I trust you had a comfortable arrival. Allow me to introduce my children. This is Lord Alexander and Lady Genevieve."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," Thalisma greeted them warmly, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Hello," Lord Alexander greeted politely, while Lady Genevieve grinned mischievously.

Thalisma engaged in a brief conversation with the siblings, learning about their interests, their studies, and the activities they enjoyed. Their banter was filled with curiosity and eagerness, as well as the natural exuberance of youth.

"Thalisma, will you be teaching us?" Lord Alexander inquired, his eyes alight with curiosity.

"Yes, I'll be assisting in your studies and helping you explore various subjects," Thalisma replied with a gentle smile.

"But we also want to show you around the estate!" Lady Genevieve interjected, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Of course, I'd love to explore the estate with both of you," Thalisma replied warmly, delighted by their enthusiasm.

As Lord Thorkell guided the conversation towards the day's plans, Thalisma felt a sense of camaraderie growing between her and the siblings. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, a flicker of hope ignited within her as she embraced this new chapter in her life at Crest Hill Grove.


As Thalisma accompanied Lord Alexander and Lady Genevieve on a stroll through the lavish gardens of Crest Hill Grove, her eyes wandered across the grand corridors of the estate adorned with paintings and portraits of the Thorkell family lineage. Among the vast array of portraits, one painting caught her attention—a strikingly handsome man with an air of mystery about him.

Curiosity piqued, Thalisma paused, her gaze fixated on the portrait of the enigmatic figure. His piercing eyes seemed to follow her every move, evoking a sense of familiarity that she couldn't quite place.

"Who is he?" Thalisma asked, turning to Mrs. Elspeth, an elder staff member who had been overseeing the estate for decades.

Mrs. Elspeth, a seasoned housekeeper known for her vast knowledge of the estate's history, approached with a gentle smile. "Ah, that would be Master Ragnar Thorkell, the eldest son of Lord Thorkell and Lady Eleanor. A noble gentleman he was, indeed."

"He looks... familiar," Thalisma murmured, studying the painting intently.

"Master Ragnar was known for his charm and... I guess peculiarity," Mrs. Elspeth continued, her eyes glimmering with nostalgia. "Unfortunately, fate had other plans for him. He met an untimely demise years ago, leaving a void within the family."

Thalisma felt a pang of sympathy at Mrs. Elspeth's words, sensing the depth of loss in the older woman's demeanor. There was an unspoken sorrow surrounding the memory of Master Ragnar, adding a layer of mystery to the Thorkell family history.

"He's remembered fondly by those who had the privilege of knowing him," Mrs. Elspeth added, her voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness. "His legacy lives on within the halls of Crest Hill Grove."

As Thalisma contemplated the portrait of Master Ragnar, she couldn't shake off the feeling of a strange connection, as though an unseen thread tied her to the legacy of this mysterious figure. His presence in the painting seemed to beckon her, igniting a sense of intrigue that lingered in her thoughts.

With a nod of gratitude towards Mrs. Elspeth, Thalisma rejoined Lord Alexander and Lady Genevieve, her mind filled with questions about the untold stories that echoed within the halls of Crest Hill Grove.