In the far future, in a distant realm ruled by cultivators, the demonic sects have conquered much of the Celestial Realm. Only one man stands between them and total domination - the leader of the resistance, the Heaven and Earth Saint who united the remnants of the orthodox sects. Unable to defeat him, the demonic sects decide to send demonic cultivators back through time and space - to the distant past, where Shu Cong is still a young teenager on Earth - to...uh, Terminate him before he eventually becomes the leader of the resistance. However, the orthodox sects have also sent their own agents back in hopes that at least one of them would reach him in time, to train him for the upcoming battle...
Yun Che left the Sword Saint Palace in a rage, fed up that his attempt to obtain Xia Xing Yue for his harem had failed.
"Dear husband, where are you going?!"