
This Bad boy drives me crazy.

Nayantara Moorthy the only Daughter of Well Known Doctors in California. Her Parents are both doctors and are quite famous and rich but being the only daughter and getting all the luxuries, Nayantara was still a down to earth and fun loving person deep down a hidden Nerd. Everything is perfect in her life, her grades, her family and her hot Boyfriend Jacob who is every girl's dream boy in Whitfield High School but her perfect life was really that perfect?, Was she really in love with Jacob? The answer of these question changed when in final year there came a transfer student Daniel Kapoor, a bad boy.. They say he is bad and nobody should mess with him.. But Destiny threw Nayantara on his each step.. Will they both find their ways separate from each other or will get along and end up together.. Let's find out..

Missus_Grumpy · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Well hello to you too Nayantara.

It was Friday again and I am glad. Dressed In my favorite pajamas ducked in my blanket, I am watching baby boss. Yes my all time favorite. I know I am in high school but I am sucker of animated movies and shows.

"Tara, come down." I heard my mom yelling from downstairs and that let me know that they were home. I wasn't planning to leave this bed anytime soon. But when mum didn't stopped yelling, I have to gave in.

I strolled downstairs with lazy steps and there she is standing in the hall surrounded by many shopping bags. "You went shopping mum that too without me and where is Dad, not home yet.."

I kissed her on the cheek and she smiled, "Dad will be here in an hour, still have patients to check and I didn't went shopping Nayantara just went to fetch some groceries. We are having people over for dinner." I pout listening my full name, she always do this to me. "Mom how many times I have told you call me Tara, not Nayantara .." she just rolled her eyes at me. Wait did she said we are having people over. Oh no Aiyappa, such a good evening I had planned but what a waste.

"Don't look at me like that Tara, just go upstairs and be ready and come down by 8. Now let me go start cooking.." Well there was no use of saying anything to her and good point is I still have two darn hours for myself. So I guess I will manage. "You want some help with dinner.." I asked her with half Heart, and crossed my fingers at back, just say no mom. " No, I will manage, now don't waste my time shoo..." Thank goodness, I hurried back to my lovely bed and my laptop...


It's almost 8 and thankfully I am completely ready, I wore a black high neck sweater with red trousers. My hair were opened. I had applied little bit of pink lip gloss and mascara. Wearing my black heels, giving a final look to myself in the mirror. I guess I am ready to head down.

I came downstairs to see my Dad watching news, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he smiled looking at me.. "whoa, someone is looking so pretty.." I giggled and then went into kitchen to check on mum.. it smelled so good. I guess we were having Indian food today.. mom is busy in last minute check ups but she had a change of cloth already..

"Mom, you never told me whom we are expecting today, someone from work?." I asked and before she could answer, we heard the door bell.

"I guess they are here, go Tara receive them.." she ushered me out and I took slow steps towards the gate.

I opened the gate and saw two people amidst my parents age standing there with a slight smile on their faces, I smile too looking at them, but then my pretty smile turned into frown when my eyes met with his blue ones.

"What the hell are you doing here Daniel?" I asked confused and he like always just rolled his eyes.. I swear one day I am gonna take out his pupils.

"Well hello to you too Nayantara.." and I again cringed at the name. Why don't everyone get this simple thing, that they can't call me Nayantara.. Before I could say anything to him, my mother's voice shut me up..

"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor, please come in.. Son please come inside.." My mum said to Daniel and I guess his parents. I look at both the elders closely, indeed they were his parents. His father look like just Daniel, but Daniel has got those eyes from his British Mother. She had the same pair of blue eyes. They both look pretty good. So here are the people whom the bad boy got his killer looks from. The meetings and greetings were almost finished and now everyone was sitting in the living room..

"Thank you so much for inviting us for dinner.. it feels refreshing to have some friends in New town.." Manik's mom smiled, she looked so sweet, I don't know why but I feel happy to listen her talk.. "Please don't mention it, we both were so busy with our shifts in hospital, that didn't got time to invite you guys earlier.. We would love to know our neighbors, right honey.." and my Dad nodded...

"So Nayantara, you and Manik are in same class right, I hope you guys are friends. Manik really need some.." I chuckled slowly, but the only thing that made my mood sour was listening Nayantara..

"Don't call her that mom, just call her Tara.." Manik said in a bored tone and I was taken aback and so did his mom.. "Her name is Nayantara but since she is grown up here, people never pronounce it properly and sometime even teased her. So she decided to cut short it as Tara. And everyone who knows her real name is forbidden to call her that.." My mom explain with a funny expression and everyone in the room laugh. I smiled sheepishly. My eyes again got locked with his and he smirked..

"I am glad that Daniel has made a good friend then. You will be there at the party tomorrow right Tara.." His father took part in the conversation finally and his voice is quite similar to Daniel.. I nodded my head confirming my presence for tomorrow's party and he smiled.

"Well let's have dinner first and then we can continue our chit chat session.." My father advised and everyone agreed. I followed my mom into kitchen and others made their way for dining table.

Both of us quickly set the food and finally we also plopped down to eat..

"Indian food really.." I heard a squeal coming out from Daniel's mouth and my mom look a bit more pleased..

"You like Indian food.." my mom asked with hope full voice and he bobbed happily like a kid. I couldn't wipe that smile from my face which settled there seeing him so happy..

"Then I am glad I decided for Indian today.." Mom loves cooking but she loves more to be praised for her food. And that exactly happened tonight. Kapoor's devoured her food praising her on every bite especially Daniel. He seemed impressed by my mother..

"Tara give Daniel the tour of the house and than you guys can settle in your room, watch Netflix or something.. you both seem to get bored here.." and I held back the urge to hug my dad for finally letting me free from here.. I got up from there and Daniel followed..

"Welcome to the Moorthy house, this is Tara your tour guide for tonight, hope you enjoy your visit don't forget the feedbacks.." I mimicked a high pitch voice and Daniel burst out laughing followed by me.

I gave him a quick tour of the house and at last bring him to my room.. I don't know if he gonna like it here or not. Well Tara you are behaving like you need his approval. My subconscious screamed and I just ignored it. Of course I don't..

"Wow sugar I am impressed, your room certainly doesn't scream that a girl lives here. You know like others..."

And I just grinned.. I was going for the bean bags but this boy with pretty blue eyes had different plans. He walked towards my bed and throw himself down there.. great..

"What are you looking at.. feel free to join me here, it's your room by the way.." and I just rolled my eyes, cocky Kapoor.. I sat down at one edge of my bed. Well the boy was practically spread all over the bed. So I hardly got some space.. His eyes fall on my laptop and he pick it up.

"You watch baby boss.. seriously how old are you 10.." He snickered and I fake smile at him.

"Coming from the one who was fighting over Friends female actress.." he smiled sheepishly.. "Touché"

He resumed the episode and place the laptop in middle so we both can watch easily.. And in few minutes we both were laughing hard. He was enjoying it and I felt happy. My eyes lingered at him, taking in his every features. Whenever he laughs his eyes shine bright like stars. And that made my heart beat a bit fast. His facial features were just perfect. And his cheeks, I felt like poking them. I don't know what came into me, when I actually lift my hand and poked his cheeks. Satisfied to myself that I did it.

My finger was still on his cheek, Daniel looked amused. His eyes were shining and he was smiling a bit, before I could withdrew my finger. He grasped it not moving from its position. Heat rushed to my cheeks feeling his touch. The way he was looking at me was different than usual and I feel a pit in my stomach. These were reactions those never came across with Jacob. But are always there when I am with Daniel..

We were locked in each others eyes, my finger in his hand, don't know till how long. Neither he said anything nor did I. There was no need, silence was quite working for us. "Daniel come down son, time to leave.." And like every good thing this moment too came to an end when Daniel's mom called..

He removed my finger and sat up immediately running hand in his already messy hair. "Time to go, I guess.." he smiled awkwardly and I returned the same... "Yeah, I guess so.." we both stood from the bed and made our way towards the door. He stop abruptly at the door making me frown.. "Errrr, just wondering if you want to come a bit early Tomorrow to help for the party, I will call others too.." he said a bit nervously and I smirked, bad boy too get nervous ehh.. " Yeah of course, I will call Belle, you can call the boys.." I smiled and he returned the same.. "Perfect, so I will see you tomorrow then.. good night sugar." I grinned at my nickname, "Good night jerky boy.." and that made him rolled his eyes.

We both came downstairs and his parents were all set to leave. I wished both of them good night but his mother took me in a hug making me surprise. Her hug was warm just like her smile and I didn't feel awkward at all.. "it was so nice to meet you Tara, I hope to see you soon.." I replied with the same enthusiasm and she grinned and then he left with his family making me all giddy inside..

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