
340 Exceptional Situations

Though humans were numerous and occasionally staged collective charges, they seemed infinitely small in front of the giant snow monsters.

Under the leadership of Luo Jingrong, some twenty people attacked a snow monster, only to be sent flying by its fists or stomped flat by its feet. Sometimes, the snow monster would grab a person to use as a weapon, eliciting screams of terror from the crowd.

In the end, at the cost of half their number dead or injured, they managed to pin down the snow monster and finish it off with whatever weapons they had on hand.

Barely recovering from killing the snow monster, Luo Jingrong was startled when a person next to him was suddenly pulled into the snow. He ran without looking back.

Luo Jingrong had not gotten far when he was targeted by another snow monster. The sight of it sent him into such terror that he shouted, "Save me, someone save me."