
These Worlds Of All Places ?

Something I’m doing for fun sent a guy to DanMachi as a power house already to strong why not a little slice of life and picking up some chicks, as well as small multi Cover art not mine own nothing but my oc

Armoti_Nelson · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 4: Homunculus Task

Walking too a high hill over looking the village, sitting on a rock, wrath comes to sit on me again as gluttony goes and looks out too the village.

Gluttony "humans huh, smells amazing" sniffing the air.

"Keep your feeding too those who I say so, do you understand" not wanting too deal the aftermath.

Gluttony "I would never" smiling.

Wrath "you eat everything don't you, men and all" Chuckling trying too tell her something.

Gluttony "I have no desire for there men, the only one I see as anything is envy, eating them when there unrecognizable is different" smiling like a lunatic.

Wrath "we agree on one thing" her eyes shrinking, a smile creeping on her face.

"Enough, I have a task for you, cuntastia a city that lies too the west, it's near the tower we will be heading too, there is some one there I would like you to meet, kill those who stand in your way, gluttony clean it up" smiling as I went over details with them, after speaking they smiled wildly, before they dash into the darkness.

'Let see how there royal family deals With this' laughing as I look up at the moon .


draglu "I'm fairly certain my older brothers wouldn't be given this duty" looking out over the city, as 10,000 soldiers had already been sent too there deaths, now only him and a 100 will be sent.

Serendine "I'd watch my words, with in the castle walls" laughing as she walked behind him.

Draglu "lady serendine" turning around, getting excited and bending his knee.

Wrath "I would watch more then that" who appeared on the Stone railing.

Draglu "who's there!" Turning and pulling his sword.

Serendine "a child? How did this little girl get up here" confused at the little girl.

Wrath "don't say that again" with a creepy smile.

Draglu "where in that do you see a little girl!, stand back my lady" seeing blood on her hands.

Gluttony "what will you do" her voice ringing out.

Serendine "where uhhh?" Watching as her maids were held by the neck, while one was on the floor.

Gluttony "I'd thought the soldiers would put up more of a fight, but I guess she will do" pulling the maid too her licking her face.

Wrath "stop playing around, you had your fill" looking at her counter part.

Gluttony "no fun" licking the blood from her cheek.

Serendine "what do you want!" Moving back too back with draglu.

Draglu "lady I don't not know who they are but we must.." getting interrupted.

Wrath "first let's talk in private" moving at great Speed using her short sword too hit the back of his head, dropping him.

Serendine "draglu!" Trying too reach out but gluttony grabbed him.

Wrath "better, we are here too save you little princess" going back too the rail.

Serendine "save me?!, From what, who are you?!" Yelling out, hoping to get guards attention.

Wrath "i am wrath, this is gluttony" putting her little hand on her chest, looking like a innocent child.

Gluttony "calling for help will do no good" a grin on her face.

Serendine "what do you...ughhh!!" Trying too say but her eyes open wide, looking behind gluttony at a body that was unrecognizable, it's ribs sticking from its stomach, a dark silhouette in the shape of a body, then throwing up.

Gluttony "what" her smile growing wider, sticking her dripping tongue out for a second.

Wrath "you are too be married too this boys brother are you not, yet you are being used, he will kill you, your father and this boy too take power in this country. Did you not think it was weird he was pushing too marry you, do not tell me you though it was because of your beauty. With the power of his family and the standing of yours, along with your father growing More sick, taking it from under your Noses wouldn't be that hard of a task but do not fear we will help you" looking out at the city.

Serendine "ahh...why would you say those things, the draglu family had always been loyal too my family then would never!" Wiping her mouth.

Gluttony "do be naïve, your fiancé ambition is not something he can hide from the way he carries himself" coming behind her grabbing her hair and smelling it.

Serendine "your wrong!" Too scared too move.

Wrath "he said you would act like this, when the time comes and you have seen him for what he is, break this and call out my name" handing her a small stone tablet with a Oroborus symbol on it.

Serendine "I will not let what happen here go un..." getting cut off.

Watching as gluttony picks up draglu by his neck, bluish pink electricity sparks, keeping him asleep, cut he's arm off, blood hittin serendine face, just for a new arm too be reconstructed, armor and all.

Serendine "please let him go" crying, wiping the blood from her face, as she drops too her knees.

Wrath "I would think hard about what you say with in the walls of this castle, like I said we are here too help remember my words, let's go gluttony" stepping up on the rail.

Serendine "uhhh?!" Watching as gluttony dropped draglu, then proceeded to eat his arm, her mouth opened wide.

Gluttony "disgusting" getting up on the rail too.

Serendine "who are you!" Trying too get out words through tears, just too see wrath tap her foot, greenish red electricity Sparks cross the floor, wrapping the unconscious people's head.

Wrath "clean yourself up, you have time before they wake up, they will not remember, as long as you do not speak of it, if you do he will remember that pain, as for who" laughing as her and gluttony drop of the edge.

Wrath "we are the sins, that lie in all humans hearts" her voice disappearing

Serendine "I will not forget" anger in her eyes, but there was also fear.