

NARRATOR:Me, who was I ?(in a bus heading

south) what was I ?( passes a

group of deadly armed men)

humans with plans or humans

with beliefs(bus haults)not at all I

was.....(cut short in her head by the

bus conductor who was getting

his palms wet with the money

were handing over to him.)(texts

her mum real quick saying)"I'm

here(gets off the bus)


The INCIDENTS: the rape!!

NARRATOR : (walking down an alley with her

hoodie on and her earpiece on

listening to "early hours"by Arrdee

years childish screams. Takes off

her earpiece then walks in the

direction of the noises turns down

the bend of the alley in a hurry

catches a glimpse of some hefty

looking men turned back almost

immediately and took a very deep


Gangster1: I said give us the money now!!!

(kicks a woman who was already

on the floor)

Woman: I swear I don't got a dime!!

Gangster2: Liar!!( kicks her spine)

Gangster3:boss take it easy no one lies

on gun point

Gangster2:(takes a deep breath) search her (turns)

Daughter: stop it, what are you doing to her, leave her

alone what the hell is wrong with you?!!

Gangsters:(removed everything except her bra that

she clutches so tightly to her chest)

Gangster2:look what we have here( throws away his

gun )

Woman:(crawls backwards)

Gangster2:(touching her inappropriately)

Daughter: stop touching my mum you hore, mum!!

mummy what are they doing to you mum

(tears in her eyes)

Gangster2: get the kid out of here!

Gangster3:got it boss, go easy on her (smiles evilly)

Gangster2:(smiles uglily revealing his condemned

teeth then smacks his lips)

Gangster3:(takes the girl to the car packed opposite

the alley the narrator was hiding in)

Daughter: leave me alone, help, somebody help, help

please!!!,huh?(sees the narrator hiding

behind the dumpsters)

Gangster3: what you looking at flat ass?

Narrator: (puts her index finger on her mouth[that is

on her very own mouth] indicating shut up)

Gangster3:huh dick face

Daughter:(looks him in the eyes) your Mama's got

that flat ass (gangster tightens her hands

behind her back) ughh!! fuck you!

Gangster2:your daughter clearly doesn't have half the

ass you've got (talking in a deep tone with

with his head near her neck)

Woman: (breathing deeply) what do you want from


Gangster2:( laughs looks at Gangster1 who seems to

be interested) enough with the stupid use

less questions

Woman:(camera on her face she watches him zip

down his trousers and her facial expression

changes followed by a loud scream)

(Camera zooms out of the city with her penetrating

screams driving ravens off a local catholic church)

Narrator: (camera zooms into the Narrator's face she

looks more like she's freaked off her edge

hearing moaning noisesholding her mouth)

Gangster3:ahhh!!(sounding satisfied with his weird


Woman :(crying takes a breath and says )your a

mother fuckin dick head

Gangster3:(frowns then kicks her in her vaginal

region ) when you couldn't give me money

did I tell you fuck no guess what,I gave you

the main deal feels good + it?

Gangster3:(breaths in and out )kill her

Narrator:(jolted back to reality, turns back as he

raises the gun)(then gets up crawls slowly

away then hits the dumpsters)

Gangster1:(turns in the direction of the disturbance

boss I think there's some one there

Gangster3: There's no one there Jemmy

Narrator: (sneezes)atchoo!!

(everybody looks in that direction, Gangster2 walking slowly towards the bend in the alley)

Daughter:(kicks him in the zipper)

Gangster2:(holds his penile close to him and groans)

Gangster3:what y'all waiting for a royal invitation get


Daughter: (running up the alley)

Narrator:( thinking in her head ;"run")

(Both running away with two abled and one disabled)

Daughter:( looks back then she steps on a nail)

Daughter:Ahhh!!!!(falls down)

Narrator: (turns back ) what's wrong ?

Daughter: my leg!!

Narrator: (looks back at the gangsters then looks at the girl in a shocked).