
Chapter 140 Darkness Follows

Guided by the light from Lu Yi's counterfeit phone, Gu Fan, Du Jun, and Xu Haowen tread carefully along the narrow riverbank, one behind the other. Every step feels extraordinarily terrifying. Xu Haowen's body is even trembling. If another monster fish attacks now, they certainly won't have the ability to defend themselves.

Gu Fan's idea is to return to the place where they had previously come ashore, and then make their way back to the palace to rejoin the others. The problem is that they have no sense of direction at the moment, not knowing if the place where they had previously come ashore is ahead or behind them.

After walking for a while, Du Jun expresses a different opinion, "I think we are going the wrong way, we should turn back."

To this, Gu Fan shakes his head, "It's hard for all of us to say whether we are going in the wrong direction or not. So let's just go a bit further. If we still can't find our way, let's turn back."