
This NPC Just Wants to Live a Good Life

Betrayed by the people he trusted the most, Ethan Kai dies and reincarnates into a game-like world as NPC. Determined to escape the cycle of missions, death, and sorrow, Ethan pledges to find solace in his new existence. Who would have thought that even non-player characters would encounter their fair share of trouble.... sometimes? [Welcome to the Harmony Matrix System where strength is honed through battle, and power is earned with every clash. As you continue to push your limits and face formidable adversaries, you will unlock new abilities—] "Shut up!" Ethan hissed. [Unrecognized Command. Unable to comply.] Tags: No Harem, System, Transmigration,

B_Mitchylle · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Saving the Snake 2

In the game, this pool had its own benefit.

It could heal any wounds that one sustained while fighting with the insects.

The only limitation was it could not heal any wounds sustained outside of this dungeon.

Similarly, one could take the water, but they could only drink it while they were inside the dungeon. Still, Ethan was not exactly sure if this was the same case in this world.

He was not a player so… he should be able to take some outside, no?

It would be better if he had a way to analyze this pool, like when he was a player in the game. Ethan had already tried some commands that should activate any analysis properties outside of the dungeon, but he was not able to succeed.

What if… he tried it inside this place?

Analyze… He thought inwardly. Analyze object. Examined. Activate Checking? Activate! Analysis Mode! Activate Analysis mode? Analysis Protocol? Activate Analysis Protocol?

[Command Detected]


Did it work?

Ethan's eyes turned wide as he read the information before him. So, the system had its analysis protocol? Excitement coursed into his veins as he thought of the possibilities. However, the fact that these commands did not work outside of the dungeon immediately dampened his mood.

[ANALYZE: Inexplicable Presence Detected]

[STATUS: Analysis in Progress]


[OBJECT: Healing Pond Class E]

[BENEFITS: Healing Energies: Confirmed for Dungeon Wounds] [LIMITATION: External Injuries: Excluded from Mending Magic]

While the prompt that appeared before his eyes made him smile, he immediately noticed something wrong. This… the system was just showing him all the information that he already knew even before he jumped into the small pool!

Does this mean… the system cannot analyze and store new entities and information?

This system is really giving him a headache, ah!

What should he do now?

However, just before he could investigate further, his body jolted. His senses turned alert.

A strange feeling washed over Ethan, like an inner alarm ringing loudly in his mind. His instincts screamed that something was amiss.

Suddenly, his body felt hot, not like a cozy warmth, but as if the temperature inside him was gearing up to burst.

His head throbbed, a pulsating ache that struck without warning.

It wasn't just a headache; it felt like his very being was protesting, reacting to an unseen danger. The comforting analysis from the system transformed into a wave of discomfort.

He snapped his eyes shut, his face ugly as his heart started pounding so fast it was the only thing that he could hear aside from his labored breathing.

Fortunately, just as the overwhelming discomfort threatened to engulf him entirely, Furcio's strong grip yanked Ethan out of the Pool.

The abrupt exit from the pool brought a surge of cool air, a stark contrast to the intense heat radiating from Ethan's distressed body.

Gasping for breath, Ethan clung to the solid ground, his senses gradually returning.

The relentless headache began to subside, and the oppressive heat lessened as if a weight had been lifted. It took him a minute to get up and dress himself.

"Thank you…" Ethan said as he tried to calm his breath.

"Are you insane?" Furcio asked, frowning. "I can sense the danger in that pool, and yet you jumped in that place without knowing what it was?"

Ethan stared at the pool, his expression complicated. The pool should not harm him.

After all… he was human.

Or was he?

Strange. Very strange indeed.

"It was my mistake…" Ethan said, his expression serious. Aside from that sudden influx of alarming sensation and the changes in his body while he was inside the pool, he did not feel any pain or any other discomfort. Moreover, now that he was outside of the pool, it was as if a new wave of energy was running inside his body. "We should go now…"

Furcio said nothing as he followed Ethan back to where the snake was located. Surprisingly, the snake was still in that place, lying as if it was already dead.

"Be careful… that creature is still alive," Furcio said, his gaze alert. He was holding a short sword as he stood in front of Ethan.

"I am going to help it."

"You really are a peculiar creature, aren't you?" Furcio said, sarcasm laced in his voice. Without further ado, he moved to the side and let Ethan pass. Ethan thanked Furcio with a smile and then went over to the snake.

The flower he wanted is actually harmful to beasts, but when soaked in the water from that pool, it becomes helpful. It's like mixing two bad things to get something good, and in this case, it's a good thing! The game explained that the flower and the water are both harmful; however, combining them would have a special effect on mystical beasts. Sadly, combination won't work on beasts lower than mystical rank, so the insects are afraid of it.

Ethan carefully retrieved the magical storage pouch containing the flowers and set it beside the snake. With a gentle touch, he plucked several of the potent flowers from the pouch. Holding them in his hands, he pondered for a moment before dipping them into the Healing Pond Class E water.

As the flowers absorbed the mystical water, a subtle transformation occurred. The once poisonous blossoms now emanated a soothing aura, their petals gaining a soft glow. Ethan, guided by the game's teachings, knew that this enchanted mixture held the potential to heal even the gravest wounds of mystical beasts.

Approaching the weakened snake, he laid the radiant flowers on its massive body, strategically placing them over the most critical areas where injuries were evident. The transformation was gradual but tangible. The snake's labored breaths seemed to ease, and the ominous stillness that had gripped its form started to dissipate.

Ethan observed the gradual recovery of the once-debilitated snake, a testament to the remarkable healing properties of the enchanted mixture. The soft glow of the petals and the easing of the snake's labored breaths signaled a positive turn in its condition.

"It is working..." Furcio remarked, his hand still firmly gripping his sword.

"Of course, it is," Ethan replied confidently.

Furcio, curious and somewhat baffled, inquired, "How did you know a method like this would work?"

"I read," Ethan answered with a nonchalant shrug. After all, what was the point of playing a game without paying attention to its details? He wasn't exactly lying, was he? Furcio's perplexed expression earned only a dismissive glance from Ethan.

As time passed, the radiant blooms continued their work, and nearly half of the snake's wounds vanished. Furcio, ever the pragmatist, cut to the chase, asking, "How are you planning to use this snake to get rid of the queen?"

Ethan's smile hinted at a concealed strategy. "How?" he replied playfully. The Queen was a formidable insect ruler who should be the final obstacle to their exit from the dungeon. A creature resembling a blend of a scorpion and a lioness, she struck fear into the players of those who dared challenge her.

It was rumored that once a player is strong enough, then they could come back to this very dungeon to slay the Queen. Sadly, Ethan died before he reached that level.

"Just let the snake fight it," Ethan said.



A/N: Someone reviewed the novel about the system. Actually, I never want the novel to focus too much on the system. This is going to be more kingdom building and politics. Hehehe Let's see.