
This Text Adventure Game is definitely poisonous

It all started when the protagonist downloaded a game called "The Fool (Beta Version)," marking a pivotal shift in the style of his life. This was no ordinary game; it lacked visuals and music, composed solely of lines of text and a multitude of choices. Yet, each decision within the game had the power to alter the player's destiny, for on the other side of the game lay a real, unknown world. Players were unable to physically enter this otherworld or see its landscapes, experiencing the alternate realm solely through text, vicariously living each step of their character's journey. As the game progressed, not only could rewards from the game materialize in the real world, but creatures from the game began to appear in reality as well. Then came the day the game was released for global public testing. An era quietly unfolded, where the masses embarked on explorations and treasure hunts in an alternate universe through 'textual adventure,' heralding a new chapter of engagement and discovery.

Pentacolored Seven Characters · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
760 Chs

Chapter 3 Owl Shop_1

A new text popped up in the game.

[You've found something like a twig at the spot where the fugitive disappeared. You picked it up and realized that it's an Old Wand!]

[Old Wand: This is a trashy wand made from the cheapest red oak branch. It has no additional properties, and the surface is filled with spots indicating its long usage. It could fall apart at any moment. If you have a choice, it's recommended to get a new one.]

An unexpected gain?

Mu You's eyes lit up. He clicked on the 'wand' text.

A crooked twig appeared in his hand.

It was about thirty centimetres long, with several places showing signs of decay, as if it was broken off from a withered tree.

"This is a magic wand?"

Mu You held the twig and tried swinging it a few times, but nothing happened.

He looked back at the text in the game.

[The magic wand is a necessity for wizards to cast magic, but to cast magic, you need to learn at least one spell.]

"So I need a spell after all..."

Mu You sighed. Clearly, the wand was just a tool, and the magic spells were the most important. A simple wand was of no use to him.

"Spells, spells, I need a spell. Give me a spell, any kind will do!"

Mu You murmured and continued playing the game.

[You've obtained your first magic wand in your life! This has given you immense encouragement. Although you can't use any magic yet, you've taken a firm step towards becoming a great wizard!]

[Confidence sprouts in your heart, and ambition begins to swell in your chest. You march down the center of the road like a king conquering new territories!]

[A venomous snake suddenly lunges out from the grass ahead.]

[You were bitten to death by the venomous snake!]

[You have died! Lifespan -1, remaining lifespan 57 years.]

"Damn it!"

Mu You was shocked. He died again!

But, something seems amiss...

— Where the hell are the options!?

He didn't even use his pocket watch. How did he suddenly get bitten to death?

Mu You was just thinking that he couldn't possibly die with the pocket watch in hand, but he was proved wrong immediately.

There was a death method where there were no options... That's just unjust!

With this kind of death, his pocket watch was no use. Because even if he reversed time, he wouldn't be able to make any other choice in the game. He could only keep moving forward and repeat the process of death.

Mu You grumbled, cursing while he continued to play the game.

Though he had lost a year of his lifespan, he did get an incredible pocket watch and a magic wand. He found it hard to quit now.

[In the rules of the Star Spirit World, death is not the end. All creatures in this world lose one year of life each time they die, and they will spawn again at the nearest spawn point.]

[Only when your lifespan falls below zero will you disappear completely from this world!]

A piece of explanatory text popped up in the game.

As he had thought, the game did deduct a year of life each time he died.

His lifespan was now 57 years, which meant he had 57 lives left to waste...

"It's okay, I only lost one life. I have plenty left!"

Mu You comforted himself and continued on his way.

[After the agony of death, you resurrected at the previous crossroad.]

[You set off again, walking in the forest covered with heavy snow.]

[You saw a cute little rabbit eating grass by the roadside. You were reminded of the taste of spicy rabbit head, and couldn't help but approach it.]

[The little rabbit spotted you and lunged at you with 'Savage Charge'.]

[You were killed by the little rabbit!]

[You have died! Lifespan -1, remaining lifespan: 56 years.]


Mu You almost threw his phone on the spot.

This game is definitely rigged!

Who cares about spicy rabbit head now? I want to survive, okay? Can't I dodge a little?

He was bleeding with regret after dying twice in a row.

He finally felt the game's malicious intent towards players. He just started and already lost two lives. Who knows how it'll toy with him in the future!

Unfortunately, the game didn't give him much time to rant. New text had already popped up.

[In the howling cold wind, you revived at the crossroads once again.]

[Experience of death after death finally made you realize your insignificance. In this strange dark magic world, as a fool, you are the most lowly and humble existence. Even a rabbit by the road is too much for you to handle!]

Seeing this condescending text, Mu You barely resisted the urge to swear.

He was really curious, what state was his character in that world? Although it was okay not to win against bats and venomous snakes, he couldn't even beat a rabbit, so how weak was he?

[After regaining composure, you set off again, walking carefully on your way to find the village.]

[Once again, you came to the path where you met the seemingly harmless rabbit. You decided to avoid it from afar.]

[Rabbit quickly disappeared from your view, you sighed in relief and continued forward. Suddenly, you saw a wooden shop standing abruptly at a crossroads ahead. The sign with an owl-shaped logo, reading 'Owl Shop', hung on the top of the wooden house.]

[The shop owner is a creature with an owl-like face. It saw you, waving and greeting: "Hello adventurer, all the treasures in my shop are genuine, don't miss it if you walk by!"]

[Do you want to enter the 'Owl Shop'?]

An roadside stand-like shop appeared ahead. But the owner was a weird owl-faced person. Is this another trap?

Fearful of being played, Mu You chose [Enter the Shop], and firmly gripped the pocket watch in his right hand, ready to rewind time at any sign of trouble.

Luckily, he did not get ambushed by a horde of owls upon entering the shop as he had imagined. It appeared to be a safe place for trade.

[You entered the shop and saw three items on display in the shop window.]

[Burning Scroll: A scroll that contains a magic spell. Once used, you can learn the low-level Fire Element spell 'Blazing Flames'. Value: 100 years of life.]

[Invisibility Cloak: As its name suggests, it can make you invisible when you put it on. However, the cloak cannot mask your sound and scent. Value: 55 years of life.]

[Charging Wand: This is a unique wand. Every time someone around you casts a spell, it absorbs the scattered magic power and charges a grid. When five grids are filled, you can cast a powerful Electric Shock Magic without using any of your own magic power, and the charge will be emptied. Value: 70 years of life.]

"They're all great items!"

Mu You was drooling over them, but unfortunately, he couldn't afford any...

Even the cheapest Invisibility Cloak cost 55 years of life, and he only had 56 years in total. After buying it, he'd have barely any life left. A random attack from a wild beast could kill him. Even if he had ten times the courage, he wouldn't dare risk it!