
This Time I'll Be The King

The world changed. The Myriad of Worlds ate the Earth away, turning reality into the unknown. The familiar land turned into danger and a mysterious system granted powers. Zen survived through hell, only to find death at the hands of betrayal and a powerful enemy. Yet death was not the end as he receives a second chance. First, he must survive through hell again. Will he be able to build a place for himself and the survivors of the Old Earth? Releases: released by volume, no set schedule. Volume I - Timeless First Day, currently available. All main story chapters will always be available here. If you like the story, support the novel with the e-book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JMPMX16

SmilingBlueWolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


The enemies were down to eight. From that point on, everything became much harder. The Strongest Mo'gar and two others deadlocked me. The remaining five turned against Jiwan and the Class Rep, who couldn't release the prisoners. The humans and cute species hid behind the cart.

My body wasn't in a pleasant state. [Physical Boost] wore off, and the Mo'gar strongest was a capable warrior. His attacks were powerful and precise, untiring and relentless. It took all I had to avoid getting hit.

I hadn't expected this much trouble. In terms of experience, none of them could match up to me. However, their monster bodies were too strong, while mine was still developing, and I used my abilities too much.

We would be at a disadvantage in a prolonged battle. I had no choice but to take even more risks.

I feinted an attack on the Strongest Mo'gar, switching targets, aiming at the weaker one on the right. I pierced his stomach, but he withstood the attack with some growling. It felt shallow, as if it wasn't a vital spot. I slashed his throat, thinking it would be enough. The monster still countered, and I barely deflected the attack.

The throat and stomach weren't weak points. Those wounds barely slowed them down. Piercing the head was effective, especially the eyes. Impaling them also worked before. There was a weak spot on their chests, one hard to reach with a dagger, without knowing precisely where to hit.

An intense killing intent exploded from behind, and the strong Mo'gar gave me no rest again.

The battle on the other side wasn't easy, either. Jiwan's athleticism and the spear's range were enough to keep the enemies at bay, while the Class Rep worked well with him. They lacked the attacking power to finish them. Although the enemies were a lot weaker than the one I was facing, there were still five of them.

Any wound could be deadly. I had to support them before things got dangerous. The Strongest Mo'gar came with a powerful strike from above. I kicked the wounded one towards it, creating an opening. The jagged tool smashed his underling's head, and, without delay, I cherished the opportunity, throwing my daggers enhanced with Qi against the enemies facing Jiwan and the Class Rep.

Double Headshot. Hitting the head with such an unbalanced dagger was no easy feat, but I was no common warrior, and Qi made them heavier. The daggers hit on the back of their heads, dropping them face down on the ground.

[Enemy Mo'gar died.]

[Enemy Mo'gar died.]

With fewer enemies against my companions, I could focus on the enemy in front of me again. The other Mo'gar struck. I rolled to the side, grabbing one of their fallen weapons during the roll.

The jagged tool was unbalanced, heavy, created with no ability. Only the weight was comparable to my favorite greatsword, but I was still happy to have a weapon that wasn't as delicate as a dagger. I smashed one of the wounded Mo'gar legs, making him lose balance and kneel, and then burst his head open with a follow-up attack.

The Strongest Mo'gar comes. I side-stepped his blow, smashing the tool against his chest, pushing it back in pain. Jiwan and the Class Rep killed one other. It was finally three on three.

The Strongest Mo'gar ground his teeth, anger filling his throbbing chest. His dreadful monster eyes preyed on me. The flow of New Qi in his body became erratic, chaotic, crazy.

What was going on?

Wasn't this…?!

My head hurt and my body froze.

The crazed and erratic flow of Qi, menacing aura, a desperate and vengeful move. I fought it way too often in my last life. Many of my colleagues fell against this desperate and chaotic skill.

But how was this possible?

I was sure I had never met this species before. A hidden class? No, most likely an innate special skill from his species. In my experience, it was unlikely to be a class-specific skill, unless it was a berserker-like skill. Since he had a Qi Shield, it was unlikely he was a berserker.

An innate species frenzy-like skill… this area…

The answer hit me. I wanted to slap myself for not seeing this earlier. The Ath'Mogar. Minions incorporated into the Ath'Taren ranks and given demonic powers. I hadn't met them before their subjugation. The demons didn't incorporate species often, as they considered most species inferior. Only when they served better as soldiers than the gain of resources or the joy of complete annihilation.

With the Mo'gar, it was this skill that caught their attention. An Innate Berserker Skill capable of enhancing Qi and then burning out their life essence soon after.

Even with my [Quick Thought], I could barely position myself to parry when the enemy raised his weapon and struck down like a blur, powered up by deadly vicious Qi.

Too fast. Power and speed unlike before. I couldn't deflect the attack. The attack's entire weight fell upon my weapon and left shoulder, shattering the jagged tool. I fell to my knees, and it would have smashed me to death, if the [Quick Thought] innate ability hadn't allowed me to activate [Defense Up] in time.

Even with magic, that attack hurt enough to fracture my collarbone.


Now it truly pissed me off.