
This isn't High School DxD, damn it!

When I got myself my very own Game system with a world travel function in a bizarre twist of events, it was only natural I would choose to leave my boring life and visit my favorite anime world High School DxD. But as if my luck had run out immediately, I was instead thrown into an Otome game world! I wanted to visit the Oppai heaven. Not a Shoujo game world where 99.99% of the girls are stuck-up bitches and rich Ikamen are the only ones with any power. What a pain! "*Sigh* Whatever, I'll get out of this world ASAP and go to DxD." There was just one little problem. [Notice: Please note that the world travel function has been temporarily closed due to the user not possessing the minimum required amount of World Points. To unlock the function, please collect 1 million World Points.] "Son of a b-!" --- This is a story of a guy who is reluctantly involving himself in the plot of "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs" to gather World Points so he can visit his favorite anime world and indulge in what any sane Isekai'd OC would do- Making harem, Getting OP and Slapping Villains left and right. But in the process of collecting World Points, he will end up attracting a lot of attraction. (Not that he cares.) Nobody messes with the Gamers because they're OP. --- A/N: I've been interested in fanfiction and ended up writing this story as a pastime. Naturally, I don't claim it to be any good since this is my first written fan fic. A/N 2: This is most likely going to be a Multiversal fic. With a more than likely High School DxD as the next world... unless something changes. You never know how fate works.

The_POZ · Anime e quadrinhos
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38 Chs

Chapter 13: Angelica’s Challenge and Isolation

[Angelica's POV]

It was a grand day for the first years in the Academy.

The Academy was holding its first ball of the term and almost everyone was excited to attend.

For many this was a chance to show off, for others, mainly guys, it was a chance to court the girls. Some just wanted to have fun and let loose, while few dreaded the event because of their fears and insecurities.

Among the many attendants, Angelica stood aloof, watching the scene unfolding in front of her with an intelligible expression.

"Marie, why aren't you wearing a dress?"

In the event, it was a custom for the girls to wear dresses of their own choice. The guys were to wear their school uniform, however. It was a tradition followed for years in the academy.

But there were exceptions. Apparently, the girl who had become a thorn in her life was one of them.

She watched as the prince fussed over even the smallest details for the small woman.


Why did he act like this in front of her? He never acted so kindly and caringly with her.

What magic did she use on him? It has to be a trick. There was no way she could be by his side and gain so much affection from him normally.

God knows she had tried to secretly ask the prince's hidden bodyguards to check for such things but the result, much to her astonishment, came out as negative.

And the prince found out about it and it soured their relationship further.

She was only trying to ensure his own safety. Surely he would understand that there were many who would want to harm him or use him for their own benefit. He was the prince of this kingdom for goodness' sake!

In Angelica's eyes, Marie was those people. It was clear as a day that she was using him. That wench!

And yet, he didn't understand this simple fact.

"Oh, uhm, I wasn't able to get one."

Of course, she couldn't. She was from one of the poorest viscount families. It was a wonder they could even afford the fee of this academy.

Angelica had done her research on the girl's background.

She was certain this girl was using the prince.

But as if the whole world had decided to be against her, nobody, not even her own family, seemed to do anything about it.

Her own father was passive about this matter.

"This is just him taking a temporary interest in a girl. Don't worry about it too much."

He had said. But he was wrong! This girl, this girl was dangerous! She was ruining the relationship between the Dukedom and the Royal family, the relationship between her and the prince.

"I see. You look far less stuffy in your uniform. I think it is better than wearing some uncomfortable fancy dress. There's no need for you to go to such lengths to impress anyone. You are fine the way you are.

But if you wish, I can ask my personal tailers to make you a dress of your liking."

She watched as he gave her everything like that girl was his precious someone.

And here she was, standing alone in the corner, feeling defeated and frustrated.

Her mind was a mess. She couldn't take this humiliation and the prince's clear attempts to ignore her very existence anymore.

She was going to snap.

'One last try.'

She would try to make him see the reason one more time. She'll do her best. He HAS to see the reason. This shouldn't go on. He deserved better than some random girl of lower birth.

She deserved better than to be ignored and scorned.

The amount of humiliation she had suffered in public these past couple of weeks had done a number on her reputation and confidence.

Never before had she felt so low.

But so be it.

She would suck it up and talk to him.

With a small flicker of hope, she moved towards where the prince and that girl, along with the prince's friends were there.

She didn't fail to see how all of them had the same enamored and caring look toward that girl.

Yes, that girl was a foul wench.

She needed to go and help the prince. Open his eyes to the reality of this situation.

[End of Angelica's POV]


I watched as a commotion started stirring at the party.

'There it is. That Marie girl really went ham with the plot and now an event that was supposed to happen much later is happening now. Also, kinda interesting how Angelica is wearing the same dress as she wore in the scene in the game, even though the event is happening at different timestamps. Is this plot magic at work, I wonder. Also, she's… wow. Hers are even bigger than Olivia's. She's also dressed to impress. Me likey.'

I watched as the other students began surrounding the small group who were the center of everything.

"Ian, I think there's some trouble."

Olivia, who was wearing her school uniform even today, spoke from beside me.

She had been sticking close to me at this party. We watched and ate the delicious food as others acted high class.

If not for my memories, I wouldn't have bothered. This scene was important.

Because this scene would most probably be a fat source of World Points. Oh yeah, I was kinda getting excited.

"Let's go check it out."

I took Olivia's hands and started making my way toward the place.

"E-Eh? Ah? Um, okay…"

In my excitement, I failed to notice the flustered expression of the girl beside me.


[Olivia's POV]

'His hands are so big… no! Get your head straight, Olivia! Stop thinking weird things! This doesn't mean anything!'

But for some unexplainable reason, his holding her hands still caused butterflies to dance in her stomach.

He was just taking her to the spot and from the looks of it, he didn't even seem to care that they were holding hands.

Yes, this was normal among friends… probably.

She shook her thoughts away and followed him.

And as they reached closer, she could see the cause of the commotion.

'The prince! And that's... Miss Angelica. Why are they fighting?'

She didn't know much about the people in question, but she knew a little bit. Like the fact that they were engaged. And also that there were ongoing rumors that the prince now dislikes Angelica because she did something uncouth and cruel to a girl.

She didn't know what to think of it, so she didn't.

She believed it was none of her business. She was here to study magic and maybe find a good job in the future so she could support the ones who had taken care of her until now.

"Why won't you see the reason?! I'm telling you this for your own sake, Your Highness!"

Angelica spoke to the prince in a tone that barely held politeness.

"I can't stand to listen to what you have to say."

The prince replied in cold.

'Oh no… this is… this is not good.'

She realized that this might become a big deal. Two of the most important and famous people fighting like this in public will cause a lot of noise in the Academy.

But it seemed to two in question didn't care about it.

Unlike her, who was afraid of causing trouble in front of others and possibly annoying them, the prince and his fiancée were above such meager worries.

"We've heard enough, Angelica. Please drop the matter and leave us."

The prince said in a calm tone, yet there was an underlying ultimatum.

"Woah, this will be a big deal."

She heard someone speak.

Turning to her side, she saw some of the students beside her talking and commenting about this situation in hushed tones. But it wasn't hushed enough. She could still hear them.

"For sure. The duke's daughter is trying to besmirch the reputation of that girl with the prince."

"Yeah, I heard. Apparently, that girl was holding hands with one of His Highness's friends in secret and was quite close."

"Woah, really?"

"Did you see it?"

"No, I just heard from around."

"Woah. The gall of that girl. She already has the prince's favor and is now trying to lay her paws on his friends too? That's disgusting."

"What can you expect from someone of her level. She's a low-grade noble's daughter. She's probably trying to become the prince's concubine or something. Which is quite bold given her less than plain looks."

"Actually, I have heard that the prince has been spending a lot of time with her. I mean, they've been together ever since they arrived at the party. Together!"

"My gosh! This is quite a scandal. I can see why Angelica is so furious. But doing something like this in public is a bad move."

"Yes, indeed. This will put even more dirt on her already plummeting reputation."

"I heard the Duke family and the Royal family are also not on good terms nowadays. If this goes on, they might actually break the engagement."

"*Gasp!* That's big news! I didn't know that."

"Yes. They have been…"

Murmurs were all around her, talking about the incident and the personal life of His Highness, the prince and the Duke's daughter, Angelica.

She was quite taken aback by this new information. Due to her not having any friends other than Leon, she was out of touch with a lot of topics that weren't about academics.

'This is… sad.'

Looking back at the ongoing scene, she felt sad and troubled. Even though it wasn't her, she didn't like watching people fight like this. And the murmurs were getting louder and more and more uncouth.

Some had started to berate Angelica, even.

She looked back at the scene, trying to ignore the going conversations.

"Don't you realize that that woman is involved with all of you? That little vixen is trying to lure not just you, Your Highness, but even your friends!"

Angelica tried to plead.

"We know, Angelica."

A light blue-haired boy with a tall frame, matching eyes, and donning glasses replied from the prince's group. He was one of the prince's friends and his entourage, Chris Fia Arclight. He was someone popular and talented, but she knew close to nothing about him, or any of the guys in the prince's group.

Taking a step in front, he continued.

"When I was in a dark place and needed someone to lean upon, she was there for me. She gave me courage when I was close to falling. In a way, she saved me. For her kindness and empathy, I am more than willing to take her side. I will protect her."

At that moment, another of the prince's friends, this time the short red-haired boy spoke.

"Jeez. Stop making it sound so complicated and gloomy. Just admit it. You got the hots for her. Not that I am one to say anything. I like her too."

Greg Fou Seberg declared with a confident smile.

"Indeed, she's a marvelous woman. Her mind is so beautiful that it is entrancing. It is only natural for someone to fall. That's at least how I feel."

This time, the long purple-haired boy replied.

She remembered him from somewhere. A memory suddenly flickered inside her head.

One day when she was studying in the library, she heard some strange noises. When she hesitatingly went to check, she found him and Marie…

'Right, I remember. They were in the library and were k-k-kissing! Awawawa!'

She felt her face warming at that.

'Oh god, it was so embarrassing and strange.'

She almost ran away from the library in a state of fluster and was scolded by the librarian for causing disturbance and noise. She was afraid for a long time that they may have noticed her peeking. She didn't want to be labeled as a peeking pervert.

What would Ian think if he found out?

She never told him about it. Partly because she didn't want to gossip about the private life of others and partly because she felt hesitant and embarrassed about it. Of course, there was also the fact that Ian rarely cared about things like that.

He minded his own business.

By now, all of the four men around Marie had more or less declared their love.

And finally, the nail was hammered in the coffin when the prince stepped forward with a determined face.

She realized at this moment that this will cause a massive uproar.

"It is I who have fallen the hardest for Marie Fou Lafan. I am in love with her. For now and forever!"

And then the audience went into an uproar.

"Wow, that was… eugh. I think I pucked a little from the cringe-inducing scene. It's even worse when looking from up close and in real."

She turned her head hearing Ian speak. His words didn't make sense to her, so she asked.

"Eh? What do you mean?"

He turned to look at her with an expression that made it look like he had seen something unsavory.

"I just can't find myself to tolerate the Reverse Harem drama."


She really didn't understand his reaction at the moment. Did he not like something here? Was he actually interested in the affair?

… Wait, could it be that he…

She looked at the girl who was the center of attention.

'Marie? Does Ian too…?'

Suddenly, her heart ached badly and her stomach felt like it was being twisted from the inside.

She turned to look at Ian with complicated feelings and mustering some courage asked.

"Do you… Do you l-like her too? Do you… like Marie?"

But before she could get his answer, the crowd once again went into an uproar.

She snapped her head in the direction of the prince and others and barely caught the sight of a black glove falling in front of Marie.

"Pick it up! Pick it up you lowly two-faced little beggar!"

She heard Angelica roar.

[End of Olivia's POV]


[Angelica's POV]

He did it.

He finally did.

What she feared the most, what she tried to avoid.

"Marie is my one and only love. I plan to marry her and her only. There's no place for anyone else in my heart."

The words of the prince, no, that man pierced through her very being.

He then publicly called off their engagement after declaring his eternal love for the wretched wrench.

He… He utterly and thoroughly crushed her heart and her reputation in front of the public.

He drew the final straw holding their relationship and now she was left without anything to say.

It was over.



That gullible, selfish, and idiotic man!

And that detestable slut!

Enough… She's had enough of this!

And so, in her raging madness and overflowing despair, she did something she wouldn't have done if she were thinking rationally.

'I won't let that abhorrent wench win so easily! If I can't get happiness, neither should she. I'll break her. I'll break her completely and thoroughly.'

From the very core of her being, rage and unadulterated hatred arose for the ones who made her like this.

She pulled her expensive black glove from her left hand and then, with all of her strength, she threw it towards the reason for her suffering while everyone else was busy commenting and cheering about this big news.

The glove hit its mark and suddenly, the crowd once again quieted down as if affected by that action.

"Pick it up! Pick it up you lowly two-faced little beggar!"

She growled, leaving aside all pretenses and care. No more acting like a lady. Little good did it do to her anyway.

The ensuing murmur grew louder as the reality of the situation hit everyone.

"A duel?"

"She challenged her in public."

"This is getting even crazier."

She ignored the annoying voices and glared at the girl in front of her.

The girl in question looked too stunned and afraid to even utter a word.

That's right! She should be afraid! She dared to bring down her wrath and now she'll suffer the consequences.

But as if fate hadn't had enough of mocking her situation, her ex-fiancé stood up and picked the glove instead of the girl.

And then the situation dawned on her.

He… He was going to support that bitch.

"I shall be Marie's champion. We hereby accept this duel."

The prince spoke proudly. It would have looked like a chivalrous moment at any other time, but right now, it only felt like he was mocking her even further. After everything he had done to ruin her reputation, he was going to essentially slap her face and get involved in a duel between her and that wench. And he could too. Because he was the prince and it was within the rules of duels.


Before she could say anything, she was interrupted by the prince's friends.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that, Your Highness."

The green-haired entourage spoke, making her momentarily stunned.

'Is he…?'

But alas, the tiny flicker of hope died the next instant.

"I can't let you fight for Marie alone. I volunteer as well."

'… Of course.'

This should have been expected. The prince wasn't the only one enamored by that witch.

And as she expected, one by one, all of the others too volunteered to 'save the day'.

She was now treated as the villain by everyone, even though she was the victim of it all.

And then, the wench put the nail in the coffin with her disgusting act.

"Everyone… I am incredibly thankful that you all are standing up for me."

Oh, how much she hated her voice and how much she wanted, in her fuming rage, to shove her hand and pull her vocal cord out so the bitch won't be able to blabber ever again.

Alas, she couldn't do so.

But that's fine. If he was going to give her rival support. Then it's only fair that she got support as well.

Except, she might have misjudged.

"Oh my, what will the Duke's daughter do now?"

"There's no way anyone will stand up for her. It's her against the prince and his friends. With all of them against her, she's at a great disadvantage."

"I pity her."

"She shouldn't have acted so irrationally. Now she's dug her own grave."

"This whole charade is quite unsightly if you ask me. She should just give up and go home."

Comments started flooding again as the mob started to give its uncalled-for opinions and commentaries. That's what they always did, though.

This whole drama must have been an interesting show for them.

For a brief moment, she felt her magic running wild at the blatant insults they were throwing in not-so-hushed whispers but she quickly suppressed it.

If she lost control and did anything physical right now, it would not end well. Even for her.

Even in her rage, she hadn't gone mad. She knew she was supposed to hold back right now.

After the initial rage subsided, she also realized something else.

When she turned to look at her supporters, she found them standing at a distance from her, joining the crowd.

'When did they…?'

She tried calling for them before she saw the unsure and unwilling looks on their faces.

'They… They're abandoning me? Now? After everything I've done for them?'

Suddenly a heavy feeling started crushing her.

She turned to look at the others— People whom she was on friendly terms with, people whose families were allied to her family, people whom she had had decent conversations with.


No one seemed interested or willing to support her.

Not even her 2 most loyal and close followers.

And that was a massive hit on her confidence.

'… Why?'

What did she do to deserve this? She couldn't help but question in her head.

She knew she had lost her temper and had the prince himself against her right now, but she was still the daughter of the Duke, one of the most influential families in the Kingdom, and was the victim of the prince's immature and thoughtless actions.

So then, why?

Why did no one come to support her right now?

After everything she had done for many of the ones present here? All the granted favors, all the pledges of loyalty she had gotten, the talks of alliances. Now, in her lowest and worst times, they were going to abandon her. Because it was not favorable for them.

The selfish bastards.

"Heh, it seems no one wants to take your side, Angelica. Even your own followers gave you the cold shoulder. Sucks to be you."

Greg mocked her without any regard for her feelings.

The guy always had a disregard for manners, but right now when he was standing against her, his trash-talk habits were visible to all. Not that anyone dared to comment on that.

No, they were all in favor of his side.

The heavy feeling inside grew as she felt her legs going weak.

'If no one fights for me, then I'll have to fight myself.'

As the thought settled, she gulped, feeling anxious.

Angelica was one of the top students in her class and was quite talented in magic. But in a duel, she was not sure if she could beat the members of the prince's entourage.

She might be stronger than most of the students, but she lacked fighting experience. On the other hand, the 5 of them had been trained since early childhood.

Then, the only solution was to make it so that the fight is done in person.

Yes, if it was a battle of people, she at least had a chance.

But before she could execute her plans, the prince made the first move.

"Angelica. We will have the duel in a week's time. Since Jilk, Brad, Chris, and Greg are also fighting in this battle, I will be fair and allow you a week to gather your own team of 5. We'll have 5 1v1 battles to decide the victor. The team with the higher number of individual victories will win this duel. Furthermore, our terms for the duel are: If we win, you will accept the breaking of our engagement and never interrupt our love life ever again. Please leave Marie and us alone and never harm her in any way ever.

Now, I would like to hear your terms."

She realized after listening to him that he was not at all bothered by her situation. Instead, he made it so his side was seen as the fair and righteous one while she was being treated as the enemy and villain.

"I see"

It was her own fault. She had to accept this now and deal with it.

"I accept the terms of the duel and your condition as well. My term is: If I win, I want you to break up and separate yourself from that girl."

She had wanted to say 'If I win, you will stop this farce and be with me once again' but she quickly found out it was no longer what she wanted.

In truth, part of her had already accepted her fate. She was too broken inside to fight this fight. She would in time come to terms with the breakup, but her rage-induced adrenaline was what kept her in the fight still.

Since she had already come this far, she will see it to the end. The consequences be damned.

"Very well. Then, I'll see you in a week's time. Until then, I would appreciate it if you kept your distance from us."

The prince's harsh and cold words ended the scene. He soon left the party, followed by his friends and the wench.

And she didn't want to be here either.

Any place was better than here.

With a face that hid all her emotions, she began walking towards the exit and to her dorm room.

"M-My lady, I would like to—"

She turned to glare at the girls, her so-called followers, who had now come to apologize or give excuses. She didn't need their excuses and apologies anymore.

She had learned an important lesson.

She had no one here that she could try to rely upon.

"Leave me alone."

With those words, she left the room, leaving behind the two girls. Whatever relations they had until now had been soured after today's event.

As she made her way away from the party hall, she felt warm wetness traveling down her cheeks.

It was too much even for her.

Today was a disaster.

[End of Angelica's POV]


I ended up getting carried away. This was probably her biggest scene in this story so far. I am interested to see what I end up doing with her after this.

In case you didn't notice(which I doubt), there was no Leon to help her in this situation so she ended up falling hard and all the way down to the rockbottom.

Also, Angelica might have much more violent tendencies than her canon counterpart because I really got carried away with her feelings.

What the heck is MC's plan? ... assuming he even has one.

Well, we'll probably see it in the next few chapters. Maybe. maybe not. Who knows~

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the 4k+ words chapter.

Until next time~

The_POZcreators' thoughts