
This World is a Better World.

Tyler_Young_5205 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

All I See is Red

It took me about half an hour to check most of the buildings in the town square. Half of the pews had been moved out of the chapel and were still smoldering with the pile of burnt corpses.

Inside, there are big clusters of fungus shrouded in a feint yellowish mist along the upper creases of the building. The same mist I breathed in when the doors were finally forced opened after who knows how long.

I collected what was left of the supplies I could take throughout town. Which wasn't all that much but it filled my bag. And I also happened across a med kit from the pharmacy along with a couple small bottles of steroids and ibuprofen.

The strange part was, in the Sheriff's office, that metal door that was locked before was ripped off the hinges and missing completely. Huge gashes prominently stuck out on both sides of the frame.

When I went in through the meal door frame all I found were cells, a couple opened lockers, and a desk.

It was cleaned out.

Is this where the guns came from in my hideout?

What could possible rip a metal door right off the hinges from the outside?

And where did it go?

More questions are piling up and still no answers.

Something about this place gives me an uneasy gut feeling but what do I really have to fear?

As far as I can tell, even with all the questions, for once I wasn't all too worried.

I can secure the perimeter, begin my defenses, and all the while wait for somebody, anybody to show up.

After all, I have the resources to defend myself if anyone shows up feeling froggy.

Now that the church is empty with no trace of danger, I think I might check out the bell tower which has quite the vantage point to it.

I'll bring something to cover my face since I can still see fumes wafting around up top.

I wonder what that stuff is? Last encounter ended pretty badly and I wasn't even that close to it. It dissipates as soon as the wind catches it but all that seemed to do was spread it thin to where it wasn't visible anymore.

Without hesitation, I cover my face and proceed to the back where I can see stairs through a doorway.

Half way up the winding stairway I begin to smell that smell of death again through my bandana.

I can sense that a bit of caution is needed if I intend to make it all the way to the top.

Taking a few steps back down, I take a deep breath and start my way back up.

The closer I get to the ceiling, I can see the fungus clearer and clearer. It has a dark yellow/brownish color to it with neon green lines that seem to fluctuate slowly over its surface. Out of small holes about 3 inches apart from each other spews a deep yellow mist that adds to the rest of the veil that shrouds these pods.

Spores maybe?

I've never seen such a thing in the year or 2 I've been on the road, just heard of them through movies and books. If it is in fact hazardous then why am I still here and able to inspect it?

Following my curiosity, I begin to cough and choke. Forcing me back down into the half emptied first floor.

Blood starts to trickle out of my nose and I collapse to my knees. A strange but familiar fire begins to burn in my blood and my shirt begins to stretch to its limits.

What's happening to me?

An unbearable pain shoots throughout my body and what would usually be a scream of agony turns into a deep roar of anger.

All I see is red.

Red red red. No thoughts, just an insatiable hunger.

Unable to control myself, I begin to sprint. Not paying attention to where. All I know is whatever this is, deep down inside, I can't help but to enjoy this new strength and speed.

In the far distance, I can hear an animal rubbing against a tree. The other way, I can hear the slow, cautious steps of a group of deer. And in another direction I can hear zippers jingle as someone walks down a path.


My blood boils and my eyes fog as I dart towards the sound of zippers and then...


Nothing but screams fill my thoughts and everything disappears into the darkness.

What have I become?
