
Thousand Sword Monarch in DXD (Dropped)

An Old man goes by the name Ken Toshaka is dying of old age, All the deeds he has done in his years of life is being judged by God. The supreme Being the one Humans called god, instead of sending the old soul into what should be called Heaven change his mind after seeing the Old man Sins and Deeds, He the one who created all summon the old soul to his abode to tell him that he will be sent into another world with supernatural reign freely. What will become his journey when God only gave him simple word of mission "Don't disappoint me, But remember to have fun", Follow the journey of a simple Man with ambitions conquer the new world he sent to. ~DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the character mentioned in Highschool DXD, and also I don't own any of the original Works of the anime, All of it except my OC are work of fiction and claimed by their respective owner. ~This is My First work so don't expect a Master Piece right of the bat, I need time to grow and I hope you guys can have an honest review regarding my Works. ~I will read every comment and Review as best as I could and implement any suggestions that you may have. ~Lastly thank you for readings and Enjoy the Story.

Keita_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

2. The First step Into the new World

After what seems to be eternity, Ken Toshaka with a new and fresh body woke up into a unfamiliar room.

He get up feeling power trough his body, with every inch of it emitting power, he went into the mirror in his Room and see himself.

What he sees is different looking boy, not the one who he used to see in his early days when he was living in his original world.

Before being sent here, He is a handsome man with a black hair and black eyes with fairly handsome face.

Now he look quite different, almost like a different person as whole, he now have a really handsome face with Black abbys hair and scarlet Red eyes.

What bother him was his own eyes, he remembered that he got [Eyes of Truth] but supposedly with the name like that it will not look evil like this.

But that's just his own thought, before getting to hung up on it he then tried to check up on himself, he found a disturbing fact.

Something is residing in his heart, something weird, 'Is this the one that the Watcher called [Armory of Gilgamesh]' he thought.

He tried to summoned a sword that is looking like a old Katana from his original world, actually he is a weapon master, he mastered all kind of cold weapon trough out his life.

After a second of his thought he summoned the Katana looking blade and inspect trough it, It is named {Kusabimaru} a sword etched into history.

'A nice sword to held, I think for the time being I will make you my main weapon' Thought Ken.

he was immersed in his thought when suddenly a voice called out to him.

"Ken Son of Hon Toshaka, you better get your self here or I will personally get there and drag you down for breakfast, its 7 in the morning you young rebels" Said a woman from down below.

'This.. I remembered I was an Orphan, but...' while he was in his mind, his body act up on its own like it was his instinct to follow that orders just now.

'Haha, me Ken Toshaka hailed as the most ruthless person before, now follow a simple Lady orders, what a surprise' Thought Ken still walking down the stairs.

"Sit down young man, I know that you trains hard with your sword crazy father last night but overslept in you first day of new school is No no, you understand?!" Said Ken's Mother.

"Yes, mother" Ken just answer like a rebel child in his 18, Well technically he is 18 Years old with a mind of that an Old Man.

"Good, now eat your Breakfast and get ready to school remember that school will start at 7:30 in the morning so you better get hurry" Said Ken mother.

Ken finished his breakfast quite fast, and getting ready to school before getting stopped by a wee built man.

"Do you have any problem boy? You seems different, the aura you gave out is rather... Weird" Said Ken Father who looks like he just seen a monster.

Ken looked back and held back all of his aura before answering his father.

"Its nothing Father, you just imagining stuff" Said Ken trying to reassure his Father.

His father just nodded in agreement and decide to let it go, He know that if his Son decide to talk about it, he will tell him himself.

Ken run towards what his Mother tell him the directions of the school he will attend to, It seems that Ken was a transfer student from a different school that just started now.

He sees the school gate that said (Kuoh Academy), he then proceed to walk into the school before he sense some quite power.

"It seems this world is quite intriguing on its own right eh" Ken just smile while saying that he still proceed forward.

The school starts, all the boring lessons that got answered quite easily because the effect of [Eyes of Truth] it gets boring by the day goes on.

But what drives him forward from sleeping was this 4 Intriguing woman, they gave of some weird power called magic from what his Eyes tells.

'So they are what's called Devils eh? Interesting, so in this world, Supernatural being exist, but if there are Devils then there must be others' Ken thought.

He could not get more right on that thought, Ken was still investigating the new World he get into, but he get the feeling that in this world, the power he have now will not be the strongest.

But that was what drives him trough, He who raise from a low background into high standing, he know about hardship so he is not afraid to face it.

The school is over, Ken was getting ready to go home and getting to know his power more before his shoulder was tapped by a beautiful scarlet haired girl.

"You are Ken right? the new transfer student?" Asked the girl.

"even with all your beauties, isn't the norm to introduce one self before asking other?" Said Ken unbothered by her magic she emits.

Ken was actually quite interested in the 4 girl that he Sense, they were quite interesting of their own, the one talking to him right now display the power to overwhelm everyone with pride.

the other 2 though can be said to be quite calm like the ocean and quite enviable to say the least.

"ah um.. Yes forgive my rudeness, let me introduce my self, My name is Rias Gremory" Said Rias.

"Ken Toshaka" Said Ken while walking away.

"Hey! why are you seems to hate me?" Asked Rias to Ken who display the sense like he doesn't want to have any business with her.

"Its not me who hate you, but all of them who seems to hate ME talking to you, I don't want any drama in my first day of school" Said Ken while point at the crowd who emits bloodlust.

'Like what the hell? why did they look at me like that just by her talking to me, Its not like she is the devil princess or something, like come on..' Thought Ken.

"Oh my apologize, but I am quite interested in you, not in that way but I just want to get to know you.." Said Rias.

'Wait, I'm not a pedophile, even if she is a devils who may life thousands of years she still looks 18 to me alright' Ken Thought.

'Well technically I'm 18 too though, its fine right?' He thought.

"Noted, I hope we can know each other more without me being killed by your fans" Said Ken to Rias with a hint of sarcasm.

"Haha, yes Thank you its nice meeting you Toshaka-kun" Rias Said.

"Its Ken, and drop the formality I hate it also, can I also call you Rias" asked Ken not understanding what he just said.

"That's... Okay Ken, and yes you can call me Rias" She said with a smile in her Face.

"Well then, I need to go, you see my mother is an angel but she will looks like a Fallen angel if she ever gets mad so pardon me" Ken Said.

"Huh?! oh yeah See you" Rias said not with a smile but still forcing to look like smiling.

Ken just Nodded and walk out going into his home like its normal, not knowing what he said seems to leave a weird impression to Rias.







~THE SLOW PACE IS MAKING ME MAD AT MY SELF, but if I fasten the pace my story will not look like what I wanted so SORRY for this suffering, Trust me I want to fasten it a bit too.

~And for you who read.. if you expect Harem? Hoho... you will get so disappointed that you will curse me, so yeah, drop this if you expect Harem

For You Who Wondered


Kusabimaru [IMAGES]