
Thor God Of Thunder

A guy named Jake is reincarnated as Thor Odinson in the MCU. Join in the journey as he tackles the variables thrown to him. Don't give this fan-fic any reviews please. Upload Detail : ERROR...ERROR...ERROR...

luminous1_vanqu10 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Training 1

Thor stood before the imposing figure of Odin in the grand throne room of Asgard. The golden walls seemed to echo with the weight of history, and the Allfather's eye bore into Jake, who currently inhabited the body of the God of Thunder.

"Father," Thor began, his voice steady, "I come before you with a request of great importance."

Odin, seated on the majestic throne, regarded Thor with a mix of curiosity and wisdom. "Speak, my son. What is it that weighs on your mind?"

Thor took a deep breath, preparing himself for the revelation that would alter the course of his destiny. "I have sensed a disturbance in the cosmic balance, a threat that looms on the horizon. I would like to have your permission to leave Asgard for a while for training."

Odin's eye narrowed as he considered Thor's words."The challenges you speak of are formidable, my son. But why do you seek to leave Asgard? Is it not here that you belong, protecting the Nine Realms as their rightful guardian?"

[I wrote eye in singular because Odin has only one eye.]

Thor bowed his head respectfully. "Indeed, Father, but the path to victory lies in preparation. I propose to confine myself on a desolate planet within the Nine Realms, far from the reach of others. There, I will train tirelessly, honing my skills and unlocking new levels of power. Only by doing so can I ensure the safety of Asgard and the realms we protect."

Odin's gaze remained intense, and the room fell silent as the gravity of Thor's request hung in the air. After a prolonged moment, Odin spoke, "The responsibilities you bear are great, my son. If you believe that this course of action is necessary, then you have my blessing. But be warned, the journey you embark upon is perilous, and the challenges you face may shape the destiny of not only Asgard but the entire cosmos."

Thor nodded solemnly. "I understand, Father. I do not make this decision lightly, but I believe it is the only way to ensure the safety of our realm."

Odin raised his hand, and the room was filled with a soft, resonant hum. "Very well, Thor. May your journey be one of growth and triumph. But remember, the heart of a hero is defined not only by strength but by the choices made in the face of adversity."

With Odin's blessing secured Thor made his way to the Bifrost, the mystical bridge that connected the realms. He could feel the weight of his decision settling on his shoulders, the responsibility of not just protecting Asgard but preparing for challenges that transcended the known realms. But Thor just wanted to grow powerful enough to protect what he cared and the citizens and the nine realms only came later.

As the Bifrost transported Thor to the chosen desolate planet, he marveled at the barren landscape that unfolded before him. Endless plains stretched as far as the eye could see, and a harsh wind whispered through the desolation. It was a stark contrast to the splendor of Asgard, a place where Thor could focus solely on his training without the distractions of courtly affairs and cosmic politics.

Thor found a secluded spot and raised Mjolnir, calling forth a burst of lightning that transformed the area into a makeshift training ground. Days turned into weeks as Thor pushed the limits of his godly abilities, his muscles straining and his mind sharpening with each passing moment.

The training regimen was grueling, a relentless pursuit of power that pushed Thor to the brink of exhaustion. He summoned storms, wielded Mjolnir with unparalleled precision, and channeled the primal forces of lightning and thunder. The desolate planet became a crucible where Thor forged himself anew, shedding the layers of familiarity and complacency.

As the weeks stretched into months, Thor's power grew exponentially. He could feel the surge of energy coursing through him, a manifestation of the untapped potential that lay within. His control over Mjolnir became instinctive, and the storms he summoned were a testament to his newfound mastery over his abilities.

With Mjolnir at his side, Thor raised his hand, feeling the latent energy coursing through him.

Closing his eyes, Thor concentrated on the swirling currents of cosmic energy that intertwined with his essence. He could sense the raw power of thunder, the electric charge that pulsed through the fabric of reality. It was a force that he had harnessed countless times with Mjolnir, but now, he sought to manifest it through his very being.

With a focused mind and a resolute spirit, Thor unleashed a powerful punch into the empty space before him. The impact reverberated through the desolate plains, and as his fist connected with the air, a shockwave of energy rippled outward. The very fabric of the atmosphere responded to Thor's godly might.

A low rumble echoed through the air, gradually building in intensity. The clouds, drawn by the magnetic force of Thor's power, twisted and swirled into a menacing formation. The desolate landscape became a theater of cosmic forces as if the very planet itself acknowledged the godly presence that sought to channel the power of the storm....