
This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

A fanfiction based on this Twitter Manga: https://twitter.com/sasakisaki9646/status/1241338062560317440 I do not own any of the characters in this story, full credit goes to sasakisaki9646 for the idea and cover art. The story is a basic idea. Just simply one image a day for 100 days that lead to the Gyaru and Otaku to date at the end. I just felt that there could be a bit more, so I decided that I will expand. If the original creator asks for me to stop, I will take this down. Update: 04/24/2020 I learned the original creator has decided to stop after day 30. So if/when I get to that point. My story will be different that theirs if they ever decide to start it again.

bigbear51 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 99 Days

Just another day in class. The otaku is reading some manga, as he always does during lunch. And as usual, the gyaru approaches him, as she always does.

"Oi, Otaku. Looks like you're readin' that weird manga again." She laughs at him. Going to sit on top of his desk.

"Hello to you too." He greets her in his deadpan voice. Ever since the start of school. This girl had been on his case for his hobbies.

"Why dontcha go ahead and buy me some bread?" She is still laughing. "Like, right now." He looks at her in irritation.

"And why can't you buy it yourself?" He asks her. Everyone had already gone off to lunch, it was just the two of them in the classroom. His hopes for some peace and quiet during lunch are being dashed by this girl.

"Come on, please." She says in a cutesy tone. "I don't have any money to buy it today." He knows she is lying. This girl always has money, especially when it comes to buying new makeup and accessories.

"Fine." He accepts. He figures that once he gets her some bread. She'll leave him alone to read some manga in peace. Or perhaps, there is more to his motivation.

"Yay!" She cheers to herself. Another victory. The otaku makes sure to bring his bag along with him when running this errand. It would be a pain if she got access to his things.

Getting the bread is an easy task. Though he is annoyed at having to spend his own money on her. He returns, with her still there. Sitting on his desk.

"Here." He simply says to her, handing the bread over. She doesn't thank him, as she takes a bite from her food.

He sighs, and sits down once more. Hoping that she was going to leave was a delusion, and so he gives up that ambition. Reopening the manga to continue where he had left off. She interrupts yet again, pushing down the book he is reading.

"As thanks." She broke her bread into two and hands a piece to the otaku. He accepts, and takes a bite of his own.

"Thank you." He expresses his gratitude. For a moment, he thinks that this gyaru might not be so bad.

"I bet it turns you on that my panties are touching your desk." She teases.

Or perhaps not.