
Round 1, Fight!

It's been two months and I decided to join the championship of monsters. I look around the locker room to see centaurs, demons, elves, rhinos, deer, hell I even saw a manticore! For a monster school, this place is filled with thousands or even millions of varieties of species. One of the elves was kind enough to give me a bracelet for luck. They called him Nakai Natsu, an earth elf. Yeah, there are different types of elves when I studied monster history. You can identify an elf's element by their hair. Earth and darkness have either black or brown hair with the exception of green for the earth. Water, ice, and lightning have blue or white hair. The fire has red hair, of course, and the list goes on. Anyway, back to the championship, I was called for the first fight.

I was walking to the arena when I heard Instinct inside my head saying, "I wish us luck and hope for our victory against any enemy," he says.

"Yeah, remember the plan, save the better attacks for the final opponents so we don't show our true power," I say.

"Indeed I remember, now let's kick their asses," Insect says.

I walk out to the arena and see my opponent. Pretty simple, it's a neko. They are fast and simple, but their attacks are pretty weak. My opponent is short. He had long bright blue hair and his ears match his hair color. The neko is skinny, giving him an advantage in movement over me, but his only weapon is his claws. I look up to see Ms. Sullivan giving me a nod and thumbs up. I nod back and look at my enemy.

"Alright, everybody! We have our two first fighters! You know the rules, keep it clean and no bloodshed," she says, "ready? 3, 2, 1, fight!"

The neko started to charge at me and I didn't bother so much to move or transform yet. In a glimpse I dodged his attack and grabbed his tail and threw him to the wall, harming him. He then got up. "Anzai Sharaku ...you're pretty string for a demon, I'd say this match is unfair," he says, getting up.

"Heh, I agree, but a match is a match, there has to be one winner," I say.

The neko started charging at me again, but I then avoided his claws and swiped his feet, causing him to fall again. But he kicked me down as he got up with rage. "Don't underestimate me just because I'm small," he says, making a fist.

I grab his leg and my hand turned grey then my hand started to smoke, heating up his leg. In return he screamed in agony and got off me. I then charged at him and gave him a power punch to the cheek, causing knockback to the walls, causing a knockout on him. I stand up straight d see my arms going back to normal and the crowd was completely silent. I raise my arm in victory and the crowd goes wild.

"We have a winner! Anzai Sharaku moves to the next round!" Ms. Sullivan says.

I move to the neko and helped the medics carry him and head inside, waiting for my next call. After helping the neko, Miyasaki jumps at me and gives me a hug.

"Anzai! Good job! I'm so proud you made it!" She says, in tears.

"Calm down Miyasaki, it's only the first round, Anzai still has more to fight, give him a break," Kokizaki says, patting me on the sounding, "but you did good Anzai, good job."

"Thanks a lot, gals, I better freshen up for the next round I'll have, I need to know my enemies first. I gotta make them my friend before they become my enemy," I say, walking to the lockers.

I decide to walk towards the lobby to see the other combatants. I see the elves from earlier and Shiba. Walking towards her, I was stopped by Kai. "Good afternoon Anzai," Kai says.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask.

"Nothing really, Bo-Han is in a fight right now," she responded.

"I see," I look on the TV seeing Bo-Han fighting a Goro,"wow, she is someone you do not want to mess with."

"Heh, tell me about it," she chuckles. Kai and I have been talking for a while until Shiba walks up to me from behind.

"Hey honey,~" she says.

"Gah! S-Shiba! W-what are you doing?" I say.

"Just giving a hug to the one I love," she says, kissing my cheek, leaving me to blush.

"W-wait what!?" Kai says.

This whole situation is already bad enough I hear a familiar voice, "A-Anzai?"

I turn my head to see Miyasaki shocked in anger, "M-Miyasaki! L-look it's not what I look like!"

"Well, you better make a good explanation!" Miyasaki says, pulling Shiba and me to the back.

"So...what's going on between you two?" She asks.

"Miyasaki, the reason I've been clinging on to Anzai is that I want to have a better challenge against Kai or Bo-Han," Shiba says.

"Yeah, I have nothing to say!" I say.

"Well, Shiba, what do you mean by "have a better challenge?" Miyasaki asks.

"I've noticed a lot of the girls have been going over Anzai so I was thinking if I pretend that he chose me, I'd get to challenge the ice sisters' full potential. Oh, and don't worry, I know Anzai is your boyfriend so I'm only using him as bait," Shiba replied.

Miyasaki starts blushing, "A-Anzai I-isn't hmm…" she starts stuttering.

"Miyasaki?" I ask.

"N-nevermind! Anyway, Shiba I heard your name called so good luck!" She nervously chuckles.

"You're right, wish me luck!" Shiba says as she disappears from a tornado of fire.

I sigh and Miyasaki walk into me for a hug, "Look, Anzai, I know that many of these demi-humans are after you, so remember this, never let your guard down and call me out when you need help, kay?" She tells me.

"Y-yeah, of course," I hug her back.

We let go and smile at each other and grab something to eat. I look at the TV to see Shiba fighting a Lamia. When the timer ran out, she released a rope spear that hooked onto the Lamia, causing her to be flung towards the walls, then to the ground, then flung towards Shiba. In a flash she drew one of her swords and slashed the Lamia, causing her to fall to the ground, but not knocked out. To finish off the match, Shiba unfolds her mask to see half a skull and breathed out fire, causing the Lamia to a knockout. In my mind I start to think, "man, this is going to be tough...Shiba has no mercy."