
Swimming lessons

Inside second base a man in military uniform held his phone while he scowled " what do you mean he will come here, when will that be find out and inform me asap". Listening to reply on other side he said " yes I tried to make her second test difficult, I gave her the map different form others. That route had heaviest sand storm and also that mountain range but they were able to reach here on time. I know he gave us the weapon telling us about his pet and there will be other opportunities. Let her have some peace then we will make her rest in peace forever".

If Lily looked at him she would know he was Major Batton the same man who taunted her as Zack's pet. While on the other side Lily was undergoing many physical and weapon training along with many side training like poison tolerance and making it, there was also bomb diffusing training. Right now Lily faced another challenge that was swimming underwater for complete 4minutes. Everyone else were able to do that but Lily was not able to stand inside water for more than 1 minute and trainer asked her to stay inside the water untill she learned it. It was more than 16hr since she last ate. Despite turning into a pruned raisin she was dizzy and bone tired.

Standing at the shallow water she looked dull and gloomy when Asher came inside holding sandwich and some water. Seeing the food her eyes lit up. Asher looked at her for a second than ignored her completely and started unwrapping the sandwich. Lily looked disgruntled as she thought he would offer her but instead he ignored her like dog poop.

Asher listened to her cold hmphs when asked " how much minute can you hold now". Lily was exhausted she pointed three fingers showing three minutes.Asher laughed " you are a poor swimmer girl, but I never thought you would be so poor". Lily was angry now not only the rude guy showed off while eating he even insulted her. She looked at him " if you are so talented make me stay in water for four minutes and we will see how knowledgeable you are".

Asher dusted off his bread crumbs and jumped inside the pool casually " I can make you stay in water for four minutes but you have to sacrifice something, are you willing". Lily looked doubtful and suspicious when asked " what do I have to sacrifice". Asher shrugged his shoulder " I can't tell that now but if you are willing I can start now".

Lily thought for a while then nodded. They both dunked inside the water at the same time. Lily was normal for first two minutes but as soon as third minute started she panicked and tried to swim to surface when Asher pulled her to himself and covered his mouth with his own.