
Thian Omnach | Qilarians' Legacy : Explorer era

Prologue In the vastness of space, nestled in the Andromeda galaxy, lies the colossal planet Gigaterra Prime, known as Giga or G-1. This monstrous world, 185,000 times the size of Imperial Earth, has always been shrouded in mystery and potential. Shielded by a mysterious energy barrier and natural atmospheric quirks, Giga stayed a well-kept secret until recent breakthroughs by human explorers. Years ago, a gang of space pirates stumbled upon Giga. Their attempts to breach its formidable energy barrier failed, but they discovered a temporary gap that allowed exploratory drones, called "Pathfinders," to break through. These Pathfinders sent back data revealing Giga's breathable atmosphere, stable climate, and abundance of unique minerals, flora, and wildlife. Massive trees with glowing leaves lit up the night, and rivers rich in unknown minerals flowed through lush valleys. Exotic creatures roamed freely. The sale of this information triggered a wild era of exploration, like a cosmic gold rush. Settlers, mercenaries, and corporations scrambled to stake their claim on the untamed new world. Amid this turmoil, ancient Qilarian ruins surfaced, revealing relics of immense power and wisdom. In the uncharted expanses of Gigaterra, humanity entered a new era of colonization, driven by extraordinary advancements in bioengineering and cybernetics. The Federation and Mars spearheaded these innovations, creating hybrids like the nimble nekomimi and robust reptilians, while seamlessly integrating cybernetic implants to enhance physical and cognitive abilities. These breakthroughs paved the way for humanity to explore and settle new frontiers, transforming the fabric of human existence. The Corporate Sector, with its affluence and technological prowess, dominated the landscape. Sky-High edifices and cutting-edge facilities showcased their influence, while the Settler Sector, with its improvised habitats and struggling populace, lagged far behind. This disparity created a distinct devide between the high-tech environments of the elite and the dirty, graffiti-covered lower levels where settlers fought for survival. In this era, bioengineered hybrids and cybernetically augmented individuals became commonplace among those who could afford them. On planets like Haven, where the lines between humanity and technology blurred, extreme modifications became a mark of status and power. At the heart of this transformative period stood the Explorer Committee, led by the formidable Zhen Wu Long. Operating independently but under the oversight of the governing Council, the Committee spearheaded the exploration and colonization of Gigaterra Prime. Their mission attracted support from the Federation, Mars, and major corporations, uniting them in a relentless pursuit of discovery and expansion. This MOD Era allowed humans to become anything they desired, combining biological and cybernetic enhancements. Zhen Wu Long, a seasoned mercenary with a knack for leadership, saw the need for order. Under his guidance, the newly formed Explorer Committee stepped in to regulate the chaos, ensuring fair access to Giga's resources. The Committee aimed to harness the planet's potential while maintaining peace between organizations, guiding humanity's expansion into this new frontier. Tihan Omnach, a thirty-year-old citizen of Haven from the first settlers wave and low-level corporate worker who had resigned to start a new life as a VR player. One day, while idly scrolling through news feeds, he stumbled upon an announcement about the Explorer Committee’s establishment and recruitment. This New Explorer Era on Gigaterra marks a defining chapter inhuman history. His heart raced as he read the details. Here was a real chance for change, a tangible escape from the digital confines of his four walls and money problems. Drawn by the promise of adventure and the chance to uncover the mysteries of Giga, Tihan seized the opportunity without hesitation.

Oni_9980 · Fantasia
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Beginning and a Good Meal

Tihan Omnach sat in his cramped box room in the Settlers side of Haven. Through his window, you could glimpse the bustling skies of the city above and on the others side, filled with flying cars and spaceships. The sight was a constant reminder of the life he used to have.

Cargo ships moving interplanetary goods were a usual sight, showing Haven's booming trade. Machines handled most of the hard work, while people made sure everything ran smoothly. Security was a mix of robots and humans.The 'Chevaliers' guarded noble families, and the 'Military Knights' served the government. Recently, Haven's new president recruited more people, including retired mercenaries and elite trained citizens. Soldiers from different from all around the galaxies, freelance mercenaries, and 'Corporate soldiers' all helped with Haven's colonization efforts.

Tihan's family came to Haven when he was a child, part of the first group of settlers. His dad disappeared in space, and he never got to know him. His mom raised him in the crowded lower levels of Haven, far from the gleaming skyscrapers.

The corporate job provided a steady income, enough to support both him and his mother. But everything changed when a corporate scandal erupted. Tihan got caught in the crossfire—whether it was a mistake or he was framed, it didn't matter. He lost his job, and with his reputation in ruins, finding new work became impossible. His savings quickly evaporated, leaving him buried in debt.

Unable to pay his rent, Tihan was evicted from his apartment and forced into the lower levels of Haven. Here, in cramped box rooms, the city's poorest struggled to survive. His once stable corporate life had devolved into a daily grind of low-paying, unstable odd jobs just to make ends meet.

His new box room was a far cry from the spacious corporate housing he once enjoyed. Clothes were strewn about, and a half-packed suitcase lay open by the door,. The tiny space was just enough for one person, reminding him of the cramped conditions of his childhood.

There was a standing shower and a toilet, with a tiny kitchenette tucked into one corner. The walls were painted a dull blue-gray, making the room feel even more cramped. Above his bed hung a poster of his favorite VR game, 'Galaxy Quest,' next to a picture of a beach on some distant planet. His favorite hoodie was slung over the chair, and the smell of last night's takeout still lingered in the air mixing with the smell of rotten fruit peel.

Tihan scraped by with freelance gigs—data analysis for small startups, virtual consulting on obscure software issues, anything that paid. His outdated streaming setup was his only connection to the world outside his box room.

"These gigs barely pay the bills, but it's better than nothing. At least I get to stay connected… somehow."

After Logging out from the VR space and feeling hungry, Tihan decided to make himself a hearty meal.

Tihan set his ingredients on the small counter. The place wasn't much, but it had everything he needed to make a decent meal.

As he prepped the meal, he couldn't help but think about where all these ingredients came from. Haven's farms had really managed to recreate some Earth flavors.

He grabbed a bowl and added a big scoop of mayonnaise. Then, he chopped up some Firepetal peppers, famous for their heat and unique taste. Mixing them into the mayo, he watched as the red bits blended with the white sauce. He added a bit of lemon juice, some garlic powder, salt, pepper, and a spoonful of mustard to give it an extra kick. The tangy, spicy flavor made his mouth water. Satisfied, he set the sauce aside."

"Cooking always settles my nerves. These Firepetal peppers are wild spicy as hell, but man, they remind me of the unique flavors we've got here on Haven. First time I tried them, I thought I'd die, but it was so worth it."

Turning his attention to the patties, Tihan heated a grill pan on his stove. The familiar sizzle made him feel at home.

The apartment was filled with their the scent and mouth-watering aroma of the patties. Tihan flipped them after a few minutes, ensuring a perfect juicy caramel-like sear on both sides. He placed a slice of cheese on each patty during the last minute of cooking, letting it melt slightly.

While waiting for the patties to finish cooking, Tihan glanced at the news on his H-Frame in AR mode, the latest updates on the Explorer Committee detailing the process.

Suddenly, an important news alert flashed across his vision:

"Explorer Committee Established – Join the New Era of Discovery on Giga!"

His heart skipped a beat. The announcement talked about a new organization, the Explorer Committee, aimed at exploring and colonizing the vast, uncharted territories of Gigaterra Prime. The pictures were stunning: gigantic bioluminescent trees towering over pristine rivers, ancient ruins hinting at civilizations long gone, and vast, open skies filled with possibilities.

"Awesome! This feels like one of those VR quests, but it's real. Only elites were allowed to colonize the new territories; common citizens were barred, only acting as support. This could be my shot at something big."

The ad showed President Zhen Wu Long, a well-known leader in Haven. 'Explore the unknown. Claim your future,' his voice echoed through the hub, accompanied by images of giant mechas, exotic animals, and vast landscapes. Tihan spotted a chubby green squirrel-like creature 'Plumpers',a long, blue lizard that looked like an axolotl 'Aqualotl' and an enormous flying serpent tracing in the sky 'Juralisk'.People around him were buzzing with excitement, talking about the creatures and the chance to pilot mechas."

"Wow did you see the plumpers he is so cute I want one!"

"Nah! Aqualotl are better."

"Those plumpers and aqualotl will end up in the Juralisk stomach munch munch!"

"Mechas are a human dream and always the coolest."

"Is this for real?" someone nearby muttered.

"They're taking anyone with guts," another voice chimed in. "It's a chance to get rich or make a name for yourself."

Tihan read the announcement twice, then a third time. The Explorer Committee was open to all, offering training and equipment to those willing to take the risk. For the first time since his corporate days, Tihan saw a real opportunity to change his life. This wasn't another virtual quest; it was a chance to uncover real mysteries and perhaps even reclaim his sense of purpose.

As he explored the announcement further, comments from other users started to flood in:

"Wow, did anyone see the announcement from the Explorer Committee? I can't believe they're accepting applications from everyone! This could be our chance!"

"This is insane! Imagine being able to explore uncharted territories. It's like all those VR games but in real life!"

"I'm curious about the Qi training. Does anyone know how intensive it is? I've heard mixed reviews about the compatibility tests."

"These comments are all over the place. Some folks are hyped, some are worried. I get it. But this is too big to pass up. I just hope it's not too good to be true."

Tihan was intrigued by the varied reactions. Some were enthusiastic, while others had concerns. He noted the excitement around the Qi training and the promise of new adventures. However, there were also critical voices:

"But isn't Zhen Wu Long's approach a bit too independent from Imperial Earth? It could cause political tension. What happens if they cut off support?"

"Why are they prioritizing citizens of Haven? Shouldn't everyone get an equal chance, especially if they have valuable skills?"

"It's great that the Explorer Committee is making big moves, but overloading the program with too many recruits could lead to environmental issues on Giga. How will they manage that?"

Some of these comments were just like his own worries. He was excited, sure, but he wasn't blind to the risks. It could all fall apart, just like his last job.

The Explorer Committee representatives responded to the concerns:

"Thank you all for your enthusiasm! We're excited about the interest. While we welcome applicants from everywhere, we give priority to Haven's citizens due to limited resources and the need to manage our environment carefully."

"Our Qi training is designed to be accessible to all skill levels. Even those with no prior experience will get thorough instruction and support."

"For mecha pilot training, we offer extensive hands-on and simulation exercises to prepare everyone. However, only those who show exceptional skill and dedication will be chosen to work directly under the Committee."

"We know relic hunting is tempting, so our program includes education on responsible handling and preservation. Those who excel in this can earn a good income and keep their freedom."

"Biologists and environmental scientists are crucial to our mission. We look forward to your help in studying and preserving Giga's ecosystems."

"We understand concerns about our independence from Imperial Earth. Zhen Wu Long aims for self-sufficiency and resilience but also wants to maintain positive relations with other entities."

"Prioritizing Haven's citizens helps us manage resources effectively and avoid overloading our program. We want to protect Giga's environment and wildlife."

"To minimize environmental impact, we have strict protocols. Sustainability is central to our operations.The barrier opening soon will be a big opportunity. As the gates open, untrained people venturing out will face serious dangers. Proper training and preparation are crucial for survival."

"Thank you all for your enthusiasm! We are thrilled by the overwhelming interest. Please note that while we welcome applicants from all backgrounds, we prioritize citizens of Haven due to limited resources and the need for careful management of our natural environment."

"Our Qi training is comprehensive and designed to be accessible to all skill levels. Rest assured, even those with no prior experience will receive thorough instruction and support."

"Regarding the mecha pilot training, we provide extensive hands-on training and simulation exercises to ensure all recruits are fully prepared, regardless of their prior experience. However, only those who demonstrate exceptional skill and a commitment to work directly under the Committee will be selected."

"We understand the allure of relic hunting and assure you that our program includes detailed education on the responsible handling and preservation of any artifacts discovered. Those who excel in scavenging and selling artifacts can earn substantial income and retain their freedom to use it as they wish."

"Biologists and environmental scientists are vital to our mission. We look forward to your contributions in studying and preserving Giga's ecosystems."

"We understand concerns about our independence from Imperial Earth. Zhen Wu Long's strategy aims to ensure self-sufficiency and resilience, but we are also committed to maintaining positive relations with other entities."

"Prioritizing citizens of Haven is necessary to manage resources effectively and ensure that we do not overload our program. We aim

to maintain a balance to protect Giga's environment and wildlife."

"To address concerns about environmental impact, we have stringent protocols in place to minimize disruption to Giga's ecosystems. Sustainability is a core principle of our operations."

"The opening of the barrier in the near future will mark a significant opportunity for everyone. As the gates become public, untrained individuals attempting to venture outside will face extreme dangers. Proper training and preparation are essential for survival."

The responses were reassuring and well-reasoned, but Tihan remained deep in thought. The promise of new public Qi training techniques and martial arts developed by Zhen Wu Long, which would be announced in the coming days, caught his attention.

"Finally, a shot at something real. Not just another virtual quest. Maybe I can find out who I really am through this and feel more alive than ever."

"Am I really fit enough for this? He looked down at his belly, patting it with a frown. 'Well I need the money gotta do what I can,' he muttered, trying to push the doubt away. 'Time to get off my ass and do something real.'"

With a newfound resolve, Tihan sent his application through his H-Frame. The confirmation came quickly, and he realized there was no turning back now.

He put his hands up, flexing his biceps in a U-shape, But then he thought about the burger he was making and said, 'Well, I need training, but food first.'"

The Gigaox meat, fresh and cheap, showed how well Haven was doing with Gigaterra Prime's resources. It was incredible how affordable such high-quality meat was here, thanks to the sheer size and number of these animals.

He'd seen video footage of the Gigaox, colossal beasts that dwarfed even the largest cattle from Earth. He tried to picture their actual height, wondering just how massive they were in person. The Firepetal peppers, native to this world, added a unique heat to his sauce, a reminder of the new and exciting flavors he was now able to enjoy.

"Alright, Tihan," he said to himself as he flipped the patties one last time, "you've got this."

He assembled the burger, placing a Gigaox patty on the sauced bun, the meat glistening with juices and melted cheese. He added slices of tomato and onion, then topped it all with the upper half of the bun, also spread with the hot pepper mayonnaise.

Tihan stood in front of the counter, taking a moment to admire his work. He took his first bite, and tapped the counter in satisfaction, making the plate clink, and hummed with pleasure the flavors blended perfectly—the rich, savory Gigaox patty, the fresh crunch of the vegetables, the tangy bite of the cornichons, and the spicy kick of the Firepetal Hot pepper sauce.

"Mmm, this is so good," he said with his mouth full, savoring each bite.

It reminded him of Haven's potential had to offer, mixing old and new flavors just the way he liked.

It's not a food novel or maybe it is ??

H-Frame AR/VR or VAR glasses. Dual-mode : users can decide on the usage mode there is for chip ones and chipless one.All around mobile compute.Also chipless one can possess personal Ai while less performent than Origin AI chips.

Origin Ai Chips are neutral implant integrated into the human brain with data storage and blank origin Ai that learn with the user from the moment of installation.Most people possess them giving them enhanced cognitive function and better memory.

Tihan is chipless.

I should use this part to share more about the world I guess??There is lot of information that I will share in the futur see ya next time thank you for reading. ^^

Oni_9980creators' thoughts