this existed back in the day
We dove into the swarm, head first. Well, it was the not my head that went in first, but you get the point. Blood opened his mounth and just the dive itself already resulted in more than fifty ents being swallowed alive.
"Hey, are you gonna be fine eating creatures that don't contain blood?" I asked after Blood used [shockwave] to blow all the ents nearby away.
"They have blood, but it's just so pure you can't tell at first glance. Tastes better than most monsters out there, but human blood is still my top choice." Once all the ents gathered back up, my companion gathered some blood around himself, effectively turning into a giant sword, and I took a diagonal swing.
"As you wish, but I'm not planning to massacre humans any time soon. I've already murdered enough people for the time being." Thanks to the Blood's weight, this swing had a lot of momentum to it, which I used to slam the ground and launch myself into the air.
"Well this is already good enough of a treat, plus they restore a load of mana, so I can contsantly caspt spells like.. this one." The dark ceiling of the cave which looked like an empty sky turned red, and stormclouds started forming.
"Ah, it's this spell. This time, it's not tracking me so you have no danger of striking yourself with lightning! You know what, I can oficcial call this good teamwork." I started falling back to the ground, and I activate devastating puch while doing so.
"Now, go for the gravisphere!" I called out to Blood.
"Just don't accidentally hit me again!" He responded and formed the sphere.
The combined energy from the fall, gravisphere, and devastating attack lead to me to rocket down to the gound, and, having used the right time, I grabbed Blood by the "handle" - the end of the neck - and spun in the air, bashing him on the ground.
Like a tiny nuke, a crater was formed and everything in the near vicinity was gone.
"At leas let me know if you're gonna do something like that! If I didn't put a barrier made of blood around myself, I'd have died again." My sword complained.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. But just look at the result. No way I would have killed thousands of monsters in a single hit on my own." I put Blood on my shoulder, and looked around.
"We're not done yet though. There's still about the same amount of them yet to come." He mointed out.
"But, you've got that taken care off, am I right? The red lightning should come in about now, if I'm not mistaken." I had a lot of confidence in my friend.
"Exactly. Observe." With those words, red bolts of lightning started shooting everywhere like rain, killing almost another thousand treants in 20 seconds.
"Your mana's running low. It's about time for stage two." I pointed out.
"Oh, so you didn't forget about it?" Little holes appeared in all the spots which the lightning has struck, and thin steads of lood started seeping though, getting wider every second.
"Duh. How would I forget about a spell as fun as this one? I had suck a blas fighting those guys, and having them on my side now is even better." The blobs of blood got even bigger, now almost the size of an adult human.
"You know, that wasn't my intent.. Well, I guess if I could walk I would also have a lot of fun fighting those guys, now that you mention it." The goat head agreed.
Honestly, I could chat with this guy forever. I'm so glad I decidede to revive him, even if it's just for the sake of having company.
"Ooh, here they come." I watched the newly formed golems harden, and they they went all out at it, smashing the treants one by one.
"The're probably going to be a few golems left still alive after the fight. The're weaker in terms of numbers, but each one of them is stronger than a treant." Blood seemed to be quite proud of his golems.
"Well, I'm hungry. It's been a while since I last ate something. Let me know if the boss comes or something like that-" I was interrupted by a an earthquake, followed by the sound of crackling.
"Speak of the devil. Guess I'm having my luch later then. Haaa.. haa.. I'm.. havong trouble breathing." I haven't even seen the boss' figure yet, since he still hasn't emerged from the ground, but he's already used some debuff.
Abnormal status resistance is coming in handy once again. I'd be lying on the ground right now if I didn't have it.
"Huh, it had no effect on me. Man up, River! You scared by something you haven't even seen yet?" A few words of encouragement in my direction. That's appreciated.
"Yeah. You're right.. Phew.. I'm feeling better now that I've taken a breather. Get your blood blade formed now, I feel like he's about to come at us." It was a bit of a struggle, but this spell seemed to have a [fear] effect, which, with a bit of outside help, which for me was [abnormal status resistance], and some courage I managed to dispel it.
"Oh shit, it's pretty terrifying. And here I though you were pretty scary." The goat head though I was scary? Cute.
"And not just that, it broke out straight from the ground and left a crater larger than the one we left using our "super attack". Haha, what a fucking monster." My legs felt heavy - I couldn't move one inch.
Funally, it emerged from the ground and extended to it's full height and width, revealing a body so large I didn't think a living creature should ever have.
I don't even think it deserves the title "living creature". Its size resembles a skyscraper more than anything.
"We're in for a ride."
"Sure, we are."
And once again, so much stuff was happening this chapter that I couldn't properly describe what the enviroment looked like.
It'll happen. I hope.