
This world is out to get me, I am sure of it! (DxD X Bleach X OP)

I was normal, just some random game designer, so why did I end up in this fucked up world that seems to want to get destroyed? Fuck, whatever, even if the world wants to get fucked up I will not let it. I will survive the shit storm incoming! And why are som of these girls so freaking thirsty? Game system based on One Piece, terrible gacha that makes FGO gacha looks nice, Dating Sim system aspects, Progressively OP MC, Crossover, harem Cross-posted in Fanfiction net

kingCH · Anime e quadrinhos
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32 Chs

Chapter 19

Entering the ORC clubroom Ace looked around, he was not impressed.

Sure the inside was much nicer than the outside, but he could tell at a glance how this place was like if Rias had cosplayed the whole building itself.

Going into the room Ace saw that Rias and her peerage were already there and waiting.

As soon as he entered the room Rias spoke up.

"Finally, I was getting tired of waiting. Didn't you say you would be meeting me after class?" Rias questioned Ace who just shrugged.

"To be fair, this is after class and I had a business to deal with Sona."

"Oho, and what business was it that couldn't wait until after you helped me in getting out of my arranged marriage?" Rias said in frustration. If she were to have one weak point it would be this marriage, as such, she couldn't remain calm when someone talked to her about it.

"Oh, nothing much. Just some talks I had with Sona, I needed to enter in contact with someone of importance and Sona's sister looked to me as someone who could help me." Ace said and Rias' eyebrows raised at that.

"You do know that my older brother is the new Lucifer, right? I am confident he could help you easier and you already have some connections with him considering you are working as Mio's bodyguard." Rias said and Ace almost felt like gagging at the thought of actually trusting Sirzechs for anything right now.

Ace was confident that, if he revealed to Sirzechs what he intended to reveal to Serafall, then he would be captured faster than he can blink.

"I understand your point, but I stand for my decision." Ace said much to the annoyance of Rias. "Anyway, ready for my solution to your problem?"

"Yes, let's do this!" Rias said and Ace nodded and said.

"Very well, what we will be doing is very simple. As this is me paying you back for what I did yesterday I will give you this one favor for free as payment. Now, stand beside me for a moment. This will not hurt but will not be comfortable." Ace said and Rias did just that even if she was a bit wary of Zest that was not much behind Ace at this moment in time.

Looking at Rias' body he couldn't help but think that what he was about to do was a pity, she really was beautiful to a great degree and what he was about to do was just terrible, but she requested it and he did say he had one way to make absolutely sure she could get out of her engagement. When Ace accepted a job he fulfilled it to the end as long as it didn't compromise his bottom line, and this one didn't compromise his bottom line.

Turning to Rias' Peerage he spoke.

"Please take note that this process will look dangerous but wait until the end of it before you try do anything." Ace said and Akeno and Koneko nodded, Akeno with a bit more hesitation than Koneko but not by much.

Meanwhile, Kiba kept a stoic face but inside he was fuming over this.

'If he does anything I will cut him. Last time was a mistake, he just caught me off guard and I didn't have a sword suitable to ending him. I spent the whole night thinking of the perfect sword. I will not let some random honorless mercenary, a human without sacred gear or unique bloodline no less, beat me, the knight of Rias Gremory. That one was a fluke, he got lucky and that is it.'

Needless to say, Kiba's pride was not a small thing at all.

Not wanting to wait further, the nails of Ace's fingers grew and he stabbed them at Rias' side.

"Ace Male Hormone."

As Ace said that a flurry of motion started almost instantly.

Due to Rias doubling over when the technique was put in effect her peerage understood what was going on as an attack from Ace. Koneko and Akeno prepared to strike, creating a distraction before taking Rias away, but Zest stood before the two as she sensed that the two were likely greater concerns for her boss than the knight.

As for the said knight, he did not hesitate to get to Ace with to his speed. He acted faster than Ace, but his sword passed right through him due to Ace having the Mera Mera no Mi. Even the 'special' sword he created not doing anything to Ace.

"Die!" Kiba screeched as he continued to attack with his swords. Ace didn't even bother with this as he watched over Rias' transformation. Kiba did not stop his useless onslaught and his pride refusing to admit defeat, continuously attacking Ace.

All said knight accomplished, however, was make Ace need to move his head to observe the changes on Rias. As the hormones took effect her chest started shrinking, her face lost her previous format, muscles started spreading, and soon she no longer was the stunning female that everyone knew and instead was a male that had a striking resemblance to Sirzechs if you ignored not being quite as tall and the patched red beard she/he now sprouted.

When the transformation finished he looked at himself with pure doubt and horror. Taking out of his pocket a hand mirror Rias's eyes widened and she then moved one hand from under his skirt.

"NNNNOOOOOO!" Rias screeched in pure terror and Kiba, who was still attacking Ace without even looking around, got even angrier.

Akeno and Koneko calmed down from their battle-ready stances and looked at this in wonder and shock. Someway, somehow, Akeno already had her phone out and was taking pictures for future blackmail material.

Let no one say Akeno was not a resourceful girl.

Rias was hyperventilating, not understanding what was happening and the flux of different hormones she was not used to was making her dizzy. She/He was trying to understand what is going on but, first, she had to stop Kiba from continuing to antagonize Ace.

"Kiba, stop this right now." Rias ordered his knight who was still attacking an Ace that didn't even bother with his strikes.

Kiba's sword stopped just a few centimeters away from Ace's body and turned to look at Rias. His eyes widened seeing how his king was right now and his gaze returned to Ace in even more anger.

"You!" Kiba said with venom in his voice. His hatred for Ace growing to whole new heights as it combined his frustrations over how he could not even injure the man before him despite all his training and the actions of said man against Kiba's king.

Ace just raised an eyebrow at Kiba and then turned to Rias.

"With this you won't have to worry about your marriage, right?" Ace said and Rias gaped.

Understanding dawning on her and the rest of her peerage of what Ace meant.

Ultimately, the reason for the marriage was to produce pure-blood devil kids. However, with Rias' current state this was no longer a possibility considering that she was now a he and, unless devil's tech was that advanced, two males couldn't produce a child alone together.

The marriage would become invalid then and there.

Rias then remembered what Ace had said the previous day. He promised her that he had a way out of her marriage, but she didn't ask what only if it would work.

Well, this works.

But, Rias did not want this. It felt extremely weird to no longer have her two babies on her chest and have dangling parts down below.

"Can you turn me back? I don't want this." Rias said and Ace nodded.

"I can, how about a hundred thousand dollars for it." Ace said and Rias did a spite take.

"What? Why are you charging me so much for this?" Rias questioned and Ace chuckled.

"Well, this is a sex-change operation. And I quite believe I am the only one who can turn someone fully into another gander, including all possible traits of the other gender, all within such a short time. If you prefer to go to someone else, please, be my guest, but it would take months to change and you would still be unable to ever produce an heir and need to take medicines for the rest of your life." Ace said and Rias' eyes looked hollow by the prospects.

He did not have that sort of money and just a minute as a male and he already wanted to go back to being a female.

Kiba, without hesitation, looked at Ace coldly and spoke up.

"You dare trick Rias-sama?! I will kill you for this insolence." And with that, he restarted his attack. Rias tried to tell him to stop but Kiba was too high on tension to do such a thing.

Kiba was still sore about his loss on the fight the previous day, not liking how he lost so easily to Ace, and was now lashing out at his perceived trickery from a man he secretly looked down upon. Kiba's pride refused to accept that a human mercenary had beaten him, a proper honorable knight, so easily and that helped fuel his righteous fury about this 'trick' that Ace played on Rias.

Meanwhile, Koneko and Akeno looked on, not moving to do the same as Kiba due to seeing that Rias was not in any danger right now and she/he did not tell them to attack. Unlike Kiba, neither was so insistent on facing Ace in another fight after how it went the previous day.

"Can you stop this already?" Ace questioned as Kiba continued his assault, using his demonic swords that he had to keep remaking as they would easily enough melt away under Ace's fire. Kiba had not yet given up on cutting Ace down even though the swords he was making were not able to injure him at all (they did not have any elemental capacity as he only ever focused on countering light). Even his best sword to deal with Ace, one capable of sucking away fire, did little considering that Ace could create a number of flames much higher than what the sword could take and recharge his flames easily.

"Shut up, you'll pay for breaking her trust!" Kiba shouted. "You dishonest wretched scum, as a knight of Rias Gremory I shall purge you!"

Ace got a tick mark at that comment. He was not dishonest, dead God dammit!

He did not lie to Rias or anything of the sort, when it comes to a job Ace never lied to a client (hide some information or misdirect them, sure, but never lie). Kiba questioning his integrity is one of the things that could easily tick Ace off, but he tried to contain his annoyance as he didn't want to cause any greater problems that could allow Sirzechs to attack him (Rias was the one to accept his proposal on a way to get out of the marriage, attacking her peerage members was another story altogether).

"Take it back. I am definitely not dishonest, so take it back." Ace said and Kiba smirked seeing what Ace just said.

"As if a mercenary's words mean anything." Kiba said. "A knight's words hold honor and pride, a mercenary is just a hired sword that would betray those he is supposed to be working with at the drop of the hat. Your word means nothing and your presence is a danger, so DIE!" Kiba said, his twisted believes that he created after years of trying to act like a shining knight and his hurt pride demanding him to win against Ace, if not directly then in this sort of mental way.

"Alright, that's it." Ace said, furious now. "You want to bitch about others that much? Then why not become a bitch? Ace Onna Hormone." Ace said as his nails grew again and pierced Kiba's side.

The knight moved back and he crouched over as the attack took effect.

First was his hair, growing from its short size to a long lustrous blond that reached to her ass. The second was her hips that grew to a proportion that wouldn't lose out to the likes of Akeno. Next was the loss of musculature, becoming considerably leaner with a small waist and thick tighs that look squishable. Finally, her chest grew to a considerable F cup, just a bit smaller than Rias' own, and her lips became more pronounced as if asking to be kissed.

All in all, Kiba went from a handsome guy to a gorgeous woman that could turn heads.

As Kiba looked down her eyes widened and she didn't know what to do. She would have proceeded to possibly awaken a Balance Break if only to attack Ace, but Rias stopped Kiba with a weak blast of demonic energy to the back of the head, snapping the knight out of her state.

"Stop this at once, Kiba. I and Ace have to talk right now about what he did." Rias said and Kiba gnashed her teeth for a moment before giving a salute as if she was a knight of the middle ages to Rias.

Seeing this Akeno giggled and spoke up with a gaze to Koneko.

"Ararara, it seems someone else beat you this time."

Koneko's eyebrows twitched, knowing that Kiba just became way more well endowed than her.

Ace, hearing this spoke up.

"Meh, it comes to personal taste. The most important is the person itself, not their looks. I mean, I can change things like breast size and whatever easily enough, but no one can fix a rotten personality."


+3 Affection with Koneko, for not judging her for being small (20/100)


+ 2 Affection with Akeno, due to not being the type to judge only for looks (9/100)


Not wanting to hear more of such small talk with the bad mood Rias was right now, he spoke up.

"... Is there any way to turn me back into a girl? I don't want to stay like this for one moment more than absolutely necessary."

"... Well, there are other ways you can pay me back if you want." Ace said while scratching his chin.

Rias' eyes widened and held her chest as if she was a girl.

"I never knew you played for this team."

Ace's eyes emptied for a moment as he tried to process what Rias just said. Thanks to his increased intelligence he only took 5 seconds to understand, and 20 more to recheck if he was not imagining things.

"... I will pretend I didn't hear that. And no, you closet pervert, I am not going to exchange sex for a hundred thousand dollars. I could get hookers for a lot less."

At the mention of hookers, Kiba snorted and Ace shot him a glare.

"Keep acting all high and mighty and I will drop your pretty girly ass in the red light district, just test me to see if I won't."

At this treat, Kiba's face paled completely.


+ 1 Affection with Akeno, because what you mentioned made her wet (10/100)


'This girl has problems, I am sure of it.' Ace thought to himself.

"Uhum, coming back to our discussion, what would it take exactly?"

Ace put a finger on his chin in thought before deciding.

"I want a second favor. You already owe me one for the fallen angel incident, now you would owe me a second one." Ace said that knowing that he didn't yet know what sort of favor would he request, but having people in high stations owe him favors was always nice.

No one knows when those can be useful.

"Deal, now turn me and Kiba back into our proper gender." Rias said, her panties not really helping her situation downstairs and she wanted to get back to not feeling what she should not have being crushed by her silky panties.

"Well, I will turn you back, but Kiba here needs to learn a lesson so I won't turn him back for now. Let's say, two weeks. In two weeks I will turn her back." Ace said and Kiba was about to say something but Rias quickly stopped her.

"Can't you do it now?" Rias asked

"Sure I can, but I won't. It is take it or leave it, besides, it would be a good experience for Kiba. If he ever needs to find tampons or have to go shopping with a girl for clothing he would at least have some understanding about it."

If it was even possible Kiba's eyes glared even more fiercely at Ace.

Rias, seeing no choice here as he knew that, even with his full peerage, there was no guaranty of beating Ace into agreeing to change Kiba back now. The only other way was by giving him 100 thousand dollars, money Rias did not have (sure, his/her family had a lot of cash, but what she could actually use was only what she gets from contracts which are far from enough).

While Rias could request for more money from his family to solve this, he would need to explain just what she did to become a he, and just based on that it was entirely possible he would be reprimanded and his marriage date advanced for even closer.

Seeing Rias has decided Ace nodded and with one jab at her he turned him back into a she. As Rias looked down at her chest she almost cried in happiness from seeing her cuties there.

"Well, not that this hasn't been fun and all, but I gotta go now." Ace said and just walked away, leaving Rias' group in confusion over what to do.

Rias, however, shelved the idea of turning into a male if needed to get out of this marriage. It was not an idea she would want to go through, but if it was between this and Riser that she would take it. Anything was better than marrying that piece of filth.

"So, what now, Buchou?" Akeno questioned, a smile on her face as she had already taken about 30 pictures of male Rias by now and would use them to tease her best friend for as long as it was funny, so likely for the next few thousand years.

"Now? Now we train. The day of the wedding is growing closer and I will not go through with it. We need strength if we are to win this." Rias said and as she said so she looked at her calendar, removing all other appointments for the weekend as she would use those days to train.

"And me?" Kiba asked in a voice that was honestly quite sweet and soft. Akeno turned to Rias who looked back at her Queen, the two's gaze turning sharp and predatory as they decided what should be their first course of action.

Clothes' shopping.

Koneko, meanwhile, already curled up on the sofa and decided to take a nap, not bothering about the shouts of Kiba who was being dragged away by the two stronger females.

Meanwhile Ace returned home, he was satisfied with the day.

He not only got a way to make sure he could meet Serafal in a position that he could be much more secure from her trying to cheat or endanger him, but he also got rid of the favor he 'owed' Rias, even getting another favor that she owed him now.

Overall, the day had gone decently well.

Thinking for a moment he remembered something and took out his phone. Looking through messages to see if there was anyone requesting for something (any job was a plus in Ace's eyes) he saw that there were some small jobs in town to take care of, nothing strenuous or complicated. Mostly stuff like cutting the grass, searching for lost pets, and babysitting, nothing even remotely close to being hard and all with low pays.

It was slightly annoying for Ace but a job was a job and he now had people working for him, it was time to make use of them. As such he accepted several jobs and started to think on who to send where. While thinking that something 'clicked' in Ace's mind and he remembered that he had to check out something.

Looking through his contact list he found the number of Orihime and quickly called the girl.

After ringing for a few times she answered the phone.

"Ace-kun, is that you?" She questioned in a bubbly voice and Ace could almost imagine her face right at this instant.

"Yeah, just wanted to make sure you are fine now." Ace said.

"I am, and, Ace-kun, thanks. What you did, it means a lot to me." Orihime said with heavy emotions in her voice.

"Don't worry. I should have done that sooner, I just never thought of that, and for not doing it sooner I apologize. Anyway, I wanted to call to make sure you are fine and that you let your brother go."

"Y-Yeah, totally gone. Not here at all, hehe, definitely, definitely, gone. Yup." Orihime said and, even though the phone, one could tell how much she sucks at lying.

"Hime, please don't tell me you didn't let him go." Ace said and Orihime stayed quiet. Sighing Ace continued. "Orihime, I know how this might sound, but you have to let him go. What I gave you was a way to get closure, you must not keep him around for the safety of both of you. Please listen to what I am telling you, it is for the safety of everyone."

Orihime stayed quiet for a few seconds before speaking.

"I understand, I will talk to him about how he should go." Orihime said and Ace nodded, happy she listened to him. Orihime was someone extremely easy to read so Ace could tell that she would do what he was telling her to do.

"Great. I am only saying this because I worry about you. And hey, if you'd want, you could come over at the weekend. I can prepare a feast, introduce you to some of my friends, and we can all watch a movie marathon." Ace said to cheer her up;

"Oh, are they your superhero friends? Can they also transform like those tokusatsu heroes on TV? Oh, can you help me doing something like that too?" Orihime said excitedly and Ace laughed at her antics.

He needed some of this after the previous night and his actions previously in the day.

"Hime-chan, my friends are a tad unique, but they are not superheroes." Ace said and Orihime's tone went down as if she was feeling sad over this. Her tone was like if he had just kicked a puppy, and Ace decided to try and change things up a bit. "But hey, if you want I can always show you some other stuff I can do."

"Oh, can you shot laser beams from your eyes?" She asked and Ace chuckled at that.

"No, but I should be able to spit fire or take you for a flight." Ace said and the squeal of happiness from Orihime was something that made him honestly happy.

"Cool, I will go start preparing right now!" She said and hanged up the phone. Ace looked at it strangely before speaking to himself.

"... It is still Tuesday though."

Deciding not to worry about this for now Ace went home. He still had worries about how he would get enemies to defeat and if his plans would succeed or not, but for now, there was little he could do so he would just wait for the fish to take the bait.



So, now we have Kiba turned into a girl as something of payback for acting like a spoiled little bitch. What will happen from it is up to debate, BTW.

Nothing much happened in this chapter, in case anyone is wondering I didn't yet make a Heroine Summary for Orihime is due to the fact that those only appear when the affection of someone rises. While true that giving Orihime a chance to see her brother again would have done that, please note that the higher it is the harder affection grows and that Orihime was too mentally unstable after she got to meet her dead brother to even think of Ace properly.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Review and tell me your thoughts on it.

Also, I may completely change the whole Phenex arc, I hope it will be interesting for you guys.