
Thousands Words of Love

A Crown Princess, Zhang Ruyi, ascended the throne after Emperor Zhang Luo died. Haunted by the palace Hunger Games, she spent her life on the battlefield and disguised as a male. At first, the Imperial General doesn't allow her to join the military but due to her strong determination, he finally accepts the Crown Princess. Amazed by the Crown Princess's military skills, he then let the Crown Princess join any war. Women are not allowed to be a ruler. Since the Crown Prince died, the Emperor doesn't have any choice but to make his only daughter the next Emperor. To break the rules, he created a knockout game between his son (Not the Crown Prince) and his daughter. The winner will take the throne. Successfully ascending the throne and discarding the palace rules, Zhang Ruyi becomes the new Emperor with her own rules. She doesn't want to be like her father. Known as a bright ruler, but naive in love relationships. Forced to marry a Crown Princess, it gives a hard hit on her chest. For Zhang Ruyi, it is her dead end. As time goes by, the Crown Princess slowly heals the wounds inside Zhang Ruyi's heart. Without realising it, she (Zhang Ruyi) slowly creates a feeling towards the Crown Princess.

Natty_Cassyendra · História
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

CHAPTER 2 The New Emperor

Zhang Ruyi rushed to Jade Palace as soon as the Coronation Ceremony ended because she wanted to get change as soon as possible. The Mianfu made her feel uncomfortable and her head was tired of wearing the Mianguan that was full of gems. She had never worn anything fancy and complex before so it felt strange. This is because Zhang Ruyi spends most of her time on the battlefield.

*Mianguan - A type of crown that originated in China

As a Crown Princess, she shouldn't join the military. Moreover, the battlefield is no place for a woman. However, Zhang Ruyi did not care about the rules and still wanted to be a part of the Imperial Soldiers. The Imperial General cannot stop her from joining the military nor the late Emperor. Even though she is a female, her fighting skills are as good as a male. Since she was good with the sword, the General finally accepted her. In addition to having good swordsmanship, she is also adept at using bows and arrows.

No one ever thought that the Crown Princess could be so good. Since women are portrayed as weak creatures, she proves that statement to be wrong. Behind that beautiful face, hides the strength of thousands of men and the prowess of a lion king. Zhang Ruyi had joined a few battles and she never disappointed her kingdom. Because of her personality, the late Emperor thought the Crown Princess may be born as a tomboy. Hence, he never stopped his daughter from doing whatever she wanted. He even hopes that she is a boy. Compared to her eldest brother, Zhang Ruyi is much better. Even so, the late Emperor was also concerned about her future. As a Crown Princess, she should be gentle and sweet. No one would like to make her a wife with a tomboyish personality.

Of course, it is wrong. She was never born a tomboy. She is the Crown Princess of the Su Empire, a noble birth of the kingdom. On the day she was born, a scarlet sun floated in the red sky. It was twilight when the late Emperor had his first daughter and it is said that the birth of the Crown Princess brings a good omen. The red sky and scarlet sun symbolize vitality, new beginnings, power, creation, passion, and freedom. Not to mention that colour also means anger and warning. Therefore, she was given the name Ruyi, which means "as you wish", referring to what she wants when she grows up, and also referring to the ceremonial sceptre, Ruyi (Rúyì; 如意), as a symbol of good fortune and longevity. Who knows if it will end like this? Becomes the first female Emperor in history and the youngest ruler ever to exist. Perhaps, this is what the good omens are.

Zhang Ruyi has her reasons why she joined the military and chose to be not herself. She dropped the title of Crown Princess and lived freely as she wished to. The title is only valid during a big occasion. This is because she's still a Crown Princess. For an ordinary day, she will choose to be an ordinary person.

Chun Xiao was busy serving the meals when the Emperor was home. She greets her with a smile and offers herself to help her to get change.

"Welcome back, Bixia! Let me help you to get change first."

Zhang Ruyi agreed. Chun Xiao untied the red thread under the Emperor's chin and pulled the Mianguan slowly from her head. After taking off the crown, she helps the Emperor to change her cloth. The Mianfu is formal clothing for the Emperor. Therefore, she needs to be careful not to ruin them.

"Put the silver black robe on me."

"At your service, Bixia!"

Chun Xiao took the silver robe and put it on Zhang Ruyi. This is Zhang Ruyi's favourite robe. She used to wear this robe when she needed to go somewhere but not for official occasions. For her leisure or ordinary days, she will wear a plain black robe.

"It seems that Bixia wants to go somewhere." She said.

"Not really. I just want to get some fresh air at Lotus Pond after this." She answered sloppily.

"I see. Then why does Bixia want to wear this robe?"

Chun Xiao tightens the belt and adjusts the collar of the robe and its sleeves.

"Just in case when there is a sudden meeting that I have to attend."

Chun Xiao nodded. She understands what the Emperor trying to say. As an Emperor, she needs to be always prepared because things come without you realising it.

"We are done! Bixia can have the meals now but I think the foods are already cold. I will bring another food then."

Zhang Ruyi doesn't like to waste food. As long as the food is still edible, she will eat it. For her, there is no difference between hot and cold food. If there are any differences, they are only the aroma and temperature of the foods.

"No need. It is just getting cold, but not stale. It is still edible and I will eat them."

Hearing this from the mouth of the Emperor, Chun Xiao nodded and left.

When Zhang Ruyi came to the Lotus Pond, it was still sunny and the sky was still blue. The cold breeze blew her face and it was so soothing. Lotus Pond got its name from the lotus flowers that grow in the pond. They are all white and it was the only flower color in the pond. It was said that the lotus was a gift from a friend of the first Emperor, Zhang Xuchi, as a token of thanks for saving her life. However, there is also a rumour saying that it was a farewell gift from a lady for the Emperor. Whatever it was, it doesn't matter. What is important is that the flower was a gift from someone and the Emperor planted it in this pond.

"If it's a gift as a token of gratitude to the Emperor, then it must be to maintain their bond of friendship. But if it's a parting gift, then it must be about a bittersweet love relationship." She muttered to herself.

She plucked one of the lotus flowers and took a deep look at it. The petals were too white and bright. Different from the other lotus, this lotus will wither once plucked and the petals will slowly melt like ice. Thus, it was called Snow Lotus.

"I don't know why she gave the Emperor this lotus. You can't even hold it in your hands. I wonder how she gives this flower to the Emperor." She mumbled to herself again.

"Haiyaa...After being crowned as the new Emperor, someone has been forgotten."

*Haiyaa - expressing extreme disappointment, frustration, etc.

A purple-robed young man who was lying under a peach blossom tree murmured and broke Zhang Ruyi's reverie. It was Anli, the only son of the Imperial General. Anli is known as a carefree guy and is popular among ladies. He had a tall body like a jade tree and a pair of eyes that shone like marbles. With his cheerful character, maybe you won't feel bored with him. He will always brighten your day with his jokes. As a single father, the Imperial General raised his son very well.

Zhang Ruyi turned around when she heard someone talking about her. When she saw Anli, she walked towards him slowly. Realizing the Emperor was approaching him, Anli quickly got up and greeted her.

"Greetings, Bixia!"

Zhang Ruyi looked at him, raising her eyebrows with her hands crossed behind her back. Realizing her current status as Emperor, Anli immediately apologized to her.

"A-haha. Forgive me for my rudeness. I was just joking." He scratches his head.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

Anli squatted down to pick up a pebble on the ground and threw it into the lotus pond.

"I was wandering and since the lotus flower was blooming, so I came here." He said.

"Anyway, congratulations on being the new Emperor. I couldn't wish it at the Main Hall today."

Zhang Ruyi bowed her head shyly and scratched her nose.

"Thank you." She replied.

Anli looked at the Emperor for a moment. Even though she had been crowned Emperor, she was still the old Ruyi he knew. A cold-faced person with an unfriendly tone of voice. It's rare to see her smile or maybe you've never seen her smile at all. Anli remembered when she joined the Imperial Soldiers for the first time. She still wears the same look on her face.

"I think the palace is quite big but you chose the Lotus Palace to wander around?"

Anli was startled.

"You know that the Lotus Palace is a quarter for the Emperor's women, don't you?"

Anli gulped.

"O-oh! Haha. Um...y-yes, yes! I know! It was my fault for trespassing in this area. Please forgive me!"

Zhang Ruyi waved her hand.

"Forget it. Let's have a sit over there and tell me what's your intention to come here." She pointed to the tea table near the Lotus Pond.

They went to the tea table and sat on the stone stool. Anli played with his fingers on the tables and took a glance at the Emperor.


He put his hands down when the Emperor coughed and adjusted his seat. Zhang Ruyi raised her eyebrows as a gesture for him to speak.

"Well,...I heard that the Lotus Palace is going to be closed so I came here just to have a look. I thought after it was closed everyone could enter this area. That's why I'm here."

Zhang Ruyi sighed and massaged her forehead. "This guy is something!" She mumbled alone.

"So, that's all?" She asked.

Anli nodded and put his chin on the table.

"Bixia, since the Lotus Palace will be closed soon, what will happen to the concubines and consorts?"

Zhang Ruyi turned away and looked at the lotus flowers that were floating on the surface of the pond.

"Leave the palace." She answered.

Anli was surprised. He never thought that the Emperor would drive the concubines and consorts from the palace. When her father (Zhang Luo) became Emperor, the previous Emperor's (Zhang Xuchi) concubines and consorts were still in the palace but they no longer had the power to control the harem. Their titles were also removed but they were still addressed as High Lady. Even so, their titles were lower than the new Emperor's consorts but higher than concubines.

The first Emperor had many concubines and wives since he was the founder of the Su Empire. It is said that the Su Empire was the largest Empire at that time. Zhang Xuchi defeated many other kingdoms to make it his territory. It might sound like he was a cruel ruler but that was how the ancients strengthened their power to become the supreme ruler. However, of all his wives, he only had two successors, Zhang Luo and Zhang Yao. Zhang Yao is the Crown Prince of the Su Empire and will be the next Emperor of the kingdom. However, the Crown Prince chose romance over the country until he was dethroned and the title was given to his younger brother, Zhang Luo.

"Leave the palace? Where will they go?"

Anli raised his chin while waiting for the Emperor to answer his question. Zhang Ruyi looked at him and replied to his question.

"Go back to their family and those who don't have a family will stay in the capital with a provided place. The consorts can also choose to stay in the capital if they wanted to since they are still High Lady."

Anli nodded his head.

"Never thought you were stricter than your father." He grumbled.

"Hmm? Did you say something just now?"

Anli was stuttering.

"A-haha. N-no, nothing."

He bites his lips and scratches his head. Zhang Ruyi narrowed her eyes.

"I'm really, I am! Err...I only said that Bixia is stricter than the late Emperor."

Zhang Ruyi put her hand on her chin and was stunned for a moment.

"Am I?" She asked.

"Maybe I'm the only one who thinks like that." He said and took a glance at her for a second.

"And...I can't even call you by your name anymore. Humph!" He grumbled.

It made Zhang Ruyi cough.

"Just call me by name if there is no formal occasion. After all, I think of you as my brother." She said.

He was stunned for a moment. He lowered his head and smiled shyly. It was the first time the Emperor addressed him as her brother. Before this, she only thinks of him as her friend.

"Am I too greedy if I want it more than that?" He talked to himself.

Noticing that he was silent, Zhang Ruyi called his name.


Anli was startled and looked at her.


"What's wrong?"

He stretched his body and put his chin on the table with a smile on his face.

"I-I forgot what you look like when you wear women's clothes. I think,...the last time I saw you was when you were 6 years old."

Zhang Ruyi stood up, gritted her teeth, and knocked Anli's head.

"Ouch!" He complained of pain.

"Say it again and you'll get more than that!"

Zhang Ruyi left him with a red face. Anli chuckled and looked at the Emperor leaving from afar with a smile on his face.

"Such a tomboy Empress." He mumbled alone.

Zhang Ruyi didn't know where to go so she went to the court to reads some of the government documents. Coincidentally, some of the ministers were there and they were busy talking to each other. It looks like they were discussing something. When they saw the Emperor was coming, they paused their conversation and greeted her.

"Greetings, Bixia!"

Zhang Ruyi turned around and looked at them.

"Raise your head!"

They raised their head and queued according to their position.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's not assembly time yet. Why are you all here?" She questioned them.

They looked at each other. Some of them scratched their head. Zhang Ruyi gave them a sharp look and it was enough to make them scared.

"I'm your Emperor but you all didn't show any respect by hiding something from me. In addition, you all made a secret meeting without my knowing. Can anyone explain it to me?" (Erm, I think this is correct - talking to herself with doubtful feelings)

Well, Zhang Ruyi didn't mean to be this strict but this was what her father did when he was alive. As an Emperor, he was always strict with his ministers. From the ministers' point of view, Zhang Ruyi was like a hungry lion. At such a young age, she can be a good ruler and make people around her obey her. But, who knows in the young Emperor's heart, she was nervous to be like that. Sometimes, she also felt stupid.

Minister Pei quickly shows himself in the middle of the court and kowtows to her.

"Bi-Bixia, we didn't mean to be rude. Please forgive us!"

The other ministers also do the same thing. They kowtow to the Emperor with a scared face. Zhang Ruyi raised her head with crossed hands at her back.


Minister Pei turned around and looked at the other ministers. When they saw Minister Pei was looking at them, they pretended didn't see him and looked away.


Zhang Ruyi coughed and Minister Pei turned away immediately and faced the Emperor again.

"Bixia, w-we were talking about the closing of Lotus Palace. We wonder how will we strengthen our power if there are no marriages between the other kingdoms princesses."

Listening to what he had said, Zhang Ruyi closed her eyes and sighed loudly. The other ministers began to wipe the sweat from their foreheads. As for Minister Pei, he began to shiver. His hand that was holding Hu began to tremble.

*Hu - (Chinese: 笏; pinyin: hù) is a flat sceptre originating from China, where they were originally used as narrow tablets for recording notes and orders; (also known as a ritual baton)

Minister Han coughed and it startled him up. Realizing he had made a mistake, he quickly begged for forgiveness.

"Bixia, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend you! Please don't be angry!"

She rubbed her forehead and was silent for a while. The other ministers gulped, waiting for the Emperor's words. Realizing that there was an air of silence, Minister Han came to the middle of the court and spoke.

"G-greetings, Bixia! We're very sorry if we suddenly offended you but as Bixia said before, most of us are bound with the old customs. Therefore, it might take time for us to get used to it. We just..."

Zhang Ruyi interrupted to continue his words and looked at him.

"...just can think about political marriage to maintain peace and strengthen our power without war?"

Minister Han nodded.

"Yes, Bixia!"

Zhang Ruyi narrowed her eyes and came closer to them. Minister Pei didn't say anything since Minister Han showed himself. He remained silent and just listened to their conversation. The same goes for the other ministers, they only listened to their conversation. It was true that political marriage was the best way to maintain peace between other kingdoms but this method was only effective if you were a male emperor. Nobody cares if you marry more ladies as long as it can bring benefits to your kingdom. But the situation now is different since their new Emperor is a female. Even though she had the option to marry the Crown Prince or Prince of the other kingdoms, this would reveal the true identity of the Emperor and it would be a shame to the Su Empire.

Clomp! Clomp! Clomp! The sound of her footsteps breaks the silence. Everyone's heartbeats were getting faster. Zhang Ruyi put her hand inside her sleeve and took away her Jade Fan Lotus.

"The Emperor is angry! The Emperor is angry! She is angry!"

Some of the ministers were whispering to each other. Once she stood next to them, she stopped.

"Minister Pei, how old are you?" She asked.

Minister Pei gulped and answered her in stuttering.

"I-I am 39, Bixia!"

Zhang Ruyi looked at Minister Han and asked the same question.

"How about you, Minister Han?"

Minister Han gulped as well. He doesn't have any idea why the Emperor suddenly asked about their ages.

"I am 50, Bixia!"

She opened her Jade Fan Lotus and waved it.

"Not bad." She said.

She then walked in a circle around them with a cold, expressionless look, still waving her fan with her right hand. This made all the ministers feel more scared than before.

"You are not wrong to say that political marriage can help strengthen our power and maintain peace between kingdoms."

She paused and looked at the other ministers in the court. After that, she continued her speech.

"However, marrying many women brings chaos within the palace, especially in the harem. As a wise person, I'm sure you all understand what I'm trying to say, right?"

That was correct! They can't deny it at all. You have power and many allies but your palace is hell for you. Marriage brings peace to your kingdom but causes war in the harem.

"As long as we still can have a good relationship with the other kingdoms, we don't have to worry about power. If they cannot tolerate it, we can just declare war."

When they heard the words 'declare war' it reminded them of the first Emperor, Zhang Xuchi. Zhang Xuchi will use war as his ultimate weapon. Of course, he will never lose. Thus, other kingdoms will always give him what he wanted. Zhang Ruyi exactly follows her grandfather's footsteps!

"Like grandfather like granddaughter." One of the ministers whispered.

"Shh! You will be heard by Bixia!" Another minister spoke.

Zhang Ruyi closes her Jade Fan Lotus and puts it on her chin.

"Well, well. If you all want me to stick with the old custom, I don't have any problem with it."

She paused for a while and narrowed her eyes. Waiting for the ministers' reactions on their faces. Noticing that they still stayed silent, she came closer to Minister Pei and whispered in his ear.


Since the court was too silent, the whispers could be heard clearly by everyone and this gave goosebumps to the ministers. Even though they need the old custom, imagining this new Emperor marrying a princess sounds so weird. Minister Pei shakes his head as he imagines how it would be if the Emperor married a woman. When Minister Han saw him, he quickly hit his head.

"Ou-Ouch!" He complained of pain in a low voice.

Zhang Ruyi looked at the other ministers, opened her Jade Fan Lotus again, and waved it slowly.

"Who's the youngest among you all here?" She asked and they pointed their eyes to the Minister of Coachman. He was indeed looking young.

"The concubines will have no right to invite me to come to their chamber. But for the Princess or Crown Princess, it's a bit difficult to refuse it. Don't you all think the same too?"

They all nodded and answered her in stuttering.

"T-true! That was true!"

"Y-yes, yes! True! True!"

She closed her Jade Fan Lotus and hit her left palm with it.

"Isn't most of you had more than one wife?"

All the ministers gulped and some of them were blushing, except for the young minister. The young minister looked at the ministers around him with a nerd's face. They indeed have more than one wife. Most of them had 2 or 3 wives at max.

"I-I still young and haven't got married yet. But why do I feel the same atmosphere as these old ministers around me too?" He muttered to himself.

Zhang Ruyi walked in a circle around the two ministers in the middle of the court again.

"Since one woman can't satisfy you at night, why don't you all take turns sleeping with my beauties every night? It should honor for all of you to sleep with a prestige lady from a noble family. What do you guys think?"

BANG! All the ministers suddenly choked. Their faces were red and their hearts were beating faster than before. They can even feel it jump out of their chest.

"I-I never knew that Bixia also could have a sense of humour!" One of the ministers spoke.

"Even though I like women, this is cringe for me." Another minister spoke.

When she realized that all the ministers were fluttered, she walked toward the young minister slowly. The minister lowered his head when he saw the Emperor was coming.

"Tell me your name and age."

The young minister gulped and spoke in stuttering.

"I am W-Wang Nie, Bixia! And I-I am 21 years old!"

Wang Nie was the late Minister Wang's son. Zhang Ruyi knew his father very well. He was a good man. Minister Wang died because of illness. However, Zhang Ruyi believes that his death was caused by his wife. Since he had a lot of wives, everyone wanted to make their son the next head of the Wang family.

Zhang Ruyi turned around with crossed hands at her back.

"So, how? I will arrange a schedule for you all to sleep with my beauties later. I know most of you like to play with women. Once the Lotus Palace is filled with beauties, you all won't have to go to brothels anymore. Save your money, because I offer them for free."

All the ministers began to shiver. Some of them covered their mouth with their hand as they felt they wanted to vomit and some were scratching their head roughly.

Zhang Ruyi turned around again and put her fan under the young minister's face, lifted his head, and stared at him.

"Be good, let me see your face." She said.

Wang Nie looked at her with a red face. His whole body trembled. Zhang Ruyi could see a cold sweat on his forehead. "He was too scared until sweating. I shouldn't give him pressure." She muttered to herself and left the minister.

"Ah, yes! I think doing it every day is way too much for them. Maybe you can do it with them twice a week. What do you all think?"

Minister Pei choked and all eyes were pointed at him. Minister Han tried to help him. This time Zhang Ruyi completely killed all her ministers! They kowtow to her immediately and begged for forgiveness three times.

"Bixia, please spare us! We admit our wrong!" (All ministers)

Zhang Ruyi approached the main entrance with a cold look, waved her sleeves vigorously, and walked away. Once she disappeared from their sight, they immediately gathered in the middle of the court and ranted.





Minister Han and Minister Pei remain silent. When the court became noisier than before, Minister Han silenced them.


They zipped their mouth.

"Dismissed! We'll ask for forgiveness in the next meeting. Or I will talk to the Emperor by myself."

They nodded and left the court immediately. When Minister Han was on his leave, he saw her daughter and she came to him with a sad face.

"Father! Father!"

Minister Han stopped and glanced at her daughter. She is Consort Wei.

"What the matter?" He asked.

Consort Wei swept her watery eyes and grabbed her father's sleeve.

"Father! You are one of the most powerful ministers in the court. Can you please ask the Emperor to cancel her decree for the Lotus Palace?"

Minister Hans pulled his hand roughly to release his sleeve from Consort's Wei grasp.

"Stupid daughter! You better stay away from the Lotus Palace matter if you still regard me as your father. Unless you want to kill me."

He left the Consort with an angry face.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I'll appreciate every suggestion from you guys!

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